
76% compared with 2015. With the increase in market penetration of health and medical products, the output of coil products produced with multi-die equipment will soon surpass that of single-die equipment. At present, domestic equipment manufacturers have introduced the latest spinning systems, hot rolling mills, winding machines, and slitting machines. The net forming machine is
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The use of anti-insect non-woven fabrics is the same, so how should we use anti-insect non-woven fabrics correctly? Now let’s analyze for Sterile mask everyone, of course, the first thing to do is to choose products with reliable quality.How to use insect-resistant non-woven fabrics correctly As a professional manufacturer of non-woven fabrics, it is important
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6.  3. If you have any other relevant knowledge about non-woven fabrics you want to ask, please contact us for relevant advice!. Some non-woven products can be used in many areas of our daily lives.   5. Waterproof material: breathable waterproof material base cloth. Household products: fabric softeners and additives, vacuum cleaner bags. They are not very
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Many consumers wear masks when they travel, but many consumers wear masks incorrectly. I believe you don’t believe it. The following editor of disposable medical masks briefly introduces consumers to wear masks. Wash your hands before and after wearing the mask; keep the mask close to your face: the colored side of the mask is
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The idea behind a NonWovEN mask is that the user will be able to feel comfortable and secure, and be able to avoid the possibility of experiencing skin irritation or allergic reactions. NonWoven fabric masks such as the MACINTyre mask is made by Dell Medical School and the company has been in business since 1958.
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