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Dry hair towel dry hair is a very viable method

Supplement: The hair dryer of pregnant women can use, but everything is safe, in order to ensure the health of the fetus, for a hairdryer, microwave ovens, pregnant women are still as few as possible. It is said that the pregnant woman who often uses the hair dryer, the probability of born baby malformation is more than double the normal pregnant woman. The hair dryer of the hair dryer is relatively close, and the generated radiation is much stronger than other electrical appliances, especially when opening and closing the hair dryer, especially when using, when in use, the greater the power of the hair dryer, radiation Will increase, these radiation will adversely affect pregnant women and fetal early morning, which can lead to fetal malformations, which may produce various physiological defects. Remind you: Under normal circumstances, we will not cause too much damage to us when we use. More household appliances radiation common sense, all in this security website. This is because the magnetic field may be large when using the electric blow, because its power China Ionic Brushes Manufacturers is large, the current is large. . In contrast, the TV and computer displays, the radiation values are about 45 mg and 100 mg, respectively, far lower than the amount of radiation of the electric blow. But for our health, after the weather turns warm, we can reduce the number of hairdryer used, natural air dry, dry hang, dry hair towel dry hair is a very viable method. As one of our commonly used small appliances, how much is the safety value of the hair dryer radiation? How to reduce hair dryer radiation? The general home hairdryer is 1000W, the radiation value is about 350 mg (Mg: mill case is a magnetic field strength unit).How to prevent radiation is a headache problem for people who pay attention to life safety quality. Our life cannot avoid the damage caused by electricity radiation to health. With the application of all kinds of home appliances, electromagnetic radiation is everywhere