
How to Hack and Test Web Apps for Security Flaws

Websites that are accessible from anywhere are prime targets for attackers. Many firms are unaware that their websites may be vulnerable to attack. We'll look at the basics of penetration testing which is a highly effective method of testing for preventing cyber attacks. We'll also cover steps to perform it on your own and some tips on how to prevent these attacks.

Defining penetration testing:

It's a type of security testing that assesses the security of a web application by simulating attacks. The goal is to find out flaws and get to fixing them before someone takes advantage.

How does it work?

It works by using the same techniques a hacker would, thus trying to find any weak spots in the system before an actual attacker does.

Types of pen tests:

Black-box pen testing: Here, the tester has no knowledge of the system beforehand. They will have to gather information from public sources and perform the same steps as a hacker. This is effective for testing against outsider threats. White-box pen testing: Here, the tester has a complete idea of the web app and its working. They would know IP addresses, usernames, etc. This is effective for testing against insider threats. Gray-box pen testing: This type of testing is a mix of black-box and white-box pen testing. The tester only has some relevant information on the web application. They may know some usernames and passwords, but not all of them. This type of web app pen testing is effective for testing against past employees or current employees with low access privileges.

Importance of pen testing:

Performing regular penetration tests is important for every organization as it's one of the most effective ways to find and fix vulnerabilities in systems before they can be exploited by attackers.

Benefits of penetration testing:

Major security issues with web apps:

Tips on how to prevent these attacks:

Steps to pen test a web application:


Before starting the actual penetration test, it's important to do some preparation. This includes understanding the scope of the test, identifying the goals, and setting up the test environment.


The next step is discovery, where you'll collect information about the target system.


After the information has been gathered, the next step is to scan the system for vulnerabilities.


Once vulnerabilities have been identified, the next step is to try and exploit them. This will allow you to see if an attacker can actually gain access to the system and what they would be able to do once they're in.


The final step is post-exploitation, where you'll gather information about the system and try to maintain access. This can be done by escalating privileges, planting backdoors, or covering your tracks.


Once the penetration test is complete, it's important to report the findings. This will help the organization understand what needs to be fixed and how to prevent similar attacks in the future.

What to know before starting?


Performing a penetration test can help you find and fix security flaws in your web app before attackers do. By following the steps above, you can perform a successful test and improve your overall security posture. Remember to always get permission before starting the test and to follow a methodology to ensure comprehensive coverage.