Writing a Business Case Study – Useful Resources








A business case study is a document created to persuade or influence a decision-maker in order to gain his approval for a company concept or other activity. A business case study can help an organization establish the groundwork for new business development. When it comes to any company’s pre-planned business development, the business case study is where it all starts. It means that if a compelling case study is offered for a business concept, the concept must be viable. If you can’t emphasize the relevance and potential of a business plan in a case study, your prospects of success are slim to none. As a result, even if your proposal has potential, if your business case study is weak and fails to wow the reader, your idea may not be authorized. The acceptance of a business proposal is entirely dependent on the case study.



What Is A Good Source For A Case Study In Business?







The formulation and implementation of a business strategy raises a number of organizational and social concerns. The approach concludes with the creation of a business case study. The background research is the starting point for the company plan. This research is based on reliable sources. A relevant source is one that is concerned with the




organizational and social aspects of business. Case study research, action research, and ethnography are examples of



quality research methods research paper that can be used in business case study research. Understanding the cultural context and natural environment should be the focus of the business plan research. The essential research conducted for the Company case study must enable the decision-maker to have a better knowledge of the linkages between market and business innovations, as well as the organizational environment. The background research for the business case study should be focused on various philosophical and organizational preferences that could be embraced.



What Is The Purpose Of A Business Case Study Using Relevant Research Sources?



The business case study serves as the cornerstone for a successful business plan implementation. Similarly, the appropriate sources employed for business case study research serve as the foundation for a successful business case study. There are numerous challenges and roadblocks that must be overcome during the implementation and development of a business plan. There could be a number of challenges with the business plan’s implementation in the market. Similarly, there are a number of practical challenges associated with the business plan. The goal of the business plan study is to take advantage of all of these concerns. As a result, throughout the research for a business case study, relevant social, environmental, and market challenges to the business strategies must be observed and assessed. Scenarios connected to previously established business plans should be studied, and evidence should be gathered to see if the company idea’s implementation is both viable and practicable.







For a business case study, the following is a recommended procedure for conducting research in relevant sources.



To examine the data from the appropriate sources for the Business case study, an analytical strategy should be applied. There are a variety of perspectives on a particular business case study, and all of them must be carefully considered before producing one. After you’ve chosen the scenarios and samples that correspond to a specific business case, you can evaluate the data in the following steps:



The researcher must be aware that the data must be combined in such a way that the study’s core hypothesis is addressed. Research methodology is, without a doubt, one of the least established components of the case study process. The researchers should employ a variety of interpretive techniques and provide the evidence in a variety of formats. They should draw on previous research and learn from the experiences of similar company plans that have been implemented in the past. There is a wealth of literature available on practically all historical business plan implementations and developments, which can be a great source of knowledge for academics working on a successful company case study. The business case study inquiry should be based on general analytic methodologies. The scenarios identified as significant sources of research for this case study should be subjected to thorough pattern matching, explanation building, and time-series analysis.





The Effectiveness and Limitations of Relevant Research Sources



It’s important to remember that not all of the research conducted for a business case study lends itself to statistical analysis. In an attempt to make a study more conducive, other parts of the study’s progress are frequently harmed. If such a problem arises, multiple research methodologies should be employed to make the idea more clear to the reader, as the study’s goal is to assist the reader in making the best decision possible, not to confuse him. As a result, the frequency of events should be tallied, and the material should be organized so that the reader can grasp the relative importance of the scenarios addressed.



It is true that conducting research in relevant sources for producing a business case study has a significant impact on the case study’s development and implementation, as well as its application in the field. However, the researcher may not have access to the appropriate case study data because many companies do not prefer to share their research findings. As a result, it becomes difficult for the researcher to construct a study with a scope that ensures adequate and accurate answers to the research questions. Similarly, if you only have limited access to the results of previous studies, gathering all of the relevant data and essential information for your research becomes time-consuming and tiresome.




How to Locate Sources for a Research Paper in Education














What makes an excellent source for a research paper?




There are many sites to explore for information for an Education research paper, but not all of them are equal—a statement from Wikipedia just does not have the same weight as one taken from a textbook. While it’s fine to cast a wide net when conducting research, you’ll want to be selective about which sources you use in your final report. You’ll discover recommendations for simple-to-use resources that give reliable information on a variety of Education topics below.




