Using DISC for Team Building

What is the DISC Behavioral Assessment? Is building a high-performing team important?

Yes, it is! It has been recognized as the driving force behind the success of companies, not today but for years. For instance, investors in startups prioritize the team’s quality and the synergy among its members over the business idea itself.

Research shows that the management team’s quality is the most critical non-financial factor in evaluating an IPO, with 1.9 times increased likelihood of achieving above-median financial performance when the top team works collaboratively towards a shared vision. This further highlights the vital role of a superior team in achieving success.

Building a high-performing team is challenging, despite its value. Hiring the best-fit results in a diverse group of energetic, ambitious, and capable individuals who need to work together effectively.

It requires understanding each employee’s mental makeup and actives to help optimize their performance and set up team dynamics.

One helpful approach is to use behavioral assessment tools, such as DISC Profiles, grounded in behavioral psychology. Using DISC for Team Building helps in understanding team dynamics and building a high-performing team.

Team profiling is a powerful tool for building a high-performing team. It offers a detailed understanding of each member’s unique attributes and how they mesh to form a cohesive unit.

It identifies the team’s strengths, areas of effectiveness, and potential growth points. By bringing to light individual differences, it enhances team dynamics and helps make informed managerial decisions.

Visit Us to learn more about what is the DISC Behavioral Assessment and why DISC Profiling is the Key to Building a High-Performing Team!

Coping with Stress and Avoiding Burnout: Advice for Entrepreneurs


Do you often find yourself tired? Is your productivity decreasing? Do you feel the world is plotting against you? Is the new you an irritable short-tempered version of you? Are you devoid of enthusiasm?

If any or all of the above is a yes, you are letting the stress get the better of you and heading for burnout.

Time to take stock and bail out!!

Bailing out of the situation requires an objective review, discipline, and deploying the right tools to avert stress. Let’s look at 5 steps you could consider:

  1. Set realistic goals and priorities.
  2. Practice self-care – both mental and physical
  3. Delegate and ask for help:
  4. Automate- employ technology.
  5. Seek support – get a Business Coach/ Mentor

Simply put, it’s about creating order out of Chaos. It is your business; no one knows it better than you, but who says you need to do it alone? Getting an expert Business coach to help you create the order speeds up the process and gives you access to expertise, knowledge, and a range of tried and tested strategies.

Schedule your free consultation today and start moving towards a better work-life balance.

Effective Time Management Strategies for Business Owners

No time?

Too much work?

Juggling multiple responsibilities?

If the above describes your day, then Entrepreneur, you need help.

You are working more on your business, stretching to keep it running rather than working on the business to focus on your goals.

First things First.

As a young entrepreneur wearing multiple hats is a reality, so how do we manage that?

Let’s start with the basics and see if you have aced your time management skills.

Some tips if you are not there and a checklist for those who believe they aced the skill.

  1. Prioritise your tasks -Prioritise your tasks using the Eisenhower matrix of – urgent, not urgent & important, and not important. Tasks urgent and important – Action, tasks Important & not urgent – Delegate, tasks not important but urgent – Put it low on priority & tasks neither important nor urgent remove from the list.
  2. Use a calendar – Keep track of deadlines and appointments using a calendar to avoid missing important tasks.
  3. Use technology- Automate processes. Use productivity tools and software to streamline tasks.
  4. Learn to say NO- do not over-commit.
  5. Create a schedule & stick to it – while you need to wear multiple hats as an entrepreneur, it does not mean to have to wear them all at once. Schedule time for each role and give it your full attention. Always keep a close time for the day – remember all work & no play makes for a dull entrepreneur.

Do share how many of you ticked off all the above and who feel they gained from this. I would love to hear what techniques you have employed that make time management a breeze for you.

I have, over the years, found these helpful in increasing my productivity, optimizing my time utilization, and not losing focus on self-development and what is important to me as a person. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Why Team Building is Crucial for Effective Leadership: Find Out More

In the modern workplace, with hybrid teams, remote teamwork and collaboration have become important. Many executives and leaders fail to recognize it, resulting in communication breakdowns, distrust, and poor productivity.

Hiring an executive coach is a good option. It can help leaders align themselves and develop the skills necessary to lead and manage a team. This will ensure that the team works towards the same corporate goals.

Does the leader’s success at leading a team define their success?

Yes, because effective teamwork is crucial for the success of any organization. A leader with strong team-building skills is invaluable. They can use the unique skills and talents of each team member to reach shared goals. This will increase productivity and foster innovation.

Team building promotes a positive work culture. It makes employees feel valued and supported, which motivates them to work together towards a shared purpose.

