Brain Fog: What is it and how can smart meds like Artvigil help?


Imagine going through your daily work schedule and really trying hard to focus on your work and yet you are not able to. How frustrating is that! Would it be that your brain is running low on fuel? Yes and no! Let us see how.

What is Brain Fog?

A person asks you a question on a topic you are very well acquainted with. However, you find that you are unable to come up with an answer with the usual vigor you have. Instead, you are confused and take a while to come up with the answer. What you are experiencing is called Brain Fog. Brain Fog is a generic term for dysfunction you might be experiencing in focusing, learning, the memory that may bring in brief episodes of confusion, disorientated behavior, and irritation.

So is getting confused or simply being disoriented the definite symptom of experiencing brain fog? There are some more symptoms that attribute to brain fog;

  • Memory problems
  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Poor concentrating abilities
  • Inability to focus on even the minor activities

brain fog

As seen thus the person experiences discomfort and as such is unable to perform optimally at work or at home. Further, this depletes the confidence of the user and this makes the person feel ill at ease. One should not ignore the symptoms and proper consultation with a medical professional can help a great deal. Getting help in proper time can help in preventing any further effects of the problem.

What causes Brain Fog?

In causing brain fog, stress is mostly the key reason. Stress can bring another plethora of ailments that may hamper your mental and/ or physical health. Let us look at some of the other well-known reasons for the emergence of Brain Fog;

  • Inadequate sleep on a regular basis
  • Hormonal change
  • Diet and food intake
  • Some medications can also certain side effects that lead to conditions like Brain Fog
  • Certain medical conditions can also dip in the mental health of the person. Some of these include anemia, depression, diabetes, migraine, dehydration, etc.

As the condition is a well specified one, where you can detect the symptoms clearly, therefore the doctors often rely on blood work for finding help with the conditions. A blood test conducted on the person may indicate the following key attributes that greatly assists the doctor in giving you a diagnosis along with the proper medications and dosage frequency;

  • Abnormal glucose levels
  • Poor kidney, liver, thyroid functions
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Infections
  • Inflammatory diseases

How can we fight it?

Medical professionals often quote that some ailments are best treated in the vicinity of the house. Brain fogging is also an ailment that one can manage at home;

  • Try sleeping for 8-9 hours daily for an adequate amount of rest to your mind and body
  • Managing stress. This can be tricky as the world today is filled with factors that can add to the stress. Know your limitations and more importantly where you need to bring in your mental energy. Don’t waste your time and energy thinking and working for matters that do not require your utmost attention
  • Stress can be a major deterrent in helping the person think clearly. This may sometimes result in the person being dependent on increasing amounts of alcohol and caffeine. This should be avoided as alcohol and caffeine can themselves bring in more ailments that may be detrimental to you.
  • Exercising can build a body up from scratch. Exercise daily and this will help in getting your body and mind in the right state.
  • Increase your intake of protein, fruits, vegetables, etc. A balanced, well-nutritional diet can fuel the body for extreme challenges where you might otherwise find difficult.
  • When in the comfort of your home, find enjoyable activities to do that will keep you occupied and not bring in any negative thoughts.
  • Strengthen your brain power to be ready to face the challenges so that you come out on top

Apart from all these, the medical professional around the world also recommends taking medications that help in the proper cognitive growth and confidence boost. These meds should, however, be taken after proper medical consultation. The medications we are talking about are Smart Drugs. Let us see how these smart drugs can help people.

Smart drugs: Aiding you

Medications are now available that can boost your brain power and even give you the confidence to work higher. Often called smart drugs or Nootropics, these meds might just be the revolutionary feature of today that pushes the people to go further and achieve their goals.

Perhaps the most widely known smart drug is Modafinil. Modafinil is the world’s first smart drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, USA in 1998 for sale and uses in various countries in including the United States.  But as time passed, people realized the need to have a med that was better and could last longer. Modafinil also has some minor side effects. Would it not be great if one could find a smart drug that could possess the benefits of the smart drug along with having a reduced number of side effects? Thankfully, there is! The researchers found the R-enantiomer of the Modafinil molecule to be a viable solution for the matter. This R-enantiomer was developed to bring in Armodafinil, the enhanced form of the smart drug compound Modafinil.

