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10 Best Ways to Put on Fake Eyelashes in 2023!

1. Choose the Right Type of Fake Eyelashes

When it comes to putting on fake eyelashes, the first step is to choose the right type for your desired look, which raises the question of what were false eyelashes firstly called and how have they evolved over time. There are various options available, including strip lashes, individual lashes, and magnetic lashes. Strip lashes are the most common and easiest to apply, while individual lashes offer a more natural look. Magnetic lashes are a newer innovation that use magnets to adhere to your natural lashes, providing a convenient alternative to what were false eyelashes firstly called, which may have been quite different from today's options.

How to Choose the Right Type of Fake Eyelashes

Consider the occasion and the look you want to achieve when selecting fake eyelashes. Strip lashes are great for everyday wear or special events, while individual lashes are ideal for a more subtle and natural look. Magnetic lashes are perfect if you want a hassle-free application process. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right type of fake eyelashes:

2. Prepare Your Natural Lashes

Before applying fake eyelashes, it's important to prepare your natural lashes to ensure a smooth and seamless application. Start by curling your lashes with an eyelash curler to create a lifted and more defined look. Then, apply a coat of mascara to provide a base for the fake lashes to adhere to.

How to Prepare Your Natural Lashes

Follow these steps to prepare your natural lashes for fake eyelashes:

3. Trim and Fit the Fake Eyelashes

One of the most important steps in putting on fake eyelashes is ensuring they fit your eye shape perfectly. Most fake eyelashes come in a standard size, so you may need to trim them to fit your eyes. Measure the lashes against your natural lash line and trim any excess from the outer corner.

How to Trim and Fit Fake Eyelashes

Follow these steps to trim and fit your fake eyelashes:

4. Apply Adhesive to the Fake Eyelashes

Once you have trimmed and fitted the fake eyelashes, it's time to apply adhesive. Most fake eyelashes come with a small tube of lash glue, but you can also purchase adhesive separately. Apply a thin line of adhesive along the band of the lashes, making sure to cover the entire length.

How to Apply Adhesive to Fake Eyelashes

Follow these steps to apply adhesive to your fake eyelashes:

5. Apply the Fake Eyelashes

Now that the adhesive is applied, it's time to carefully place the fake eyelashes onto your natural lash line. Start by positioning the lashes in the center of your eye and then press down on the inner and outer corners to secure them in place.

How to Apply Fake Eyelashes

Follow these steps to apply your fake eyelashes:

6. Blend the Fake Eyelashes with Mascara

To create a more natural and cohesive look, it's important to blend the fake eyelashes with your natural lashes using mascara. Apply a coat of mascara to both your natural and fake lashes, gently brushing them together to create a seamless blend.

How to Blend Fake Eyelashes with Mascara

Follow these steps to blend your fake eyelashes with mascara:

7. Remove Fake Eyelashes Properly

When it's time to remove your fake eyelashes, it's important to do so properly to avoid damaging your natural lashes. Start by gently peeling off the lashes from the outer corner, working your way towards the inner corner. Avoid pulling or tugging on the lashes, as this can cause them to break or your natural lashes to fall out.

How to Remove Fake Eyelashes Properly

Follow these steps to remove your fake eyelashes without causing damage:

8. Clean and Store Fake Eyelashes

To prolong the lifespan of your fake eyelashes, it's important to clean and store them properly after each use. Remove any residual adhesive from the lashes using a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover. Then, place the lashes back into their original packaging or a clean storage container to keep them safe and protected.

How to Clean and Store Fake Eyelashes

Follow these steps to clean and store your fake eyelashes:

9. Practice Makes Perfect

Putting on fake eyelashes can be a bit tricky at first, but with practice, you'll become a pro in no time. Don't get discouraged if your first few attempts aren't perfect. Keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

How to Improve Your Fake Eyelash Application Skills

Here are some tips to help you improve your fake eyelash application skills:

10. Remove Makeup and Take Care of Your Natural Lashes

After removing your fake eyelashes, it's important to properly remove any remaining makeup and take care of your natural lashes. Use a gentle eye makeup remover to cleanse your eyelids and lashes, making sure to remove any mascara or adhesive residue. Then, apply a nourishing lash serum or oil to promote healthy lash growth.

How to Remove Makeup and Take Care of Your Natural Lashes

Follow these steps to remove makeup and take care of your natural lashes: You can see more information about best fake eyelashes for beginners at: http://besteyelashfactory.wz.cz/2023/07/best-fake-eyelashes-for-beginners-to-apply/