Affiliate Marketing Success with ChatGPT: Rank Higher, Faster on Google

If you’re like me, you probably hate creating content for affiliate websites. It’s very time-consuming, boring, and honestly it’s just not fun.

The alternative is to outsource your article writing and HOPE the writer knows a little about SEO and how to properly format articles.

Lucky for you, all that changes today!

Have you tried using ChatGPT to create content for your websites to promote affiliate products?

You won’t believe the results my buddy Chris is getting doing exactly this! In fact, he just wrote a complete article that explains step by step how he does this and gets products ranked on the 1st page of Google in just a few days.

This is a game-changing course that will supercharge your earnings potential by leveraging AI-powered content!

I’ll show you how to build an affiliate website using 100% AI content from ChatGPT.

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What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a sort of marketing that is performance-based in which a marketer promotes items or services of another business in exchange for a cut of the sales they bring in. The affiliate marketer has a range of ways to advertise the goods or services, including their own website, social media accounts, and email campaigns.

For both businesses and affiliate marketers, affiliate marketing is a well-liked marketing strategy. Affiliate marketing is an appropriate way for companies to expand their consumer base and increase revenue. It can be a way for affiliate marketers to make money off of goods or services that they would have bought anyhow.

Here’s everything you’re going to learn to do:

Lesson-01: The Effects of AI on the Future of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online at home. Affiliate marketing pays you a commission for each sale you make by promoting other people’s goods or services. Choosing a successful domain name is one of the most crucial aspects of affiliate marketing.

A domain name that is available, related to your niche, and simple to remember will be beneficial. It must also be concise, without hyphens or numerals, and uncomplicated.

Understanding AI in Affiliate Marketing

The world of affiliate marketing is quickly changing due to artificial intelligence (AI). AI can be used to automate processes like generating reports, tracking performance, and identifying new affiliates. AI can also be used to tailor content and suggestions to each user individually.

Note: If you would like to want a video course step by step how to start affiliate marketing with chatGPT then follow this course

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The ability to detect fraud is one of the most exciting uses of AI in affiliate marketing. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to detect bogus clicks and purchases, thereby preventing affiliate marketers from suffering financial losses.

Future Trends and Opportunities

Future trends suggest that affiliate marketing will increasingly incorporate AI. AI technology will become progressively more potent and adaptable as it advances. This will give affiliate marketers more chances to employ AI to enhance their marketing.

Some of the potential future trends in AI for affiliate marketing include:

  • Personalized recommendations: AI can be used to create recommendations that are tailored to each user individually. Conversion rates may rise as a result, and user experience as a whole may be enhanced.
  • Fraud detection: Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to spot phoney clicks and sales. This can aid in preventing affiliate marketers from suffering financial setbacks.
  • Content optimization: AI can be used to optimize content for search engines. This might encourage more people to visit affiliate websites.

Lesson-02: Exploring Different AI Tools Used to Create Content

The creation of interesting content is essential for today’s digital audiences and for promoting corporate success. Content producers now have access to a number of AI tools thanks to the development of artificial intelligence (AI), which may help them produce high-quality, pertinent, and interesting content. This article examines various AI content production systems, emphasising their advantages, capabilities, and prospective uses.

  1. Natural Language Generation (NLG) Tools:

Based on specified criteria and data inputs, NLG technologies employ AI algorithms to automatically produce text that resembles human speech. Articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and social media updates can all be created using these tools. NLG technologies analyse data, such as user preferences, statistical data, or structured data, and turn it into comprehensible narratives. By automating the writing process and preserving a consistent tone and style, they can help content authors save time and effort.

  1. Content Curation and Recommendation Engines:

In order to curate pertinent and personalised material for certain audiences, AI-powered content curation technologies analyse enormous volumes of data from numerous sources, such as news articles, blog entries, and social media. These solutions help content producers give personalised content recommendations by using machine learning algorithms to comprehend user preferences and behaviours. material producers can add value to their viewers by using these technologies to present them with curated material that is relevant to their interests.

  1. Image and Video Generation Tools:

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are able to produce images and films by turning verbal explanations or concepts into visual information. These tools have the ability to produce graphics that closely mimic actual photos or movies using methods like deep learning and computer vision. For marketing campaigns, social media posts, or blog pieces, they can create graphics, illustrations, or video clips. These technologies can be used by content producers to improve their visual storytelling and produce interesting multimedia material.

  1. Sentiment Analysis and Topic Research Tools:

Natural language processing methods are used by sentiment analysis systems to examine text and ascertain the sentiment, whether positive, negative, or neutral. With the aid of these technologies, content producers can assess how the general audience feels about a given subject, good, or service and modify their content strategy accordingly. To help content creators create timely and relevant material, topic research tools use AI algorithms to detect current topics, keywords, and popular content themes.

  1. SEO Optimization Tools:

AI-powered SEO optimization tools help content producers raise their content’s visibility and rankings on search engines. These tools examine keywords, search patterns, and competition information to offer optimisation suggestions that could improve the discoverability of a piece of content. They offer suggestions for the use of keywords, meta descriptions, headings, and other on-page SEO components. By utilising these tools, content producers may make sure that their work is search engine optimised, increasing the likelihood that it will be seen by more people.

  1. Grammar and Editing Tools:

Natural language processing techniques are used by AI-powered grammar and editing tools to examine and enhance the quality of written content. These programs can offer style suggestions, point out sentence structure flaws, find plagiarism, and identify grammatical faults. By using these tools, content creators can improve the readability and professionalism of their work while also making sure it is free of errors and complies with grammar and style rules.

Note: Learn how to use ChatGPT to create Google-friendly WordPress affiliate sites for product reviews and informational content that rank!

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Here are some additional tips for using AI tools to create content:

  • Choose the right tool for the job: Not all AI tools are made equal. For some content kinds, some tools work better than others. Spend some time learning about the many tools that are offered before selecting the one that best suits your requirements.
  • Use the tool as a starting point: Although AI technologies might be a wonderful place to start when creating content, they shouldn’t be utilised in place of human creativity. Utilise the tool to help you come up with ideas, and then use your discretion to hone and improve the text.
  • Be aware of the limitations of AI: these systems are still in the early stages of research and subject to error. Before releasing your work, make sure to thoroughly edit it.

By following these tips, you can use AI tools to create content that is both effective and engaging.