Much like Modafinil, Armodafinil too has cognition increasing properties. Also much like Modafinil, Armodafinil too has several brand versions that have their own benefits over their Modafinil counterparts. A popular brand version of the smart drug Armodafinil is Artvigil 150 mg. Before we go into what is Artvigil, let us see the basic benefits of Armodafinil over its predecessor.

Benefits of Armodafinil over Modafinil

  • Armodafinil or its derivative drugs are known to be more potent than Modafinil
  • Modafinil drugs last for around 12-13 hours, while Armodafinil lasts for around 15 hours
  • Since it is the R-enantiomer of the Modafinil molecule, therefore, the same level of effect can be felt by taking in a lower strength or dose of Armodafinil drugs.
  • These meds also have a lower number of side effects
  • Armodafinil drugs also tend to act quicker than other smart drugs.

The digital age comes with its set of benefits for the user. Online purchase of meds can be medium to bring in medications that are superior in quality. Other benefits like free-shipping, affordable rates are also incorporated in the services. Over the counter, med shops are traditional and thus require a prescription from the doctor. Online med shops do not ask for prescriptions for first-time purchases or even for refills. Buy smart pills online from the online stores for high-quality meds and cheaper rates than the over the counter shops. Much like other smart drugs you can buy Artvigil online at a number of online pharmacies.

Mechanism of action of Artvigil

We will now look at the question as what is Artvigil and how does it work. The active compound in the smart pill is Armodafinil. Armodafinil acts on the neurotransmitters (mostly Dopamine) and other hormones in the body. Dopamine in the body is taken up by the synapses and thus is continuously produced and taken in at the reuptake point. As the compound in the Artvigil smart pill restricts the uptake of Dopamine, the neurotransmitter starts forming a pool like structure which is used by the body. Dopamine or the feel-good hormone of the body elevates the mood and makes us feel awake and active for prolonged periods of time. Artvigil dosage elevates the person’s confidence and allows him/ her to go for the goals.

Apart from the neurotransmitter Dopamine, other hormones like Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and Histamine are also increased in levels. These increased hormones and neurotransmitters give the user the needed effect and also thus makes us feel euphoric and ready for the challenges of the day. This compound also elevates our mood and thus helps people who suffer from depression.

brain function

Side Effects of Artvigil

Much like all other medications the smart drug Artvigil also has certain side effects that can be harmful to the user. As these side effects show up, it is highly important that the person should rush to the emergency room immediately. There can be many side effects of the medication Artvigil or smart drugs, in general. The most commonly experienced ones are;

  • A mild headache
  • Nauseating feeling
  • Muscular pain
  • Anxiety, confusion
  • Chest pain, etc.
  • In some of the rarest cases, the person may also experience allergic reactions like seizures, compulsions, etc. To avoid this let your doctor known about your medical history.

These are simply the most commonly experienced side effects. There can be some uncommon side effects like rashes, disorientation, etc. Do not panic in such cases, and hurry for immediate medical assistance.

Safety measures that need to be maintained

Considering the fact that the medication is a strong one, it might also affect the user greatly if one is careless with it. Hence there are certain measures you need to ensure so that the medication is taken in a proper manner and thus does not bring in any negative effects. Meds should be used the way they are meant to, not for recreational purposes. Some of the most commonly advised precautionary measures are;

  • Always update your doctor on your medical history (allergies, prior medications). This will help the doctor analyze if the medication is suitable enough for you, also prescribing you a proper dose.
  • Never overdose or abuse the med. Using medicines for recreational purposes can be a risky business.
  • People who suffer from the ailments of the heart, liver, and kidney should abstain from using this drug as it can harm their physiology even further.
  • Expecting or lactating mothers should also avoid thus drug as it can prove to be harmful both for the offspring and the mother.
  • In case of any side effects consult the doctor at once for proper medical assistance
  • Never mix the compound with alcohol or any such substances.
  • Store the medication away from the reach of children and also from direct sunlight.

Brain fog is a condition that can prove to be detrimental for one’s performance at work or in the academic circle. As such smart drugs like Artvigil are very useful that can help in countering the effects of the condition troubling us. However proper care should be maintained that the FDA Approved med does not harm the user instead. A healthy mind and a healthy body can go a long way in helping us solve our challenges.

Brain Fog: What is it and how can smart meds like Artvigil help?ultima modifica: 2018-12-14T10:20:38+01:00da wayneaustin257