In the world of digital technology and online communications, brands and trademarks play a key role in defining the uniqueness of products and services. However, with the development of the Internet and the emergence of new platforms for the dissemination of information, including search engines, new challenges have arisen to protect these rights. Google, as one of the largest search engines, inevitably faced problems with Trademark Infringement. In this article we will look at how the company reacts to such violations and what measures it takes to prevent them. Current situation with trademark infringements Every year the number of Internet domains and web pages grows, which increases the likelihood of misuse of trademarks. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals try to take advantage of the popularity of well-known brands to attract attention or even scam people. This may include creating websites with similar names or using trademarks in advertisements without appropriate permissions. Google's actions to combat trademark infringement Google recognizes the importance of trademark rights protection and takes proactive measures to combat violations in its search results and advertising platforms. The company has developed a set of policies and algorithms aimed at identifying and mitigating the impact of violations on users. First, Google has mechanisms for handling complaints from copyright holders. This allows brands to report illegal use of their trademarks and request that action be taken to remove or restrict access to the relevant content. Secondly, the company is actively working to improve its search and ad filtering algorithms. This includes automatically identifying suspicious sites and ads that infringe trademark rights and preventing them from appearing in search results or advertising platforms. Challenges and prospects Despite Google's proactive efforts, combating trademark infringement remains a challenge. With the advent of new technologies and methods to bypass security mechanisms, companies are faced with a constant need to improve their approaches. Prospects include further development and automation of breach detection methods, as well as collaboration with law enforcement agencies and other companies to more effectively combat this problem. With the rapid development of the Internet and digital technologies, protecting trademark rights has become an increasingly important task for companies, including Google. While the challenges remain significant, proactive action and continuous improvements in approach enable companies to act effectively in this area. Working to prevent trademark infringement not only promotes fairness in the online environment, but also maintains brand integrity and user trust.