A leader can help foster a positive working environment. This includes collaboration, trust, and open communication. Such an atmosphere boosts team morale and job satisfaction. As a result, the employee turnover rate is lower, and there is better retention.

Moreover, team building helps to identify and address areas of weakness or conflict within a team. A leader who excels in conflict management and provides constructive feedback and criticism can enhance team dynamics. This boosts overall performance.

A leader with good team-building ability is essential for building a high-performing team. This team should be engaged, motivated, and productive.

Maintaining this level of performance is also dependent on the leader. A leader can drive success for the organisation by fostering a positive work culture. They can also resolve conflicts and leverage team members’ strengths to achieve shared goals.

Elevating Business Growth: The Importance of a Growth Mindset

Do you have a growth Business Mindset?

Are you bullish about your growth?

Are you innovating, taking calculated risks to scale?

Is your business agile to pivot to manage change?

If the answer to any or all of the above is ‘no’ or a ‘maybe’, it’s a wake-up call.

A growth business mindset is essential in today’s competitive market to stay relevant and increase market share. This mindset keeps the focus on growth and increases customer value. It also attracts investors and talent.

It’s a mindset that pushes entrepreneurs to continuously challenge themselves and scout for opportunities, resulting in increased profitability and success.

Challenged with finding your chi, engage a Business coach, your best worst friend who will help you develop a growth business mindset and make you accountable.

Do not be the person to hold back your growth. Take action. Connect with the team Ethique Advisory, and we would be happy to work with you towards your business’s success! Contact us today to learn more about how you create a mindset for business success.

Start your journey towards achieving a better work-life balance.

Top 4 Benefits of Hiring a Business Consultant

In today’s competitive business environment, it is essential to have a strategic plan for growth and success. However, many businesses need help to identify and execute effective growth strategies on their own. This is where a growth consultant can make a significant difference.

A growth consultant is an expert in identifying growth opportunities, developing strategies to achieve them, and executing those strategies for maximum impact. They can provide valuable insights and expertise to help businesses overcome obstacles and achieve growth goals.

This article will highlight the importance of hiring a growth consultant for your business. We will discuss how a growth consultant can help businesses:

Identify growth opportunities: 

A growth consultant can help businesses identify new markets, products, and services that have the potential to drive growth. By analyzing market trends, consumer behaviour, and industry data, they can identify opportunities that may need to be apparent to the business.

Develop growth strategies: 

Once growth opportunities have been identified, a growth consultant can help develop strategies to achieve them. They can provide a fresh perspective and offer innovative solutions that may have yet to be considered by the business.

Execute growth strategies: 

A growth consultant can help businesses execute their plan by providing guidance and support. They can help identify and overcome obstacles, monitor progress, and adjust.

Improve overall business performance: 

By working closely with the business, a growth consultant can help identify weaknesses and provide improvement recommendations which result in improved efficiency, increased profitability, and enhanced competitiveness.

In conclusion,  hiring a Business growth consultant  can provide businesses with a competitive edge by identifying growth opportunities, developing effective growth strategies, and executing those strategies for maximum impact. Companies can position themselves for long-term success and growth by investing in a growth consultant.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact the  Best Business Coach In India , Ratish Pandey, to achieve your goals and unlock your business’s full potential.

How to Create a Roadmap for Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Many organizations fail to successfully implement their strategies, despite investing billions. Why? The answer is simple: lack of successful implementation. Despite being a top priority for executives, surveys report that fewer than 15% of organizations worldwide have successfully implemented their strategic initiatives. This huge gap between expectations and outcomes highlights the importance of creating a strategic business roadmap. So, what exactly is a strategic roadmap, why does your organization need it, and how can you create one? Read on to find out.

Why Does a Company Require a Strategic Business Roadmap?

When leaders, employees, and stakeholders aren’t on the same page about the organization’s future, it can lead to disarray. The State of Leadership Development 2020 surveyed 21,008 employees and found that only 29% believed their leaders’ vision for the future aligned with the organization’s. Leaders also make on-the-fly decisions that may not optimize long-term success. A strategic business roadmap provides a clear path to achieve goals and ensures all actions align with the plan, avoiding these challenges.

What is a strategic roadmap? Learn how to create one for your business.

A strategic roadmap is, to put it simply, a road map that shows the direction that a business should take to succeed both now and in the future. The roadmap not only outlines the company’s current situation and the best route to its objectives, but it also speeds up the process by preventing staff from having to figure things out as they go.

Organizations can identify the decisions they must make for long-term success using a strategic business roadmap. A strategic roadmap makes sure that the company’s founders can look past the operational fog and lay out a clear goal for everyone in the organization. If properly implemented, it gives employees across the cadre the ability to make decisions of high quality that are in alignment with the objectives of the organization and acts as a reference point for staff members, managers, stakeholders, and other interested parties.