Journals that are peer-reviewed





Scholars submit their work to peer-reviewed publications when they want to publish their findings. Editors will then distribute this material to other experts in the subject for input on its correctness and relevance—basically, the content in peer-reviewed journals has been vetted by professionals. This doesn’t necessarily imply that it’s correct, but it does imply that the information published in peer-reviewed journals adheres to research norms in the field of education. One of the finest locations to hunt for information is peer-reviewed journals, and using papers from these journals will give your research legitimacy.




There are dozens of peer-reviewed periodicals in the field of education. Some, such as Education Studies, will address broad topics, while others, such as learning problems or early childhood education, will have a more limited concentration. If you don’t know which journal is most likely to provide the information you need, a journal database is a smart place to start. You can search dozens of journals at once using these sites.




Resources for Online Education Journals









The ERIC collection is the place to go for Education journals. The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a joint project of the Institute of Education Sciences and the United States Department of Education. You can utilize their search feature to find peer-reviewed publications, policy papers, books, and conference proceedings summaries.



EBSCO Education Research Complete and JSTOR are two other popular databases. To see the full text of an article, you’ll need to subscribe to these sites, which means you’ll have to access them through a university or library network. You can still check for article titles and abstracts if you don’t have a subscription. You can also use Google Scholar to look for journal articles, though you should make sure the papers you locate are from reputable sources.



Resources on the Internet



The internet may be a great source of knowledge, but you must be cautious about which sources you use. The field of Education, like any other subject, is rife with different viewpoints, therefore you’re likely to come across websites that




present contradicting facts and espouse opposing viewpoints. Look for credible sites maintained by government



organizations or colleges that cite primary source material essay writing, and try to identify numerous sources for the information you wish to quote if at all possible. When reading websites like Wikipedia, you should be extra cautious about examining sources and double-checking content.



The following is a collection of websites where you may find information on a variety of educational topics.






Although it’s tempting to avoid paper copies in favor of computer searches, your library remains a great resource. A search of your local or university library’s online catalog will most certainly reveal up books on the Education topic you’re looking for. Because searching through books at the library can be time-consuming, take a few extra moments to carefully structure your search to eliminate outdated or unnecessary material.



If you don’t have access to a library, services such as public bookshelf and Project Gutenberg provide free digital copies of books.



Final Thoughts






The sources you utilize for your paper will likely vary depending on the subject, but in general, you should use a variety of sources. Begin by searching government and university websites for general information, then narrow your search using education-specific resources such as ERIC and Education Research Complete. You can find books and other materials by searching your library’s online catalogue once you know what you’re looking for. Citing a variety of peer-reviewed journal articles, websites, and books, regardless of the topic, will improve the quality of your research and give your paper credibility.



Adding Pictures and Animations to Your PPT (Power Point Presentation): A Step-by-Step Guide





The purpose of the Power Point presentations is for the audience to gain a better grasp of the topic. When you’re working in a professional setting and need to get a message across to a large group of people, PPT presentations are the ideal option. When giving a presentation, you want it to be efficient and simple to follow. Certain limits must be taken into account, such as the audience’s knowledge of the subject, their degree of understanding, and the surrounding environment. Multimedia elements like photos and animations can help you create more successful PPT presentations. Images and graphical representations are usually simple to comprehend. Similarly, moving items, such as animations, assist the audience in gaining a deeper comprehension.



Why Would You Want To Include Images And Animations In Your Presentations?



When it comes to using visuals and animation in presentations, the first thing you should consider is the aim. Pictures and animations have been discovered to have potential benefit in establishing greater understanding among the audience based on experience and evidence. Multimedia can be utilized in presentations for the following reasons, depending on the age, level of education, and degree of understanding of the audience.













5 steps to writing a law case study in a day







Despite all of the advantages of using multimedia in a presentation academic essay writer







, it’s important to remember that overcrowding slides with graphics and animations might divert attention away from the main point. As a result, even if you want to employ multimedia to help your audience understand you, you must do it with caution. You should prepare a solid presentation plan based on the type of audience you will be addressing.




Make a well-thought-out strategy.




The key to good communication with your audience is to be prepared for them. When making a PowerPoint presentation, you’re primarily attempting to convey a message or a concept to a group of people. All of these persons may have varying levels of expertise and awareness of the issue. It is your responsibility to use visuals in such a way that they all understand your concept at the same time. If even one person becomes distracted, he may cause other people to become distracted as well. As a result, you should prepare for your audience in such a way that you can capture the attention of everyone in the room.