Lesson-03: Picking a Web Host for Your WordPress Site

The success of your WordPress website depends on selecting the best web hosting company. Your website will run efficiently, be secure, and offer a seamless user experience if it is hosted by a reputable company that has optimized its servers. You can make an informed choice that fits the needs of your website by using the information in this article to help you choose a web host for your WordPress website.

There are a few considerations you should make when selecting a web server for your WordPress website:

  • Speed: Your web host should give your WordPress site quick loading times. Both your users and your search engine ranking will benefit from this.
  • Security: To keep your WordPress site safe from hackers, your web host should offer robust security features.
  • Support: If you need assistance with your WordPress site, your web host should be available around-the-clock.
  • User-Friendly Control Panel: Easy-to-use control panel Your website, databases, email accounts, and other hosting settings are simpler to handle with a user-friendly control panel, like cPanel or a custom interface. Even for users with little technical knowledge, a well-designed control panel makes it simple to do activities like installing WordPress, managing domains, and accessing server options.
  • Reviews and Reputation: Do your homework and study customer testimonials about various web hosting companies before choosing one. Check reviews for opinions on their effectiveness, customer service, dependability, and overall user experience. Pay attention to reliable review websites and look for advice from dependable people in the WordPress community.

Here are a few of the best web hosts for WordPress:

  • Bluehost: Bluehost is one of the most popular web hosts for WordPress. They offer a variety of plans to fit your needs, and their support is excellent.
  • HostGator: HostGator is another popular web host for WordPress. They offer a variety of features and plans, and their prices are very reasonable.
  • NameCheap: NameCheap is another popular web host for WordPress. They offer a variety of features and plans, and their prices are very reasonable.
  • Godday: HostGator is another popular web host for WordPress. They offer a variety of features and plans, and their prices are very reasonable.

How to choose the right web host for your WordPress site:

You may begin to reduce your options once you know what to look for in a web host. When selecting the ideal web server for your WordPress website, bear the following in mind:

  • Your budget: Because web hosting costs might vary greatly, it’s critical to pick a host that is within your pricing range.
  • Your requirements: Consider the features you’ll need and the volume of traffic you anticipate. It’s crucial to select a host that has the functionality you require because some providers offer more options than others.
  • Your experience level: If you’re a beginner, you might want to pick a host that provides help and tools that are simple to use. If you have more experience, you might want to pick a host that provides greater customization and flexibility.

You should be able to select the ideal web host for your WordPress site if you’ve taken into account each of these aspects.

Lesson-04: Using ChatGPT to Pick a Domain Name

The first important step in creating an online identity for your website is selecting a domain name. In addition to properly representing your brand, the right domain name affects user perception and search engine optimisation (SEO). In order to choose an appropriate domain name, ChatGPT can help by generating suggestions and offering advice. This article provides a step-by-step guide to utilising ChatGPT to choose a domain name.

A list of available domain names that are pertinent to your niche will be generated by ChatGPT. The next step is to select an appealing domain name and register it with a domain registrar.

Here are some tips for using ChatGPT to pick a domain name:

  • Be specific: Be as exact as you can when asking ChatGPT to produce a list of domain names. As opposed to asking it to make a list of domain names regarding dogs, for instance, you may ask it to produce a list of domain names concerning “puppies.”
  • Use keywords: Use keywords associated with your niche when asking ChatGPT to build a list of domain names. If you’re launching a website about vehicles, for instance, you might use keywords like “cars,” “automotive,” and “driving.”
  • Check availability: Make sure to confirm that a domain name is available before registering it. By using a domain checker tool, you may accomplish this.

By following these tips, you can use ChatGPT to pick a domain name that is relevant to your niche, available, and easy to remember.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a domain name:

  • Make it short and simple: A brief and straightforward domain name is simpler to remember and type.
  • Use keywords: In your domain name, include keywords that are pertinent to your niche. When people search for certain terms, this will make it easier for them to reach your website.
  • Avoid hyphens and numbers: Avoid using hyphens and numerals in your domain name because they can make it hard to remember and type.
  • Register your domain name for multiple years: Long-term savings come from registering your domain name for more than one year.

Picking a domain name involves careful consideration of your brand, objectives, keywords, availability, branding potential, SEO impact, future growth,

Lesson-05: Installing WordPress and Adjusting Settings

Install WordPress in Hostinger Pannel

Basic WordPress Setting

Lesson -06: Using ChatGPT to Create Website Categories

By initially requesting ChatGPT to provide a list of suitable categories, you can utilize it to construct website categories. After creating a list of prospective categories, you may evaluate it and decide which ones to utilize. Additionally, ChatGPT enables you to provide descriptions for your categories. You can add content to your categories once you’ve created them.

Here are the steps on how to create website categories using ChatGPT:

  • Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of potential categories.

To do this, just tell it to “Generate a list of potential categories for my website.” The prospective categories that are pertinent to the market for your website will subsequently be generated by ChatGPT.

  • Review the list of potential categories and select the ones that you want to use.

You can study the list of probable categories that ChatGPT has generated and choose the ones you want to use. Additionally, ChatGPT enables you to provide descriptions for your categories.

  • Add content to your categories.

After choosing the categories you want to use, you can next fill them with material. This can apply to web pages, blog entries, and photos.

Here are some additional tips for creating website categories using ChatGPT:

  • Be specific: Be as descriptive as you can when asking ChatGPT to develop a list of suitable categories. Instead of asking it to create a list of categories about dogs, for instance, you could ask it to create a list of categories about “puppies.”
  • Use keywords: Use relevant keywords when requesting that ChatGPT provide a list of prospective categories for your website. If you’re launching a website about vehicles, for instance, you might use keywords like “cars,” “automotive,” and “driving.”
  • Create descriptions for your categories using ChatGPT: To create descriptions for your categories, use ChatGPT. Your categories may become more interesting and informative as a result.

These guidelines will help you use ChatGPT to develop entertaining, educational, and niche-relevant website categories.

Lesson-07: Using ChatGPT to Create Terms, Disclosure, Privacy, etc.

By initially requesting ChatGPT to generate a list of prospective terms, disclosures, and privacy policies, one may utilize it to establish terms, disclosures, and policies. You can review them and choose the terms, disclosures, and privacy policies you want to employ once you have a list of prospective options. To create descriptions for your terms, disclosures, and privacy policies, you can also use ChatGPT. You can then publish your terms, disclosures, and privacy policies on your website after creating them.

