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Online Citation Generators

Websites That Help Students Create Properly Formatted References Students can find help creating properly formatted citations in different styles from a variety of online citation generators. I will try to write my essay now, keep reading. The Internet has made finding information very easy, and many World Wide Web users forget that this information is automatically copyrighted. Though a copyright condition called Fair Use allows for conditional use when the material is being used for education purposes it is important for students to understand the limitations. One piece of understanding copyright is for students to understand how to give credit to the copyright holder. Learning to properly cite sources when writing academic papers is an important part of education. Whether the source being cited is online or in print, or the style of referencing is APA, MLA, Chicago or another familiar style, there are online websites dedicated to helping. Sites That Offer Examples Some online reference sites are electronic support to traditional print books. For example, Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age, Fourth Edition, by Diana Hacker, covers the specifics about each major subject area (Humanities, Social Sciences, History and Natural Science) and which reference style is in common use. The companion website contains updated information about style changes or additions and also a list of examples, sample papers, and a list of specialized sources for pursuing research in each of the major subject areas. Other sites offer specialized help in specific styles. For example, the American Physical Society maintains a site, APA style, specifically dedicated to providing resources for using APA style. The University of Chicago also maintains a website, The Chicago Manual of Style Online, dedicated to the nuances of using Chicago-style citations. More Resources Who Can Write My College Essay for Me Help Me Write My College Essay Write My Essay Today Online Generators With Copy and Paste Results If quick results or help with getting the citation exactly right is all that is needed, then there are online generators that will provide copy and paste results. Two popular sites, Son of Citation Machine and EasyBib both provide a generator that will ask for information about the source, such as what type of media, author(s), publication information, etc. In return, the website provides the correctly formatted source in MLA, APA or Chicago/Turabian. Though an online source generator is not a replacement for understanding copyright rules, they are a convenient help when creating the bibliography or works cited at the end of a research paper. There are also websites that provide more specific assistance with the formats of various styles. No matter what, it is always important for students to learn about copyright laws and how to properly give credit to the copyright holders. For more information about how fair use applies to copyrights, read "Сan Нou Write My Essay" and "Understanding Educational Fair Use".