Use PowerPoint as a Tool for Effective Presentations




When giving a presentation in a professional or educational setting, you will always have access to several presenting tools such as Slideware or PowerPoint. If you use Powerpoint, for example, you should make efficient use of it as a tool to make your presentation easy yet engaging. It allows you to add motion to your text and headings, as well as photographs and other multimedia elements to your presentations, among other things. You should have complete control over these alternatives and be able to use them effectively when necessary. The goal of incorporating multimedia into your presentation is to make it easier to comprehend and learn. As a result, avoid using it in a way that confuses the audience. Keep things basic and intriguing.





Do not deny yourself the chance to be adaptable.




To make the presentations easier to grasp, items such as photos, graphs, and animations are used. During presentations, people do not find it fascinating to read long textual material from the slides. As a result, it is preferable if you can convey the content to them via photos and graphical illustrations. However, you must leave enough room in your presentations to be adaptable. Reading from slides is, as they say, a lousy method. Rather, simply add bullets or titles to the slides and speak the remaining information. Similarly, if you’re utilizing photos and objects in your slides, make sure you have enough words to explain what’s on the slide, even if the images and graphics are there. The audience may be engaged with the slides if you pass them softly, but you will lose their attention as a speaker.




To Keep Your Slides From Boring Your Audience, Use Pictures and Animations.



The audience may find it tedious to stare at slides for extended periods of time, and they may be unable to pay attention for lengthy periods of time. Pictures and animations can be used to keep your slides interesting. Your content may be dry, but the images and movement on the screen can help you hold your audience’s attention. When the material you’re presenting is complex, your audience may become frustrated after a while if they don’t comprehend it. The goal of the presentation is to help the audience grasp a certain subject. As a result, visuals and animations should be used to convey a complicated topic in a simple and engaging manner. So that the audience isn’t bored while yet understanding the message you’re attempting to make.



These easy approaches might assist you in making greater use of motion and visuals in your PowerPoint presentations academic writing for a better audience understanding. However, cramming too much multimedia into your presentations can detract from their effectiveness. You should have a good understanding of both your audience and the material you’re presenting, and then only utilize graphics and animations when absolutely necessary.













Action Plan to Succeed in a Fashion Course Application Essay



When applying for admission, essays are a way to show an institute your abilities and personality. This is the area of the application where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your interactive talents and make a solid first impression. If your essay is good, you have a good probability of being accepted over people with superior qualifications but a poorer essay than you. It means you have the opportunity to showcase a shining side of yourself that you believe has never been shown before.



When students apply to fashion institutes, the majority of them place a strong focus on describing what fashion is and why it should be chosen as a course. You must realize that the people reading your essays are fashion experts who don’t need to learn anything about fashion from your essay. Rather, it is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the fashion industry. You must demonstrate a connection and try to persuade them that you are qualified for a position in the field. What should students write in their fashion essay to make them stand out from the crowd and help them get accepted is a common question addressed by students applying to fashion institutes or courses. The steps to creating a strategic action plan for producing a successful application essay are outlined below. If you follow these instructions carefully, you will most likely have a better chance than others.



Personalize your essay



You should use the college essay to discuss and disclose aspects of your personality that aren’t covered in other portions of your application. You must understand that the institute or college to which you are applying is completely unaware of your past or experience. As a result, if you want to be noticed and stand out from the crowd, you must take a stand in your fashion essay. When you write an essay, you are attempting to speak with the institute’s administration and to explain why you deserve this seat more than others. Furthermore, the grades and ratings on your application do not reflect your personality or character; you will need to communicate with them on a more personal level. This is exactly what you must do in Essay. Make a strong first impression. Demonstrate your ability to be both innovative and motivated in this sector. If possible, include personal experiences that demonstrate your interest in the realm of fashion. The goal should be to draw attention to your strengths. It’s an opportunity for you to tell people about yourself and how you differ from others. So, when a college asks why you choose their school, what do you say? You are not required to compliment the university. Instead, describe what you will provide to the college and how this particular college fits your needs.