Here are the steps on how to create terms, disclosure, and privacy policies using ChatGPT:

01-Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of potential terms, disclosures, and privacy policies.

You can do this by simply asking it, “Generate a list of potential terms, disclosures, and privacy policies for my website.” ChatGPT will then generate a list of potential terms, disclosures, and privacy policies that are relevant to your website’s niche.

02-Review the list of potential terms, disclosures, and privacy policies and select the ones that you want to use.

Once ChatGPT has generated a list of potential terms, disclosures, and privacy policies, you can then review the list and select the ones that you want to use. You can also use ChatGPT to generate descriptions for your terms, disclosures, and privacy policies.

03-Publish your terms, disclosures, and privacy policies on your website.

Once you have selected the terms, disclosures, and privacy policies that you want to use, you can then publish them on your website.

Lesson-08: Using ChatGPT to Create Informational Blog Articles

When it comes to teaching and attracting readers to your blog, informative posts are essential. ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for coming up with ideas, doing research, and getting advice for writing informative blog posts of the highest caliber. This article provides a step-by-step tutorial for utilizing ChatGPT to write engaging and educational blog posts.

Sure, here are some tips on how to create informational blog articles using ChatGPT:

  • Choose a topic: Choosing a topic for your blog piece is the first step. Make sure the subject is one that interests you and that you are knowledgeable about.
  • Do your research: Doing your study is crucial after selecting a topic. You can use this to collect data and concepts for your blog post.
  • Brainstorm: Once your study is complete, it’s time to brainstorm. You will develop the primary ideas for your blog entry here.
  • Write an Outline: It is time to construct an outline after you have done some brainstorming. This will assist you in structuring your ideas and ensuring that your blog post runs smoothly.
  • Write your blog article: It’s time to begin creating your blog post. Use ChatGPT to generate text, translate languages, produce a variety of creative content, and provide informed responses to your inquiries.
  • Proofread your blog article: After you’ve completed writing your blog post, make sure to give it a thorough proofread. This will make it easier for you to see any grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Publish your blog article: It’s time to publish your blog post once you’re satisfied with it. Both posting it on your website and submitting it to a blog directory are options for doing this.

Note: Learn how to build WordPress affiliate websites using 100% AI content from ChatGPT that ranks in search engines.

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Here are some additional tips for creating informational blog articles using ChatGPT:

  • Use keywords: When writing your blog post, make sure to include keywords that are pertinent to your subject. When people are looking for information online, this will make it easier for them to find your blog post.
  • Make it Informative: Your blog post ought to educate and benefit your viewers. Include facts, figures, and other supporting information while making your arguments.
  • Make it engaging: Your blog post should be enjoyable to read. To break up the text, use images, videos, and other multimedia to create a clear and concise writing style.
  • Promote your blog article: Once your blog post has been published, make sure to spread the word about it on social media and other online platforms. You will be able to reach a larger audience and increase website traffic as a result.

By following these tips, you can create informational blog articles that are informative, engaging, and helpful to your readers.

Lesson -09: Understanding Google’s Guidelines for Product Reviews

Google has established rules for product reviews in an effort to guarantee that the evaluations that show up in search results are of a high caliber and contain useful information. The guidelines cover a range of subjects, such as:

  • The requirement for objectivity: Product reviews ought to be neutral and objective. Reviewers should not let their biases or personal ideas color their evaluations of the products they are evaluating.
  • The need for completeness: Product reviews must provide all the details necessary for prospective purchasers to make an informed choice. This provides details on the attributes, advantages, disadvantages, and cost of the product.
  • The need for accuracy: Product reviews must be truthful and error-free. Reviewers should invest the time to thoroughly investigate the products they are evaluating and ensure that their conclusions are supported by data.
  • The need for transparency: Transparency is necessary, therefore product reviews must declare any possible conflicts of interest. For instance, if a manufacturer has paid a reviewer to create a review, they must declare this.

You may help ensure that your product reviews are of high caliber and contain useful information by adhering to Google’s rules for reviews. This can assist you increase reader trust and increase traffic to your website.

Lesson-10: Using ChatGPT to Create Product Reviews

Consumers who are looking for information and insights before making purchases can benefit from product reviews. ChatGPT can be a useful tool for generating concepts, gathering product information, and offering suggestions for writing insightful and interesting product reviews. This article provides a step-by-step guide to using ChatGPT to efficiently write persuading product reviews.

Note: If you don’t know how to write product reviews using ChatGPT then follow this article

Create Product Reviews in 1 Click

  1. Select the Product:

Pick the product you wish to review from the list below. It might be a cutting-edge device, a product from your niche market, or a well-liked item that your target demographic might find interesting. Make sure you are knowledgeable enough about the product or do some preliminary study to become acquainted with its features, advantages, and specs.

  1. Engage in a Conversation with ChatGPT:

Talk to ChatGPT in order to gain perspective and gather data for your product review. You may ask, “Can you help me create a product review for [product name]?” as a clear example. ChatGPT may offer specifics on the functionality, advantages and disadvantages, user testimonials, and other pertinent data to present in your review.

  1. Highlight Key Features and Benefits:

Describe the main attributes, features, and advantages of the product. Use the knowledge you learned through ChatGPT as a starting point, but add to it with further study or firsthand knowledge. Focus on elements like functionality, durability, design, usability, or value for money that are likely to be significant to your target audience.

  1. Share Personal Experience or Opinions:

Include any personal insights or viewpoints you have about the product. If you have used the product firsthand, provide your observations about its functionality, usability, or any other noteworthy features. If you haven’t used the product yourself, you can still express an opinion based on professional reviews, client reviews, or comparisons to similar products.

  1. Use Engaging and Descriptive Language:

To keep readers’ interest, use detailed and engrossing language when writing reviews. Create a clear picture of the product’s appearance, features, and user experience by using detailed descriptions. Add aspects of storytelling to the review to make it more relatable and interesting. ChatGPT can help you come up with original and evocative phrases to improve the caliber of your writing.

  1. Include Pros and Cons Lists:

To encapsulate the benefits and cons of the product, think about presenting a succinct pros and cons list. This gives readers a brief summary of the product’s main advantages and disadvantages, enabling them to compare products and quickly decide whether it will meet their needs.

  1. Conclusion and Recommendation:

Your product review should end with a summary of the key points raised and your final verdict. Indicate if you suggest the product with clarity, and give your recommendations’ justifications. When delivering your final judgment, take the needs and preferences of the target audience into account.

