Transitioning to being an effective Leader

A recent survey showed that 71% of businesses still feel that their leaders aren’t ready to guide the company into the future. It is an alarming statistic, given the role effective leaders play in developing an organization’s culture and growth. It is causing many leaders to re-evaluate their current methods to become more effective. But what traits do effective leaders possess that separate them from the rest? 

And how can you be an effective leader?

Who is a Leader? 

Leaders exude influence over peers and subordinates, enthusing them to achieve a company or a team goal and work cohesively as a team. Regardless of the title, leadership is a mindset in action. Leadership is not a mantle to be handed out. Leaders earn their position because of their competency to inspire those around them, focus on the organization’s objectives and work to maximize the firm’s value.

Who are Effective Leaders? 

From Steve Jobs to Jeff Bezos, effective leaders empower their employees, support the organization’s long-term goals, and deliver the best experience to their customers. Research has shown that effective leadership can lead to a 12x jump in a company valuation compared to those that ineffective leaders lead. Furthermore, when Ken Blanchard conducted a study on more than 200 organizations, they found that each year of delay in improving leadership skills cost the company 7% of its annual revenues. Since this effect compounds over time, effective leadership can mean giving up millions in potential revenue opportunities in the future.

Effective leaders are visionaries who can inspire innovation in the organization by motivating their team members to reach beyond their potential. Effective leaders create a shared vision to unify those around them, build processes to foster collaboration, and recognize each individual’s unique strengths and weaknesses to best deploy their skill sets to solve complex problems.

To know What Sets an Effective Leader Apart from a Leader and How you can be an Effective Leader  Click Here !

The formula for Sustained Business Success

Have you ever heard of an entrepreneur starting a company to make ends meet rather than profit? Not!

Every entrepreneur aspires to be in the most prosperous phase of the economic cycle. It’s a great dream but making it a reality is another story. Businesses begin with BHAG goals and a vision for success.

Growing a firm requires the right intellectual assets, strategic partnerships, services, or goods that address unsatisfied customer needs or fulfill a demand gap in the market. A sustainable company model requires a strong operational foundation to decrease long-term risks.

Understanding sustainable business growth and how it is measured should come first.

What does “sustainable growth” actually mean?

Business sustainability is the balancing act between growth and resilience. The kind of growth that a company can achieve practically without running into problems is sustainable growth. A business that grows too quickly can have trouble finding the money to expand. A business that develops too slowly or not at all can eventually become stagnant. The objective is to determine the ideal growth rate.

The secret to a company’s long-term success is in it.

What does a sustained growth rate mean?

An organization’s sustainable growth rate (SGR) is the highest level of growth it can achieve without needing outside financial support in the form of equity or debt to finance its expansion.

Finding a sustainable growth rate for an organization can be challenging because it requires assessing external factors that might limit development. Market dynamics and social and economic factors are examples of external factors.

I suggest using the series of steps to maintain an enterprise’s momentum for business success:

  1. Adopt a business-minded mindset.

  2. Be a great leader if you want to succeed in business.

  3. The dream team should be invested.

  4. Risk should be befriended rather than avoided.

To Read More, click here.

Connect with Ratish Pandey – “The top business coach in India”
