

The fantasy of El Dorado, a lost city of gold, led many a conquistador on a vain journey through South America's rainforests and mountains. It was fair pie in the sky considering, though. Later archeological consider uncovers that the "brilliant one" was an individual instead of a    Columbus' landing in the Americas in 1492 checked the beginning of a world-changing collision of cultures. It was a terrible confrontation of oppositely contradicted ways of life and conviction systems.   The European myth of El Dorado, as a misplaced city of gold awaiting revelation by a gutsy conqueror, symbolizes the Europeans' unquenchable craving for gold and their immovable assurance to misuse these modern regions for their financial value. The South American legend of El Dorado, on the other hand, portrays the genuine nature of the arrival and its occupants. El Dorado, for them, was never a put, but a ruler so affluent that he supposedly wrapped himself in gold from head to toe each morning and washed it off in a sacred lake every evening. The true story behind the myth has been carefully pieced together in later years through a combination of early authentic compositions and new archeological investigations. It is based on a real account of almost a ceremony of entry occasion performed by the Muisca people groups of Central Colombia from AD800 to the show day. EL DORADO IN PIZARRO'S SEARCH  In February 1541, another Spanish vanquisher called Gonzales Pizarro collected a little band of men and went off from Quito, Ecuador, in search of the legendary ruler El Dorado's domain. In his possess reports of his travel; Pizarro alludes to El Dorado as a lake, not a man. In a third modern source, the chronicler Pedro de Cieza de León, who portrays the same trip, alludes to El Dorado as a valley.  Pizarro set out from Quito with a few hundred conquistadors and 4,000 nearby servants. They were shackled and chained, beside steeds, llamas, 2,000 pigs, and a break-even with the number of hunting mutts. Pizarro expected to find civilization within the close future, with the wide territory, worked areas, towns, and towns. Instep, after walking for weeks and months through the rainy season's haziness of the rainforest, over mountains, swamps, and streams, he discovered nothing but – within the words of Cieza de León – suffering, famine, and hopelessness. This El Dorado story appears how the legend got to be one of the essential inspirations for European exploration of South America north of the equator.   THE CONQUISTADORS FROM GERMANY   Pizarro's was the primary official hunt for El Dorado. Be that as it may, as word of the brilliant landmass spread, more conquistadors started to imagine that their voyages into the insides were in search of it.   According to Jose Ignacio Avellaneda's article "The Men of Nikolaus Federmann," this can be demonstrated within the stories of Sebastian de Benalcázar, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, and Nikolaus Federmann ("The Americas", Vol. 43, No. 4, Apr., 1987). The nearness of Nikolaus Federmann among the conquistadors in Colombia demonstrates that, whereas the endless lion's share of them was Spanish, the picture is more complicated than is commonly accepted.  The average conquistador party consisted basically of destitute Spanish men from Andalusia, Castile, and Extremadura who had voyaged to Seville and after that to San Lcar de Barrameda, where the Guadalquivir purges into the Atlantic and where most voyages to South America began.   There were moreover Dutch, Flemish, German, Italian, Albanian, English, Scots, and others in this bunch. The Germans were by distant the most prominent of these all through the 1530s.   According to the book "Man's Common Products" (Hesperides, 2008), the head Charles Vowed the Augsburg managing an account line 143,000 florins in 1528. Because they couldn't pay, Charles gave them the area of Venezuela instead, keeping 20% of any treasure found and the same on slaves – a circumstance that endured until 1546.   One of the most punctual, driven by Ambrosius Ehinger, overseen a hoard of 405 pounds (184 kilograms) of gold through blackmail and brutality.  Nearly everybody including counting Ehinger passed on as a result of this. When the survivors returned to Coro, Venezuela's capital, after two a long time separated, they uncovered that they had hidden the riches under a tree and had never discovered it again.