Lesson-11: Using Midjourney to Create Images for Your Website

Visuals are incredibly important in today’s digital world for drawing in web viewers. The appropriate tools and resources may make a big difference when it comes to producing engaging photos for your website. Midjourney is one such product that has grown in popularity with designers and content producers.

With the help of the strong online platform Midjourney, you may design beautiful, unique images for your website. Midjourney offers a variety of tools and functionalities to help you realize your visual ideas, whether you need appealing graphics, catchy banners, or interesting images.

In this guide, we’ll look at how you can use Midjourney to produce gorgeous photos that improve the look and feel of your website. We will explore the many features and tools that Midjourney provides, enabling you to unleash your creativity and create elements that are visually arresting and appealing to your target audience.

Midjourney offers an intuitive user interface and a wide range of design possibilities to suit the demands of both novice and seasoned designers. Midjourney’s user-friendly design tools and wide library of themes, icons, and illustrations make it easy to create social media visuals, website headers, and product images.

Let’s explore the fascinating world of using Midjourney to unleash your creativity and turn the images on your website into mesmerizing pieces of art.

Lesson -12: Creating a Sitemap & Building Authority

The process of establishing yourself, your brand, or your website as a reliable and trustworthy source of knowledge or expertise within a certain sector or area is referred to as “building authority.”

In order to win the confidence and respect of your target audience and colleagues, you must demonstrate your knowledge, skill, and dependability. Building authority is crucial for improving your reputation, drawing in a devoted following, and emerging as the go-to authority in your industry.

Creating consistent, valuable content, interacting with your audience on social media and in online communities, teaming up with industry influencers or experts, obtaining positive reviews and testimonials, taking part in speaking engagements or conferences, and showcasing your expertise through case studies, research, or thought leadership content are some tactics for establishing authority.

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For affiliate marketers, ChatGPT is a potent platform that offers a variety of capabilities to improve market research, content creation, SEO optimization, personalization, advertising, and customer support.

You may improve your affiliate marketing tactics, generate more focused visitors, boost conversions, and find long-term success in the dynamic and cutthroat world of affiliate marketing by utilizing ChatGPT efficiently. Accept ChatGPT’s ability to serve as your dependable ally and help your affiliate marketing initiatives reach new heights.

A Look into Cross-Collecting and Fair Curatorial Culture at Eye of the Collector 2023

A Look into Cross-Collecting and Fair Curatorial Culture at Eye of the Collector 2023

A Look into Cross-Collecting and Fair Curatorial Culture at Eye of the Collector 2023

The 2023 edition of Eye of the Collector took place from May 17th to May 20th, captivating art and design enthusiasts with its unique showcase held at Two Temple Place. This year marked the third installment of the fair, a testament to its enduring success and vision, under the guidance of London-based art advisor Nazy Vassegh. Eye of the Collector 2023 stood out by placing a significant emphasis on international Modern and Contemporary artists and designers. In addition to the physical fair, this cultural extravaganza extended its reach through an Artsy online viewing room, a vibrant social platform, and a global collector network, cementing its status as a pivotal event in the art world.

Eye of the Collector is more than just an art fair; it is a convergence of diverse artistic expressions. Unlike conventional art exhibitions, where art and design are often kept separate, Eye of the Collector boldly blurs these boundaries. By presenting works of art and design side-by-side, the fair encourages visitors to explore the interplay between these two creative realms. This cross-collecting approach not only enriches the visitor’s experience but also promotes a broader appreciation for the synergy between art and design.

The fair’s founder and curator, Nazy Vassegh, has been instrumental in shaping its unique identity. With a keen eye for innovation and a deep understanding of the art world, Vassegh has consistently pushed the boundaries of what an art fair can be. Her dedication to promoting emerging and established artists and designers from around the globe has ensured that Eye of the Collector remains a dynamic and forward-thinking event.

One of the standout features of Eye of the Collector 2023 was its focus on international Modern and Contemporary artists and designers. This thematic choice brought together a remarkable array of works that spanned diverse genres, styles, and mediums. It provided a platform for both emerging talents and established luminaries to showcase their creations, fostering a dynamic and inclusive dialogue within the art world.

In an increasingly interconnected world, Eye of the Collector recognized the importance of reaching a global audience. To this end, the fair embraced technology by offering an Artsy online viewing room. This virtual space allowed art enthusiasts from around the world to explore the curated selection of artworks and designs, transcending geographical boundaries and time zones.

The fair’s social platform further enriched the visitor experience. It provided a space for art lovers, collectors, and creators to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and connect on a personal level. This virtual community mirrored the inclusive and welcoming atmosphere of the physical fair, emphasizing the importance of fostering connections within the art world.

Eye of the Collector’s commitment to connecting collectors worldwide is a testament to its ambition to transcend traditional boundaries. By providing a platform for collectors to share their passion, exchange ideas, and expand their collections, the fair plays a crucial role in nurturing a global network of art enthusiasts.

In conclusion, Eye of the Collector 2023 proved to be a celebration of cross-collecting and fair curatorial culture. With its innovative approach, global perspective, and commitment to fostering connections within the art world, this event continues to be a beacon for both seasoned collectors and newcomers to the world of art and design. Under the guiding vision of Nazy Vassegh, Eye of the Collector remains a pioneering force in the art fair landscape, shaping the future of how we experience and appreciate art and design. read info

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Growth Forum Lifetime Deal Review | Sales & Marketing Online Courses, Coaching & Community

Use Growth Forum‘s top-notch sales and marketing guidance and community to develop your career and business. Growth Forum helped over 1,000 sales & marketing teams by providing coaching, courses and community.

If you’re looking to take your sales and marketing game to the next level, Growth Forum might be just what you need. With proven frameworks and playbooks, the program can help you go from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to hitting your revenue goals with ease.

Over 1,000 sales and marketing teams have already benefited from Growth Forum’s coaching, courses, and community. What sets Growth Forum apart is its approach – programs are designed to tackle common sales and marketing problems through the lens of experts who have already solved those problems.

The program offers a variety of resources, including a growing course library, weekly live events, and access to a community that can help advance your career.

If you’re ready to get more leads and close more deals, it’s time to check out Growth Forum!

