
Russia boss puluohuoluofu has dropped

Russia boss puluohuoluofu has dropped the wage cost almost US $ 200 million a season, for making the nets as soon as possible to obtain overall champion, combined with Garnett (microblogging), Pierce's brilliant numbered, Kidd must be taught from the first days of his career, to nike blazer low sale  champion attacks. "Heat is the Union of the target, because they are the champions, they formed a strong team, if you want to compete with them, top will also have a large number of warriors, and now we've got. "Garnett, Pierce and Terry joined the nets press conference, announced Kidd is so high profile, dying down on myself personally.Lin Shuhao is now authentic NBA (microblogging) the only yellow, their parents ' ancestral home in mainland China, ancestors moved to Taiwan, and they were born in the United States, California, such a nike blazer mid sale complex identity background attracts Basketball Association joined to "Lin Shuhao scramble". Along with "forest mad" boom cooling, its winning United States national team possibility is decreasing, but also because of that, Chinese Taipei saw a new level of hope.2012 "forest mad" after red all over the world, where he will represent the team has become a hot topic. Lin Shuhao acknowledged that both China and Chinese Taipei an invitation to yourself. Although you can join the Chinese team in the London Olympics, but Lin Shuhao says not to rush into decisions: "I will take into account all possible and then carefully make a decision. "The United States media reported that Lin Shuhao has entered the United States men's basketball team list, he will not easily give up put on United States uniform opportunities.