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How to Format a Research Paper Correctly

College students can format research papers correctly by learning the different parts of a research paper and following these simple guidelines. When it comes to formatting requirements, although occasionally an instructor might give specific instructions that differ from the norm, most instructors have similar expectations, so if you follow the guidelines below, you will be assured of submitting papers that are formatted correctly. That said, however, you should always ask for clarification if there is any uncertainty regarding a particular instructor’s requirements. The Different Parts of a Research Paper There are several parts to do my essay or a research paper, some standard, others optional, including the following: Basic Formatting Requirements for a College Research Paper Before submitting a paper, prepare the final copy on a good quality standard 8½-by-11-inch paper of a common weight and thickness, for example, 16-20 pound bond paper (Barnwell & Dees, 1999). Moreover, use a font style and size that are readable, and in both APA and MLA, the only acceptable font styles are Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier, while the only acceptable font size is 12-point, except in certain rare circumstances explained in the APA and MLA manuals. Finally, use only black ink, not blue, purple, or, heaven forbid, chartreuse, and make certain the printed copy is legible, not smeared or the text so light as to be unreadable. How to Format Margins on Research Papers Unless a paper is intended to be bound, in which case the left margin should be 1½-inch, margins should be 1-inch on both sides and at the top and bottom of all pages. Additionally, text in the body of the paper, other than the paper’s title on the first page, which is centered, should be aligned left, not justified or aligned right. How to Format Page Numbers on Research Papers Number all pages, beginning with the tile or cover page, which is page one. What’s more, page numbers should be inserted into the header, along with a shortened form (two to three words) of the paper’s title. For example, if the title of your paper is “An Examination of T. S. Eliot’s ‘Wasteland’”, you might use “Eliot’s Wasteland” in the header. How to Format a Reference or Works Cited Page According to John Langan, author of English Skills (2001), students should keep these guidelines in mind when formatting a list of utilized sources: Related Resources Can I Pay Someone to Write My Essay Write My Essay for Me Free Help Me Write My Essay Additional Formatting Guidelines for College Papers Some other guidelines to keep in mind when formatting college papers are these: In summary, all students can learn to format research papers correctly as long as they’re willing to make the effort, and if they are willing, in the end that effort will pay off in the form of higher grades. But someone might be wailing the internet "cheap write my essay".