Growth Forum LTD Feature & Plan

  • You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
  • Please note: This deal is not stackable
  • Lifetime access to Growth Forum
  • All future All Access Plan updates

How To Buy Growth Forum AppSumo Lifetime Deals $137 With 10% Discount

  • Visit the AppSumo Growth Forum Lifetime Deals page.
  • Wait for some seconds, An Discount popup will appear.
  • Enter your Email to receive the exclusive benefits.
  • Continue with the same email address.
  • Get a 10% discount at the end.
  • Discount is valid for new users only.
60-day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it’s right for you!

Auditb Accordo a vita nel 2023 | Paga una volta usa a vita

If you are looking for SEOAuditHub Lifetime Deal or SEOAuditHub Review. You came to the right place on lifetime deal updates. AppSumo offers SEO Audit Hub lifetime deals for you with discounts. If you need the SEOAuditHub AppSumo lifetime deal check it out now.

Learn More At SEOAuditHub Lifetime Deal

SEOAuditHub Use Case

  • Build no-fluff, functional, actionable, clear, and intuitive reports within a few clicks.
  • Get a personalized site audit which suggests the best possible strategies for your site.

What Is SEOAuditHub?

The SEOAuditHub tool helps to organize and track online optimization campaigns. It provides an all-in-one platform for SEO audits & reports, making it easy to identify and correct any issues.

How Does SEOAuditHub Work?

Our WordPress audit report provides actionable insights that can help you improve your website’s performance. With a few simple tweaks, you can make your site more user-friendly and search engine-friendly.

SEOAuditHub Lifetime Deal Review | The All-In-One Platform For SEO Audits & Reports

Use our reliable website auditor tools for generating SEO audit reports for any site, whether it’s own or for your client’s website. The report tells you everything starting from all Technical SEO, On-Page & Off Page SEO, domain metrics and so much more.

How is SEOAuditHub different?

We help you impart value to your clients as leads and gain value as deals. Here’s why and how we are different:

  • Well-designed and actionable: With a variety of beautiful layout options available to choose from, you can build no-fluff, functional, actionable, clear, and intuitive reports within a few clicks.
  • White label audits: You no longer need to do extra research to find the underlying problems of your website and its possible solutions. You get a personalized site audit which suggests the best possible strategies for your site.
  • Personalized CTAs only for you: With a few clicks, you get personalized CTAs that include logos and every single thing you need.
  • Save time: Some agencies spend hundreds of hours of manual work performing website audits — work that can be automated in a matter of seconds with SEOAuditHub.

SEO Checklist Generator

Are you tired of struggling to improve your website’s search engine rankings?

Do you find it challenging to keep track of all the necessary SEO tasks?

Look no further! Our revolutionary SEO Checklist Generator is here to take your website to new heights and simplify your optimization process.

Simply follow the steps and get the results you are hoping for.

We bring you a highly effective SEO framework that walks you through actionable strategies to increase your site’s ranking.

Evaluate your site’s performance, identify what’s already done, what needs to improve, and what action plan to follow for that.

Custom Checklist Generator:

To use the Custom Checklist Generator, simply enter your project details and instructions.

Then, share the link with your team or to your client — or download your branded checklist as a PDF, or print it out to get started.

So why wait?

Give the Custom Checklist Generator a try today for your business!

It’s even for agencies or freelancers!

SEOAuditHub comes with a checklist full of pre-added SEO tasks. Stop making tasks from scratch for each of your customers!

Create pre-added tasks for each of your customers. It is very easy to use. Perform the tasks that you have entered in the SEO Checklist. SEO Checklist is a convenient tool that allows you to easily add tasks to the SEO process.

It gives a great white-label reporting option so that your customer can easily track this process. Business owners have always struggled to generate perfect website audits, because they are tedious, time-consuming, and frustrating.

Make your website audits more valuable for your clients and crack more deals!

*This deal does not include the Custom URL & Team Member Access.*

Get lifetime access to SEOAuditHub today!

SEOAuditHub LTD Feature & Plan

  • You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
  • Stack up to 3 codes
  • Lifetime access to SEOAuditHub
  • All future Lite Plan updates

How To Buy SEOAuditHub AppSumo Lifetime Deals $39 With 10% Discount

  • Visit the AppSumo SEOAuditHub Lifetime Deals page.
  • Wait for some seconds, An Discount popup will appear.
  • Enter your Email to receive the exclusive benefits.
  • Continue with the same email address.
  • Get a 10% discount at the end.
  • Discount is valid for new users only.

Market Accordo a vita nel 2023 | Paga una volta usa a vita

If you are looking for 2Quiet2Market Lifetime Deal or 2Quiet2Market Review. You came to the right place on lifetime deal updates. AppSumo offers 2Quiet 2Market lifetime deals for you with discounts. If you need the 2Quiet2Market AppSumo lifetime deal check it out now.

2Quiet2Market Use Case

  • Take control of your marketing and exposure with a comprehensive suite of tools.
  • Obtain and maintain success in your business — even if you’re an introvert by nature.

What Is 2Quiet2Market?

2Quiet2Market is a hate marketing tool that helps businesses set up the manageable marketing habit they need. It provides tips and advice on how to improve marketing efforts, as well as tools that can be used to track progress. review

marketing is an important part of any business. By using a suite of tools, you can take control of your marketing and exposure. You can also maintain success in your business, even if you’re an introvert by nature.

2Quiet2Market Lifetime Deal Review | Marketing software for Introverts

Software that helps you setup the Manageable Marketing Habit your business needs. Step by step, make your solopreneur friends envious because hey, suddenly your product sells! review

Positioning blackboard: Thinking tools to help you nail why your product is awesome.

Positioning blackboard

Positioning makes your customers understand why your product is a better solution for the problem that keeps bugging them.

When you position your product correctly, you will always know what to write, tweet, or talk about it to customers. 2Quiet2Market has blackboards with colorful building blocks that let you compose the marketing model for your own product, step by step.

Product, features, benefits, jobs-to-be-done, stories, and qualities – there is a building block for everything to make your product look totally awesome to your future customers.

Artsmart AI Il miglior generatore di immagini AI

Have you ever wanted to create a stunning image that utilizes the cutting-edge technology of AI? Now, you can unleash the hidden potential of AI to craft breathtaking visuals with only simple text and image prompts! Checkout: Artsmart AI Lifetime Deal>>> This daring AI-powered tool enables you to quickly summon up images from settings like architecture, landscapes, objects, animals, and more in just a few clicks. Let your imagination run wild and bring to life any photo you dream up with Artsmart-ai’s exclusive AI image generator!

