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Emo boyfriend breaks into girlfriends house, urinates in her wine bottle

Read more stories from The Daily CallerA Michigan home builder released his emotions, and then some, when he broke into his girlfriend’s apartment and urinated in various containers in her refrigerator, the Grand Rapids PressThursday.Richard Ted Bloem of Jenison, Mich. was charged with second-degree home invasion and placing harmful objects in food.Bloem urinated in a pitcher of Crystal Light, a carton of Land o’ Lakes half-and-half creamer, and a bottle of wine in his girlfriend’s refrigerator.The woman drank some of the Crystal Light and detected an odd taste. She also experienced queasiness upon drinking a cup of coffee with the creamer in it. She suspected he poisoned her when she noticed her wine bottle was fuller than it had previously been.Bloem pleaded no contest to the break-in, the Grand Rapids Presslater on Thursday. His lawyer planned to have him testify that drinking urine is not harmful and even endorsed in some cultures. Bloem still faces a felony prison sentence of up to 15 years if convicted.Detectives said he admitted to relieving himself in the woman’s refrigerator.Bloem’s recent bizarre act of harassment toward his girlfriend is the latest in a long line of psychological attacks. Bloem also stalked his girlfriend, called her parents, and left her sexually demeaning voice mails. Live at Godskitchen Global Gathering (30 july 2005).Download The Disco Opera.Arrange version .Voodoo.Live at Club FG (13 february 2005)