Top Choices for IELTS Classes in Chandigarh

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There are many things done in the  IELTS institutes in Chandigarh  to increase the scores of the students. The centers conduct workshops where they teach what needs to be done for the specific module so that the aspirants get better scores. Let’s see what is done to improve Listening and Speaking:


Getting Used to English Accents:

Every language has different dialects based on the colloquial usage of the language in various regions which sometimes makes it difficult for people to understand what is said. This is the biggest challenge faced by IELTS test takers because they not only have to listen to a non-native language, but they are also expected to understand it in different styles. Therefore, familiarization of students with the various popular English accents is extremely important in listening practice. It leads to a better understanding of the content people speak in the recordings played for the IELTS listening test. 

To do so, students are made to practice recordings of different accents such as British, American, Australian etc. Of all of them, the British accent is considered to be the toughest to understand as it is quiet heavy. Students are advised to listen to various contents in a variety of accents in movies, TV series, News or Podcasts so that they become familiar with all types of English accents.

Some of the centers play English movies once a week with subtitles in various accents for the students which is a nice change from the schedule and students welcome that. Students are told to follow it carefully because at the end of the session, they will be asked questions based on the scenes they will see. Thus, they focus on the language and words more which makes them familiar with the accent and pronunciation.

Improving Focus:

Playing the game called “The Chinese Whisper” also helps to improve concentration and focus. Sometimes in the workshops conducted by the  IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh , it is conducted in small groups where a sentence is passed on in the ear from one student to another sitting in a sequence and at the end the last person tells the sentence that he heard . If everyone is focused, the sentence will be the same but it will be different if even one person was not focusing properly. Fun and learning together makes it quite interesting to improve listening skills.


Classroom Cue-Card Discussion:

Use of English fluently in verbal communication is tested in the IELTS speaking test, therefore one needs to showcase great speaking skills in the language in front of the examiner. The  IELTS coaching centers in Chandigarh  keep on conducting workshops in the centers to improve the speaking skills apart from the regular practice session. These include classroom discussions on idea generation for the second part of the speaking test which is called “Cue-card” as students find it challenging to build enough content on the given topic. In this session the ways to construct the story on the topic are taught along with the best way to make short notes for yourself (allowed in the final test too).

Open Speaking in Class:

Besides that, sometimes there is open speaking conducted in the classroom in front of the whole class which helps to learn a good variety of the content on the same topic thereby enhancing the awareness of the students about a situation. If one fails in developing the idea, they get to learn from the other person’s content. This collective exercise helps in generating ideas.

Spoken Activities:

Group discussion or debate in the classroom are also some of the activities conducted to encourage students to speak and express their views and opinions in English freely. This helps to build confidence while using the language which is extremely important.

To conclude, IELTS coaching centers in Chandigarh  are believed to be the best due to their better approach towards language learning which is not seen anywhere else as they keep on teaching it as a subject with is quite boring for the students. There needs to be interaction with people if you aim to learn better spoken skills, be it between students or between students and teachers because that boosts confidence and helps students shed hesitation to use the language proficiently. 

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Top Choices for IELTS Classes in Chandigarhultima modifica: 2024-07-13T11:33:32+02:00da Abroadgateway7

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