Artsmart AI Lifetime Deal Overview!

Unleash your creativity with Artsmart. With a powerful AI image generator, you can easily create stunning visuals for any purpose, from marketing materials to e-commerce photos and beyond. Simply enter a prompt that describes the image you want to make and select presets to create art in your preferred style. For even more accuracy, you can upload an image of your own and let impressive AI technology produce artwork that looks just like you imagined.

Benefits of Artsmart AI Deal!

  • Create visually appealing content with AI-powered image-generation tools
  • Produce highly detailed AI avatars that look just like real people
  • Explore a vibrant community of creators and find inspiring ideas to help you stand out
  • Edit images using AI, allowing you to quickly and easily create custom visuals
  • Schedule and auto-share your creations on social media channels with an innovative social media planner
  • Make promotions and content marketing more creative and dynamic with AI-generated visuals
  • Reach wider audiences with your content by leveraging the power of AI

So, Bring your ideas to life today with

Why Artsmart Is The Best AI Image Generator?

Create eye-catching images for your project, no matter the style you’re going for! You have a powerful AI assistant at your side – and it’s always learning. Take advantage of the fine-tuning feature to train the AI to recognize people and objects so that each generated image is better than the last. Now, create realistic photos of anyone, from friends to public figures. So, what are you waiting for? Try today and see just how amazing your generated images will be!

Trained AI Images!

Express yourself with the Artsmart AI-powered platform that can help you craft stunning, realistic images of faces – in a fraction of the time. You won’t have to worry about finding the perfect combination of settings or guessing what an image should look like – the Artsmart platform’s prompts make it easy to learn how to describe your vision and see it come alive. Plus, following the profiles of other creators lets you tap into an always-flowing source of inspiration. Start pushing your creativity today with!

Best Community Explorer!

Kickstart your creativity! Create stunning visuals right from the comfort of your own home. Start by browsing hundreds of community prompts to spark new and exciting ideas that you can bring to life with just a few clicks. Once you’ve created something eye-catching, let everyone know about it. Easily set your images as public and watch them take off in the Explorer tab – a great place to search for amazing works from other users. At Artsmart, you have the freedom to be as creative (or not) as you want. With each piece of art you produce, your profile will grow and evolve into an impressive portfolio that shows off your artistry and vision.

Share Community Profile!

Dream big and create art that captivates your audience! With Artsmart ai, you can unlock a world of infinite possibilities for designing eye-catching visuals that stand out from the competition. Instead of spending hours painstakingly sketching by hand, harness AI technology to make complete artwork in minutes. Generate captivating designs quickly and efficiently to keep up with the ever-evolving trends of today’s digital age. Break boundaries and take your content to the next level. With lifetime access to Artsmart ai, the sky’s the limit for what you can create and share – with the world. Get inspired and get noticed by leveraging the power of AI today!

Appsumo Artsmart Deal Pricing Plan

Single Get Lifetime Access for $39 | $228

  • All features above included
  • 750 credits/month

Get 60 Day FREE! Double Get Lifetime Access for $78 | $456

  • All features above included
  • 1500 credits/month

Get 60 Day FREE! Multiple Get Lifetime Access for $117 | $684

  • All features included
  • 3K credits Month
  • 1 custom avatar model

Get 60 Day FREE!

Read More About GetGenie Lifetime Deal | The Best SEO Content Generator Tools!


Artsmart AI – the groundbreaking image generator that’s revolutionizing content creation! You can let your imagination run wild and create amazing visuals in a snap. Generate realistic images from simple text and image prompts, plus produce AI-generated avatars of real people – all with one click. This tool will take your brand’s marketing to the next level and help you stand out from the crowd. And best of all? You can try it out for free! Get the Artsmart AI Lifetime Deal now and explore 60 days of free trials. Start creating awesome visuals today and level up your branding strategy! artsmart-ai-best-ai-image-generator

A2 Hosting Black Friday 2023 Offerte

Are you looking for A2 Hosting Black Friday Deals 2023?

Hands down! You got the right page where I will share the complete details of this sale and help you to get massive savings on your A2 Hosting purchase.

Just to let you know — A2 Hosting offers fast and reliable web hosting solutions for those who have a tight budget but looking for a good web hosting provider.

They are offering huge discounts during Black Friday & Cyber Monday. You can save up to 80% massive discount on hosting purchases. This is the biggest discount you can grab on A2 Hosting, this discount won’t come back until next Black Friday.

Grab up to 80% off on A2 Hosting

If you are interested in this deal then read the post till the end to get all the information about this sale.

Let’s get started!

A2 Hosting Black Friday Sale 2023

A2 Hosting Black Friday Coupon

You can get a massive discount of up to 80% on A2 Hosting purchases during the Black Friday sale.

Nov 17 to Nov 30

Up to 80% discount

Activate Deal

A2 Hosting is offering a huge discount of up to 80% on all their web hosting plans. This is the best time for you to start your blog with this affordable web hosting company and get a huge discount.

Here are the complete details of A2 Hosting Black Friday Sale 2023:

  • A2 Hosting Black Friday Discount: Get up to 80% OFF on all hosting
  • Start Date: November 17, 2023
  • End Date: November 30, 2023
  • Coupon Code: Not required!
Claim A2 Hosting Black Friday Deal

How To Claim A2 Hosting Black Friday 2023 Deals?

Here are the steps that you need to follow to claim this massive money-saving deal:

Click on Activate Deal link, it will redirect you to the Official A2 Hosting website.

A2 Hosting Black Friday deal is offering a discount on all their hosting plans, be it Managed WordPress, Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Dedicated Server, etc.

If you are starting a blog then Shared Hosting is good for you, or you can also select Managed WordPress hosting if you are starting a blog and have a good budget.

Now choose a plan according to your need and budget. I highly recommend going with the Turbo Boost plan because it’ll allow you to host unlimited websites and also provides Turbo with 20x faster servers.

Select the plan by clicking on the button placed on it.

On the next page, you need to register a domain name if you don’t have one already. If you purchase a domain already from somewhere else, you can continue with that.

Once you enter your domain if you already have one, or, you can purchase from A2 Hosting too but this will add some extra charge to your billing.

There is no need to apply any promo code, the discount will automatically be applied to your purchase. You can check the below image.

Choose the billing cycle for your purchase. Going with the 36 Months can save a huge discount on your purchase and this is a once in a year deal that will not come again.

