Facts about dinosaurs

Different types of dinosaurs by the volcano illustration

interesting mysteries being discovered slowly until today.

1. Dinosaurs … not very intelligent creatures

Despite having a relatively large body, dinosaurs were not inherently intelligent because they had a small brain. For example, despite weighing between 2 and 3 tons, the dinosaur Stegosaurus only had a small brain the size of a walnut.


Image source: Coloringlib.com

What about the smartest kids? Troodon must have been mentioned because their brains were the size of chicken eggs. Perhaps this is why Troodon is described as relatively active, mischievous with a predator status, and Stegosaurus is considered a dinosaur with a relatively slow response ability?

2. Why did they quickly become the dominant species on Earth?

During the Mesozoic era 250 million years ago, 90% of species went extinct. This is what gives dinosaurs a free environment to thrive. When the second destruction occurred suddenly at the end of the Triassic period 210 million years ago, dinosaurs were out of competition and quickly became the dominant species.

3. Why do some dinosaurs walk on 2 legs while others walk on 4 legs?

One of the common features of dinosaurs is that their front legs are always shorter than their hind legs. Thus, all dinosaurs could theoretically walk straight on their hind legs. However, why not most plant-eating dinosaurs?


Dinosaur coloring page

The answer here is the “weight” factor. Basically, having a body that got too big and heavy forced them to go back to walking on 4 legs instead of being able to stand on 2 legs.

4. How do dinosaurs take care of eggs?

According to the fossils scientists have found, dinosaurs laid their eggs in a burrow dug deep into the ground and laid them in regular circles. But at first, scientists thought they weren’t looking at them like most reptiles, they were just laying eggs. But when they finally found dinosaur skeletons lining their nests, they realized it was the dinosaurs’ incubation period.

5. Were the dinosaurs’ ancestors very small compared to them?

According to the research, the ancestor of dinosaurs belonging to the primitive reptilian group Archosaur – Lagosuchus was only the size of a rabbit: 50 cm long, 100 grams in weight, front legs shorter than hind legs, like later dinosaurs. 

The most famous ancient dinosaur is thought to be Eoraptor (meaning “dawn bandit”), which lived in the Triassic period about 225 million years ago and was discovered in Argentina in 1991. It reaches a length of only 1 m and weighs only 11 kg .

dinosau coloring

Later, scientists found many other skeletons of even smaller sizes. The smallest, possibly Microraptor, is only 40cm long and the largest known is 83cm, while the largest species: Amphicoelias, is up to 60m long.

We have a lot to discover about this dinosaur, if you are interested in painting you can check out our dinosaur coloring pages . This is a topic that interests many young people! You can color it online or download and print it.

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Facts about dinosaursultima modifica: 2022-07-23T09:38:07+02:00da coloringtop

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