Is your organization currently without a strategic roadmap? Don’t worry; developing one may not be as intimidating as it seems.

We have prepared a step-by-step guide to assist you in creating a strategic business roadmap for your organization. Our blog offers a straightforward framework to help you get started.

So why not take a look and learn how to create a roadmap for your business?

Establishing Your Organization’s Direction
Determine Your Destination
Establish Goals and Measure Progress Through Processes
Create a Map of Your Pathway to Success
Gather the Necessary Tools to Achieve Your Objectives
Assign Responsibilities to Ensure Accountability
Regularly Measure Progress and Course Correct as Needed.

In conclusion, crafting a winning business roadmap is a critical aspect of achieving success for any organization. By taking the time to identify your goals, create a clear and actionable plan, and gather the necessary tools and resources, you can develop a roadmap that will guide your organization towards success. It’s essential to regularly measure your progress and course-correct as needed and to assign responsibilities to ensure accountability.

Visit Our Blog to learn these steps more in detail and continuously refine your roadmap; you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of your organization and achieving your business objectives.

Why startups fail? Top reasons and lessons learned.

Lack of Product Market Fit Indian Startups had a stellar year in 2021, setting several new records -the number of startups acquiring unicorn status, the number of new startups launched, and the record funding received by startups.

Now more than ever, Indian startup founders are aspiring the unicorn status, that is a $1 billion valuation.

All the good news could make one forget the struggle to launch a successful startup. It is no surprise that 90% of all startups fail within five years of being founded.

Why startups fail?

What should the founders do to mitigate failure?

Let us look at five factors that spell doom for startups and how the founders can address the situation fitfully.

  1. Failing to raise new capital

  2. Lack of Product Market Fit

  3. Competitive Landscape

  4. Pricing/Cost Challenges

  5. Product Launch Timing

Discover the common reasons in detail why startups fail & how to avoid them. Gain insights from industry experts to help your startup succeed. Read more now Visit Our Blog!

Employee Coaching: Elevating from Good to Great

Organizations and employees often prioritize degree or skill-based hiring, but research has shown that success is driven more by EQ than IQ, with 80% attributed to EQ. Industry leaders suggest hiring for attitude over skills.

An all-star team isn’t enough without support and collaboration.

While senior management is responsible for building a thriving workplace, it can be challenging.

An executive coach can provide a solution by helping senior executives acquire coaching and management skills while enhancing personal development. With an unbiased and skilled perspective, executive coaches bring fresh insights and make coaching more acceptable to employees.

According to a recent International Coaching survey, people who participated in coaching saw a median Return on Investment of 3.4 times their initial investment, with one in five reporting a staggering 50 times Return on Investment.

In addition, the same survey revealed that 95% of individuals who worked with a coach gave them a “good” or “outstanding” rating. proving that investing in coaching may help an organisation grow and become more productive.

A young firm may find it difficult to determine which coaching is the best fit for their organisation, given the possibilities and variety of coaching solutions on the market.

Learn how employee coaching can transform good employees into great ones. Discover tips and strategies for effective coaching from industry experts.

Primal leadership drives great performance

In the current times of change and uncertainty, employees look to leaders for reassurance and conviction, which calls for effective Leadership. Leaders are mandated to address expressed and unexpressed fears of their team to keep them focused on the job at hand and prevent emotional turbulence from impeding productivity.

In 2001, a study by Daniel Goleman of 3,871 executives across organisations revealed that the leader’s style determines around 70% of the emotional climate, which drives between 20% and 30% of business performance.

It further reiterated that a leader who acknowledges and alleviates the employees’ concerns is able to get them to perform more efficiently towards their goals.

Primal Leadership approach to Leadership has the potential to positively influence not only the team but the atmosphere of the entire organisation.

What is Primal Leadership?

Primal Leadership is a leadership style that factors in the leader’s emotional intelligence. It is grounded in the idea that an individual’s emotional state impacts their behaviour and, in turn, impacts the people around them. The same holds true for a leader. In their case, it affects peers, employees and the overall atmosphere of the company. Therefore, leaders must be cognizant of their emotions and learn to manage them for the best results. Primal Leadership, in a nutshell, focuses on enhancing emotional intelligence for positive results.

Mood and emotional intelligence are two sides of a coin when it comes to Primal Leadership.

The science of moods focuses on how emotions become infectious and spread from one to another.

Learn How Mood Impacts the Outcome and how to improve your Primal Leadership skills through the four building blocks of Primal Leadership.