Scroll down and select the Server Location and there are some more options like free SSL, dedicated IP etc. Once you are done with all the fields, click on the Continue button.

After clicking the Continue button, you can review your order and see the total amount you need to pay.

You can see, I am saving $504 on my order, this is huge!

After reviewing your order, hit the Checkout button to make the payment.

Now the final and most important part, you are on the final checkout page. Enter all the basic personal details and billing details to create an account with A2 Hosting.

After entering all the details, now choose a payment method to make the payment.

There is a Credit card, Skrill, Bank transfer, and Check or Money order available. Choose one in which you are comfortable, enter all the required payment details then hit the Complete Order button to make the purchase.

That’s it! you have claimed A2 Hosting Black Friday Deal.

A2 Hosting Overview

A2 Hosting is an affordable web hosting company that was founded by Bryan Muthig in 2001. They are located in Ann Arbor, MI (USA). Their main priority is to provide affordable web hosting services for new & advanced users.

A2 Hosting has several types of hosting which are shared, WordPress, VPS, reseller, and dedicated.

They provide an easy & free migration service so you don’t need to move your website from another hosting provider you are using such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, and Hostgator to A2 Hosting. They will take care of this and migrate your website without any downtime and error.

If you are new to WordPress then they also offer 24/7/365 Guru Crew Support which is an expert in WordPress. They promise to provide a 99.9% uptime guarantee and daily backups so that you don’t have to worry about anything.

A2 Hosting Features

A2 Hosting is a feature-rich web hosting provider that offers all the features you ever need to host your website smoothly and securely.

They offer free & easy site migration so if you are moving from another host and not able to move your websites yourself then their team of experts will help you with migration.

Here are some of the amazing features of A2 Hosting:

  • Unlimited SSD Space & Transfer
  • Free & Easy Site Migration
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Automatic Backups
  • Anytime Money Back Guarantee
  • Speed Optimized WordPress
  • 99.9% Uptime Commitment
  • 24/7/365 Guru Crew Support

A2 Hosting Pricing

A2 Hosting is offering a huge discount of up to 80% on their all web hosting plans. Here are the normal pricing and after-discount pricing of the A2 Hosting comparison.

Here is the A2 Hosting Black Friday offer on shared hosting:

Plan Normal Price BFCM Price Discount
Startup $10.99/mo $1.99/mo 81% Off
Drive $12.99 /mo $4.99/mo 61% Off
Turbo Boost $20.99 /mo $5.99/mo 71% Off
Turbo Max $25.99/mo $10.99/mo 57% Off

Pros & Cons Of A2 Hosting

Here are the pros & cons of A2 Hosting to help you understand both sides of A2 Hosting:

A2 Hosting Pros

  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Up to 20x faster turbo servers
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Optimized for WordPress
  • HackScan for Perpetual Security
  • Create staging sites
  • Free website migration service included
  • Free Cloudflare CDN
  • 24/7/365 strong support system
  • Anytime money-back guarantee

A2 Hosting Cons

  • On-demand backups are available at an extra cost
  • Turbo Servers are available with higher plans

6 Reasons Why Grab A2 Hosting Black Friday Deal

Black Friday & Cyber Monday is the best days for shopping, everyone waits for this occasion for shopping. Because all brands offer huge money-saving deals on their products and services.

Like others, A2 Hosting is also offering a mind-blowing Black Friday deal where you can save up to an 80% discount on their hosting plans, which is AMAZING!

This deal is once in a year deal that won’t repeat before the next year’s Black Friday week. So, make sure you don’t miss this limited-time chance.

1. Reliable 99.9% uptime guarantee

The scariest thing happens when you input your website’s URL and find that your website is down, right? You are losing traffic and customers, in short form you are losing money.

But you don’t need to worry when you hosting with A2 Hosting:

Because A2 Hosting provides a 99.9% uptime guarantee, which means your website will never downtime hosting with them.

2. Free SSL Certificate

Are you a completely non-techy guy? So, it is going to be hard for you to install an SSL certificate yourself.

And having HTTPS is mandatory now, Google also shows a red-screen warning for websites that don’t have SSL installed.

No worries, A2 Hosting offers a free SSL certificate that you can install on your domain with just a single click.

3. A2 Hosting “HackScan” Protection

With A2 Hosting, you get more than just a solid and reliable service.

You also have the peace of mind that comes with their HackScan malware protection which runs 24 hours per day 7 days per week to block any potential attacks before they can harm your website on HacScan-powered servers!

4. Up To 20X Faster Servers

A2 Hosting offers Turbo Server which is known to provide 20X faster web servers, it is gonna make your website’s loading speed like a rocket…

But this feature is available only with their Turbo Shared Hosting and Turbo Web Hosting plans. These plans include some other impressive features like  Turbo Cache, Memcached, A2 Site Accelerator, LiteMage that will help in improving your loading speed.

5. Free Website Migration

Moving from another web hosting provider? Then you will need to migrate your website from there to A2 Hosting but this task is very technical and can produce errors and downtime to your website.

But don’t worry, A2 Hosting’s team of experts will be there to migrate your website without charging any additional fees. It would be completely free of cost and error-free.

6. 24/7/365 Support Crew

Strong hosting support is a must when you don’t have much technical knowledge, you don’t know how to fix WordPress errors.

There should be some experience hands backing you in such situations.

A2 Hosting deeply cares about when it comes to helping its customers. They have a team of experts 24/7/365 ready to help you.

A2 Hosting Alternatives

Here are three alternatives for A2 Hosting:


Bluehost is a web hosting company that was launched in 2003, they are located in Utah, USA, and were founded by Matt Heaton. They are officially recommended by

They have several types of hosting which are shared, WordPress, VPS, dedicated, and cloud. You can read it to find out what each one means so that if you need any of them you will know exactly how it works.

Bluehost also has a free migration tool so that you can move your website from another hosting provider you are using such as GoDaddy, A2 Hosting, and Hostgator to Bluehost.

>> Bluehost Black Friday Deal


GreenGeeks is a web hosting company focused on doing its part in preserving our environment while providing quality, reliable and affordable website hosting services.

The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. GreenGees provides hosting services to over 100,000 customers that include small businesses, individuals, students, community organizations, and enterprises.

Some of the key features you get with GreenGeeks are unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, free domain name registration or transfer, data backups, a cPanel control panel, and SSL security.

