In an uncertain economy, how can businesses adapt?

In today’s article,  Business Coach Ratish Pandey  will discuss a topic you suggested – Given the Uncertain Economy,  how can Businesses Adapt

As in a human being, for business, too, it is the mindset that defines adaptability. The frame of mind is to accept change, respond to it, and adapt effectively. We have to remember that change is only CONSTANT.

In times of drastic, unexpected change, as we faced during the pandemic, it is the time to open your mind – seek counsel, share ideas, brainstorm, and learn unashamedly from others about how they are addressing the situation, what is working, what is not. 

It is time to challenge the traditional approach to business. One must explore and welcome new ideas and ways to run one’s business. In today’s context, technology adoption across the organization is one new entrant that all companies cannot avoid. 

Next is keeping the ear to the ground. See how the change is impacting your customer and the purchase journey. 

A business that is nimble in responding to the customer’s changing demands will thrive.

Adapting to the customer’s altered purchase journey may call for change in operations or product offerings, the go-to-market approach, accessibility, or post-sales support. Whatever be the requirement – as an entrepreneur, you need to be swift in your response.

But how does one challenge the “old thinking”? Simple, by new and different thinking.

Think out of the box; in other words, let go of the barriers. Welcome new ideas and explore innovative ways that come to the fore – which in turn will help the business navigate these uncertain times successfully.

In coaching, we have an adage- “It is better to be consistent that be perfect”. So do not wait for perfection; instead, value speed and consistency. Start now and let improvement be an ongoing process.

All this is good going, but for it to sustain, there is one more important step. Leadership style will need to change for new ideas and ways of operations to take wing. Leaders must be keen listeners and be more inclusive, empathetic, and supportive. On the other hand, leaders will need to be decisive and lead from the front.

If you have any questions on this topic, let me know, and we would love to address them.

Growth consultant – why you need one?

We live in an era of cutthroat competition, with all businesses fighting for the highest returns on their investments. With so many successful companies on the horizon and new start-ups joining the race every day, one must think outside the box to attain their company’s competitive edge. In fact, business  growth consultants  have been game-changers. By providing their affiliated client with excellent and super-effective consulting options, a business growth consultant is integral to the business’s growth and success.

At some stage of their growth, most businesses hit a saturation point where they struggle with the next level of business growth that will catapult the company to the next level. It occurs for various reasons, but the most often, it’s because of a lack of perspective, fresh insights and the absence of a “growth mindset.”

Here is where a Growth Consultant would significantly impact the narrative, helping the company progress in terms of expansion and new revenue sources. Growth consultants also help start-ups, and emerging businesses boost their success.

Before we get into how growth consultants can help your company, let’s look at several scenarios when Growth Advisory and a  Strategy for Business Growth  are the need of the hour.

  • The Results are missing the mark.
  • Mature Businesses Need To Reinvent Themselves
  • Maintaining Employee Morale in the Face of Dynamic Business Growth
  • Bringing a Fresh Vision to Your Business
  • Unlocking Hidden Potential & Opportunities :  Sales, Marketing, Strategy, and Leadership are the  4 pillars  for maintaining consistent  Business Growth.
  • Instilling A Growth Mindset Among Employees & Management

Need an expert business growth consultant for your business? We’ve got your back!

Ethique Advisory  is a top business consultancy in India that offers the most comprehensive consulting services to businesses like yours.

We have years of expertise and are just as passionate as our clients in helping them achieve market growth.

What distinguishes us from the competition is that our emphasis is on developing cost-effective consulting solutions that maximize your company’s efficiency and productivity to consistently create an excellent return on investment.

So, if you’re seeking a perfect growth partner that can help you take your business to the top and reach its goals and objectives smoothly and without hiccups, Ethique Advisory is just what you’re looking for!

To know more about Growth Consulting, book an appointment today.

Cash Flow vs Profit: Is it that different?

Following the greetings, one of the first questions business owners ask each other is How is Your Business Doing?

Most of the time, the answer is Profit? Does the business make money? And how do you calculate profits? In the business world, profit is the amount left over after taking out all other business expenses and reducing purchases from sales. A high-profit margin is when you have a high difference between sales and purchases.

What matters is whether those profits translate into cash?

After all, not all high profits translate into increased cash flow.

For instance, a business might earn high profits but manage cash flow poorly. You can experience poor cash flow due to high outstanding amounts from your debtors and high stock levels, which may result in the business going out of business even though you are earning high profits.

Businesses should constantly work on closing their cash gap and focus on reducing the cash gap.

Business Coach Ratish Pandey reveals the secret to a successful business: To succeed, it is imperative to have both profits and cash.

Here’s how you can get started: