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How to search for a job

It is not easy to find a good job: the crisis does not subside, budgets are cut, salaries are cut, employees are fired. In order not to be left without a good job in the conditions of increased competition in the labor market, you need to be able to search for it competently. Moreover, people do not find about 85% of vacancies at all through ads. How to look for a good job? It would seem that this is so difficult? Posted an ad on the Internet, sit and wait for a call from a cool company with the words “Well, we finally found you!”. But for an ordinary employee, all this is from the realm of fantasy. Finding a job is also a job! Approach it as responsibly as you would any other job. There are a few simple rules, following which you will significantly increase your chances of finding an interesting, well-paid position. For more info, you can visit our website at - https://todaywork.ru/ Decide what exactly you are applying for The job change may have been unplanned, but don't panic and send out hundreds of resumes a day. Formulate for yourself what position you are applying for, decide on the level of payment and field of activity, only after that propose your candidacy. Solve the following questions for yourself: Write a Good Resume A resume is the first thing an employer sees, and on the basis of which he makes an initial impression of you. The resume should be: informative, but at the same time concise; containing up-to-date, up-to-date and truthful information; compiled without errors; focusing on your strengths. Today, there are many online services with which you can create a presentable, competent resume for free, for example, SimpleDoc. Prepare for an interview with an employer When preparing for an interview, imagine that you happen to be in an elevator with the head of a large company, and you only have 30 seconds to convince him of your worth as an employee. Brevity, as you know, is the sister of talent. Your story about your skills and achievements should not exceed 150 words. Even if you do not ride in elevators with the heads of large companies, the skills of such a presentation are vital for you. At least in order to understand for yourself what you are like as an employee. Stay alert and prepare for a stressful interview during which recruiters ask seemingly completely irrelevant questions. This is how they evaluate your stress resistance. Use all possible job search channels Contact friends, former colleagues, employers. People engaged in one type of activity know about existing vacancies not only in their own, but also in related organizations. And they can mention you in a conversation with colleagues as a good specialist. Student connections are especially useful. Plan your actions: make a list of people you know who can help you; decide how long you will contact them; start calling and communicating using all means for this: telephone, skype, social networks, real meetings. Search everywhere and always. Even going to a friend's birthday party, try to take the chance to expand your circle of acquaintances and establish useful connections. Of course, don't go all out talking all night about how valuable you are. But don't miss the opportunity to use your "elevator speech" and mention that you're looking for a job. Below we have systematized possible sources of job search: personal contacts: relatives, friends, social networks; professional communities; printed publications with job advertisements; and Internet job search sites and bulletin boards; sections about vacancies on company websites; recruitment agencies; labor exchange. Each of these methods has pros and cons, but advancing on all fronts, your search will definitely succeed. Expand your circle of acquaintances among specialists An important component of the job search is the expansion of the circle of acquaintances in the professional field. As a professional, you will always be aware of the latest trends and trends, as well as learn about companies offering vacancies. Discuss articles on your specialty, do not be afraid to express your professional opinion. Try to regularly improve your skills, attend courses even when you are not actively searching: the more connections you make, the better. Источник: Блог кадровика