>> GreenGeeks Black Friday Deal


HostGator was founded in 2002 by Brent Oxley. Originally it was a web design company that quickly grew into the hosting we all know and love! Today they are one of the largest domain registrars and hosting providers in the world, and they’re still growing because their service is superior to most!

HostGator offers various types of hosting that include Shared, WordPress, Cloud, Reseller, and VPS hosting.

It is well known for its fast speeds and reliability. They’re also highly praised because of their superior customer service and support.

Offerta del Black Friday 2023 di MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal 2023

MonsterInsights Black Friday Coupon

You can save up to 70% discount on MonsterInsights during Black Friday & Cyber Monday.

Nov 16 to Nov 25

Up to 70% discount

Activate Deal

MonsterInsights is offering a huge discount of up to 70% OFF this year, which is really a massive discount ever on their subscriptions. So make sure you grab it before it expires.

Here are the details of the MonsterInsights Black Friday 2023 sale:

  • MonsterInsights Black Friday Discount: Save Up To 70% OFF
  • Start Date: November 16, 2023
  • End Date: November 25, 2023
  • Coupon Code: Not required!

Note: The MonsterInsights sale is CURRENTLY LIVE and will run until November 25, make sure you grab this discount before it is expired.

Claim MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal Now

How To Claim MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal 2023?

Here are the steps that you need to follow to claim the MonsterInsights deal and save up to 70% on your purchase.

Step: 1 Click on this deal activation link, it will redirect you to the MonsterInsights sale page where the deal is running.

Step: 2 Click on the PICK A PLAN button you are seeing on the page. It will send you to the MonsterInsights pricing section where you need to select a plan according to your budget and need.

Step: 3 Click on the GET THIS DEAL button on the plan that you want to purchase. Here are the discounts on MonsterInsights plans:

  1. Plus: 50% Discount
  2. Pro: 60% Discount
  3. Agency: 70% Discount

After clicking get this deal, you will be redirected to the MonsterInsights checkout page. There is no need to apply any coupon code because it is already added to the link.

You can see in the below image, a 60% discount is applied to the MonsterInsights Pro Plan.

Step: 4 Enter your email address, phone number, and first & last name to create an account with MonsterInsights.

Now scroll down and you will see the Payment section where you need to select a payment method between Credit Card and Paypal and then enter your payment details to make the payment.

Step: 5 Once you are done with all the required payment details, hit the Complete Checkout button at the bottom to make the purchase.

That’s it! you have claimed the MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal and saved a good amount on this purchase.

Grab up to 70% OFF on MonsterInsights

What Is MonsterInsights?

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress. It helps you to get all your Google Analytics metrics on your WordPress dashboard.

With over 34 million downloads and more than 2 million active installs, MonsterInsights is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.

It allows you to connect your Google Analytics to WordPress, so you can see all your traffic directly from the WordPress dashboard.

It makes Google Analytics data easy to understand for you, so, you don’t have to be an expert to understand it.

Read MonsterInsights Complete review here.

Why You Should Use MonsterInsights?

MonsterInsights is created aimed to make it easy for beginners who don’t have technical knowledge as well as for experts to show the data where they can work more to increase their traffic and revenue.

In more simple words, it helps you to better use your Google Analytics data.

  • Quick and Simple Installation process
  • Real-time Stats
  • E-commerce Tracking
  • Universal Tracking
  • Ads Tracking
  • File Download Tracking
  • Custom Dimensions
  • Popular Post Tracking
  • Enhanced Link Attribution
  • Forms Tracking
  • EU Compliance

MonsterInsights Black Friday Pricing

MonsterInsights is a freemium WordPress plugin, which means it has both Free and Premium versions.

But why go with the Free when you can save HUGE on buying its premium version on this Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale?

Here is the MonsterInsights Black Friday pricing:

It has three plans, Plus, Pro and Agency. You save up to 70% on all the plans during this Cyber Week.

Plan Normal Price BFCM Price Discount
Plus $199/year $99.50/year 50%
Pro $399/year $159.60/year 60%
Agency $799/year $239.70/year 70%

MonsterInsights Pros & Cons

If you are still not able to make the final call on whether to purchase MonsterInsights or not then this section will help you:

MonsterInsights Pros

  • Beginner-friendly, easy to setup
  • Free version available
  • Easy-to-understand analytics reports
  • Keep an eye on keywords performance
  • eCommerce tracking features
  • File download tracking
  • Headline analyzer
  • Seamless integrations with 3rd party tools

MonsterInsights Cons

  • The free version comes with lots of limitations
  • Works with only WordPress

FAQ About MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal 2023

Here are some frequently asked questions about MonsterInsights Cyber Monday sale 2023:

What is MonsterInsights?

MonsterInsights is a Google Analytics dashboard plugin for WordPress websites that shows all your important traffic data directly inside your WordPress dashboard. It also helps in better using Google Analytics data to increase traffic and revenue.

Is MonsterInsights free?

Yes, it has a free version that comes with lots of restrictions. You will not get the advanced features inside the free version of MonsterInsights.

How much does MonsterInsights cost?

MonsterInsights offers three plans- Plus, Pro, and Agency which costs $199, $399, and $799 for a year respectively.

But you can save up to 70% on your MonsterInsights purchase during this Black Friday & Cyber Monday.

How do I install MonsterInsights on WordPress?

You can easily install MonsterInsights by going to Plugins>Add New and searching for MonsterInsights. Then click on Install and Activate to make it live on your site.

How much I can save on MonsterInsights Black Friday sale 2023?

MonsterInsights is offering up to 70% OFF on all their plans during this Cyber Week. Make sure you grab the deal before it expires.

When MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal will be live?

The deal is from November 14 and it will expire on November 25, so make sure you grab the discount before it ends.

My Words About MonsterInsights Black Friday Deal 2023

I am using MonsterInsights for 4 years back and I can say this is one of the must-have WordPress plugins for a WordPress website.

It makes it easy to get the most out of Google Analytics data for beginners, it simplifies the data so a newbie can easily understand the sources of their traffic, pages they visited, and many more.

During Black Friday, MonsterInsights is offering a massive discount of up to 70% on its premium plans for a limited time. This is the biggest discount they are offering for a limited time only, so make sure you grab it before it’s expired.

Grab up to 70% OFF on MonsterInsights

I hope you found this deal useful if you did then share it with others and help them in saving money.