
A tutti gli ignobili, miserrimi, vomitevoli esseri umani che abbruttiscono la vita, il mondo...

                                                UPRISINGParanoia is in bloom * The PR transmissions will resume * The'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down * And hope that we will never  see the Truth around * Another promise Another seed Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in creed * And all the green belts wrapped around our minds * And endless red tape to keep the Truth confined * SO COME ON! * THEY WILL NOT FORCE US * THEY WILL STOP DEGRADING US * THEY WILL NOT CONTROL US * WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS * Interchanging mind control * Come let the revolution takes its toll * If you could flick the switch and open your third eye * You'd see that * WE SHOULD NEVER BE AFRAID TO DIE * SO COME ON! * Rise up and take the power back * It's time the fat cats had a hearth attack * They know that their time's comng to an end * WE HAVE TO UNIFY AND WATCH OUR FLAG ASCEND * THEY WILL NOT FORCE US * THEY WILL STOP DEGRADING US * THEY WILL NOT ENSLAVE US * WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!!!