Reasons for Choosing Fashion as a Career



After giving the institution an overview of your personality, interests, and strengths in the start of the essay, you should now elaborate on your interest in this sector and explain reasons why you believe fashion is the ideal field for you. You must explain to them that you are not only applying in this profession to gain admission, but that you are passionate about it and want to establish a name for yourself in fashion marketing. You should talk about any previous work experience you’ve had in this industry. Before applying, it’s a good idea to do a short internship in fashion marketing or merchandising. If you’ve done that, you can write about how you actually worked in the field and how much you enjoyed it. Even if you have no prior experience working in the fashion industry, you may still create an impact by demonstrating how you are aware of current trends. You should demonstrate that you are up to date on fashion and have an excellent sense of color and texture. You may list magazines and books that you believe have influenced your decision to pursue fashion as a career. If you have a mentor or an idea in the fashion sector, you might mention him and explain how and why he inspires you to join the profession.



Organize and proofread your work.



The college application essay is also an exercise for you to demonstrate your writing, organization, and research skills to the college. Always begin by brainstorming, just as we do with essays. To elaborate on your interest in the field of fashion, first write down the major highlights of your personality, then make a list of ideas and examples that show a connection between you and the field of fashion, and finally write a good essay that is properly formatted and free of grammar and spelling errors. The information you include in your essay should not be haphazard. It should be well-organized and presented in such a way that the reader can easily comprehend it. The text should have a highly positive and compelling tone. The goal of your essay is to persuade people, therefore both your writing and your personality must inspire them. After you’ve finished writing your essay, go over it again to make sure it’s error-free. Proofreading should be done by hand rather than using a machine to mark spelling and grammar mistakes. Sometimes the computer software is unable to detect a mistake, which you can only notice if you read the document yourself. Furthermore, reading your essay aloud will allow you to hear how your essay sounds to a reader and determine whether it is compelling enough or needs to be revised. If you believe it is adequate, then it is acceptable to send. However, it would be preferable if you could seek expert guidance on it before sending it to the college. Make an expert person examine your essay and assist you in determining whether or not it is perfect.



Main guidelines for dissertation structure





A dissertation is a lengthy essay that is given to a student during his course of study. It is usually written by PhD students as part of the requirement for being awarded a PhD degree. Writing a dissertation ensures that the student develop essential analytical and problem solving skills that will prove crucial in his professional career














. A dissertation dissertation just like any other school assignment has guidelines to be followed. There are set of rules for the writing a dissertations. These set of rules forms the structure of a dissertation. The following guidelines should be followed strictly if a student is to write a dissertation.








Every dissertation must have a tile page. The tile page states the topic of the dissertation. It gives the name of the student as well as his unique student identification number commonly referred to as matriculation numbers in some countries. The tile page should specifically state the number of pages of the dissertation. It is not appropriate to have a list of books consulted during the course of work in the title page. These have their special sections where they will be added later. In addition to the above mentioned factors, a title page should contain the name of the lecturer or supervisor in charge of the dissertation research project.








A good dissertation should have a strong introductory statement. The introduction should not take up more than a few pages. They should not be too long and explain everything that will be covered in the main body of the work. A good introduction starts from the broad explanation of events down to the minute details. It gives the readers a broad outline of what the paper is all about. It as well mentions what the paper hopes to accomplish and any shortcomings experienced during the course of the work. Most importantly, an introduction should contain a clear thesis statement. Some institutions require that the thesis statement be written as a sub section of the introduction while others require that the thesis statement be written as a standalone section. Whatever the case may be, a good thesis statement is given in only a few sentences. In fact just two or three sentences are enough to form your thesis statement. The thesis statement produces facts about the paper. It aims to answer basic questions without raising more issues.














The hallmark of a good dissertation lies in its ability to present clear facts. These clear facts are stated in the methodology, results and discussion section of the paper. The methodology tells the reader how any experiment or research carried in the paper was done. It states the sampling methods and materials used for the research. The purpose is to enable any other researcher to be able to carry out the same research given the same circumstances. The results section on the other hand states actions that results from the experiment or research so carried out. This is where the student presents his facts and tries to convince his readers. The discussion section talks about the implications of the research results. It clearly states the author’s opinion on the subject matter. These sections should be explicitly stated in a concise and precise manner.







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Writing a Business Case Study – Useful Resourcesultima modifica: 2022-01-31T20:05:42+01:00da stevecarter