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Vote For Your Super Bowl Ad Faves On Facebook

For the first time, this year you'll have a chance to vote on your favorite Super Bowl ads on Facebook. By the way, the Super Bowl is on Fox this year; kickoff is at 3:25 pm PST / 6:25 pm EST. Go to thepage, and there you'll see Facebook Replay, eventually including all the . Although the page was supposed to open at 2 p.m. Eastern today, according to , it's already populated with lots of spots waiting for your vote. Click "like" on your favorites, and the winner will be announced on Thursday. Don't worry if you've missed the voting on Super Bowl Sunday you'll be able to pick your favorites until Wednesday. Couple of comments: Isn't this an ad man's dream, where people scramble to watch corporate advertisements? Consumers are transformed into instant fans of these mini masterpieces, recommending them to their friends in an explosion of viral marketing. Maybe this year's $3 million price tag for each 30 seconds of ad time is getting closer to being a good investment, thanks to . One other point: Have you noticed the numerous references everywhere to "The Big Game?" Advertisers and corporate entities are bending over backwards not to mention those hallowed registered trademarked words owned by the , because, of course, that'll cost them. But not us -- we can write it all we want, like so: Super Bowl, Super Bowl, Super Bowl. I'll write one more thing. Packers by 7. Duke of Drf presents .Afro Beach (Need Someone) .The Capital of Harder Styles .Funky Latinas EP .Les Histoires Extra Ordinaires Dun Jeune de Banlieue