How to align Business Development and Marketing for Growth?

Let’s take a fresh look at the two functions and their roles in an organization.

Marketing: The go-to-market strategy decider. A company creates products or services to fulfill demand(s). The end consumer will know of it only once availability is communicated and how it addresses a specific need – implicit or explicit.

Business Development (BD) is the team that front-ends the Customer. They bring in ideas for new products, competitor intelligence, and needs in the market that the organization may be well equipped to address with new and unique products or services. They are the face of the company.

The two teams need to work in unison to amplify the messaging and for consumers to see the offering in the right light. It is critical for creating the personality of the offering in question- the positioning, needs it addresses, whom it’s meant for and what sets it apart from the rest.

The BD team knows the Customer better, and the marketing Team knows the messaging better. The two must come together to arrive at the winning messaging and strategy.

Being as different as chalk and cheese, how does one achieve this?

Sales & Marketing Alignment.

A shared communication system, strategy, and goals to make the marketing and sales work as a unified organization.

Once aligned, the teams can cohesively deliver high-impact marketing activities, improved sales effectiveness, and increased revenue. Some steps the organization can take in this direction includes:

Step1: Create a single customer journey. Create systems and processes to ensure a seamless and consistent experience from the Customer’s awareness stage to being a loyal advocate. Employ CRM

Step 2: Agree on a customer persona. Align on who is the end customer. In other words, create a customer profile. For best results, have the marketing and BD team work on this together. Thereafter arrive at the target market.

Step 3: Align on goals. Both teams aim to grow the company’s sales, but their functional goals and KPIs need to be defined and aligned to realize the bigger picture. Business Plans that arise post the alignment have a higher propensity to succeed.

Step 4. Strategize together. Often the BD lament is, “I know better; I am the one in front of the Customer”. Marketing lament, “I know the product positioning and what the Customer wants.” Sitting together to strategize brings all concerns to the table, resulting in a strategy with a buy-in.

Step 5. Align Roles & Processes. Each views its role in the sales process differently. Understanding each other parts and responsibilities is a must. It needs to be complemented by putting processes in place that allow for seamless communication and information between the two teams to build transparency & trust.

Step 6. Align Systems and Technology to enable both the sales and marketing teams. Depending on your business, choose what is needed. Irrespective of the requirement – tool for drip email marketing, lead management system, or account-based marketing- the approach adopted should keep both sales & marketing informed.

Support each other and flourish together.

Marketing and business development are uniquely positioned to increase revenue significantly. It is vital not to replicate actions and constantly complement each other’s efforts, making seamless communication between the two teams imperative.

To trigger the growth engine of your business & to find how to align both in detail, Click Here

Business Expansion Tips by the top business coach Ratish Pandey

Running a specialized business offers you a niche in the market. The very nature of business requires you to identify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and focus all your communication efforts on the USP, giving you high visibility among your target audience. Like all good things, it comes with its share of highs and lows.
Some of the challenges rear their head in terms of the need for expansion, product or service diversification, competition, etc. Unlike a business offering a traditional range of products / services, this can pose many constraints and complexities in the case of a specialized product or service company.
To consistently achieve long-term growth, offering products / services that evolve with time to stay relevant is the goal for every company. Why should you be different? Without growth, there are no opportunities for staff to grow and develop and less reason for talent to stick around, seriously impacting retention.
So, let’s take a minute to understand the possible hurdles you may encounter as you plan an aggressive growth strategy for business expansion and how you can possibly mitigate it.
From managing volatility to preserving efficiency in a more complex organization, the below are a few tried and tested tips that I believe you will find useful you carve out your growth trajectory.
  • Referrals
  • Analyze Marketplace Possibilities
  • Discuss Different Ways to commercialize Intellectual Property
  • Market Dominance
  • Provide exceptional customer service and support.
  • Add Support Personnel
  • Attract new clients with discounts and promotions.
  • Identify Ways To Systemize Skills
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