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What Are The Main Pillars of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a very important marketing strategy in this digital era. Traditional marketing is no longer enough to reach and engage the audience. The Main Pillars of Digital Marketing are very important in every online marketing business to achieve success. Digital marketing helps to grow your business .  If you are just starting your company and expanding your customer base, digital marketing is a very important part of every company's plan. Search engine optimization and pay per click is an important part of attracting customers. By digital marketing, you can save time and easily lead generation in just a few clicks. Digital marketing has many techniques and methods to promote products, business, services and channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email and mobile applications.  To understand digital marketing, it is important to explore its main pillars and how they work together to build successful campaigns. In this article, we will explain the main pillars of Digital marketing.

The Main Pillars of Digital Marketing

The 6 main pillars of digital marketing are
  1. Search Engine Optimization
  2. Pay per click
  3. Social media marketing
  4. Email marketing
  5. Content marketing
  6. Inbound marketing 
  7. Outbound marketing

Search Engine Optimization

When you search anything in Google or search, you have seen search engine optimization in the form of SEO. When you use a search engine, type a sentence or a phrase and google will give you an answer. The SERP features a list of "organic" and "paid" results. The top of the search page is pay per click. The underneath search results are the normal search results. The unpaid listing is that google put in order of how relevant they are to your search.  The SEO magic comes at that point. Search engine optimization is a process of optimizing a website, so that it ranks higher in search engine result pages.  The successful SEO step is to identify the keywords that your customers are searching for. With keywords, you can optimize your website pages. Use them in titles, headings and text on the page or content. 

SEO is divided into 3 types.

There are several Main types of SEO in Digital Marketing.

On-page SEO

Create site content and optimize for target keywords to increase rankings.

Off-page SEO

Managing backlinks from other sources to boost site authority and rankings. 

Technical SEO

It is under the hood of your site that can affect indexation, UX and rankings. 

Pay Per Click (PPC)

All the ads at the top of the search page are Pay per click PPC. These ads are a great way to enhance or optimize your company's or business' name. An advertiser sets a maximum cost-per-click (CPC) and a maximum daily budget Search engines set up an order system where companies can order specific keywords. Pay per click advertising is advertising where advertisers pay for each ad if they are clicked. It is a system in which ads rank higher and are displayed accordingly. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves engaging marketing content. Such as posts ,Images and videos on any social media sites. This method is used to attract online users and market your company campaigns. The content created on social media is to build awareness, drive traffic and customer engagement.  Social media marketing creates content that can attract any user attention or encourage them to purchase the services or any products. Billions of users are active on platforms such as Facebook, fiver, LinkedIn, Instagram and twitter to connect with the audience and show their brand easily.  It is very important for your content to be like  Also check out and visit How to Start a Successful Social Media Marketing Agency

Email Marketing

All of the "Spam" you can get in your inbox is email marketing. However you skip this section, it is a more effective strategy than you think. When a company sends emails about their products to people who are interested in them, it is called Email marketing. It is a popular strategy.  It can be useful for sales driven promotions and increasing brand awareness. Identifying the audience you want to reach is an effective way to generate opportunities through Email Marketing. So email has a much higher rate of consumption than social media.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a process of creating content to attract customers. It can be used through many channels including blogs, web blogs, web content, social media, video marketing and email marketing etc. Content marketing is a very powerful tool in this digital era. It can help to build trust with your audience.  However, Providing your customers with valuable information that they want or need also helps you stay top of mind.


Content marketing is important to establish relationships with customers and any business can use content marketing. It has been proven that people are more likely to make a purchase from a company they trust and know than one they know nothing about.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound content is all the content you put on a web free for your audience. This is an important step in a digital marketing strategy. Also you can connect with your target audience on these platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.  If you put blogs and content on your website, it can attract many people. Blogs will show your company's stuff. Am I right, beautiful readers?


Inbound marketing can affect blogs in two ways.

Outbound marketing

It is a unique form of digital marketing. This includes sending emails. With outbound marketing, you reach out to customers instead of attracting them. It is often more time-consuming and takes a lot of time to reach individuals.  So technology and digital marketing overcome the load. You can use different software that can help you carry out marketing tasks in a very efficient way. 


The main pillars of digital marketing have a solid foundation for businesses. It can provide online success. To understand the targeted audience, creating content, search engine optimization, and social media marketing are important for gaining best results. By accepting these main pillars of digital marketing, you can boost your Business.