How To Change Ownership Of Facebook Ad Account?

Have you ever needed to transfer ownership of your Facebook ad account to someone else in your organization? As businesses grow and evolve, changing who manages important assets like your Facebook ads is common. Fortunately, while Facebook doesn’t have an automated “transfer ownership” function, with a few simple steps you can seamlessly change who owns and manages your Facebook ad account.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain exactly how to transfer full admin access and ownership of a Facebook ad account from one person to another.

Why You Might Need to Change Ownership of Your Facebook Ad Account

Here are some of the most common reasons you may need to change ownership of your Facebook ad account:

  • Someone who previously managed the ads leaves the company – You need to assign ownership to another employee to keep managing the account.
  • You hire a new employee or agency specifically to take over Facebook advertising efforts – Ownership should transfer to whoever will be doing the day-to-day advertising work.
  • An employee gets promoted to oversee all social media marketing – That person needs full admin access and ownership to effectively manage efforts across channels.
  • Your social media manager owns the account but goes on extended leave – Someone needs to take over ownership during their absence to keep campaigns running.

As you can see, transferring ownership allows you to seamlessly keep managing vital assets like your Facebook ads even when responsibilities shift within your company.

Step-By-Step Instructions for Changing Ownership

Follow these five simple yet critical steps to successfully change ownership of your Facebook ad account from one person to another:

Step 1: Access Business Manager Settings

You must make ownership changes within Business Manager itself, not the individual Ads Manager account. So first, log into Business Manager with an admin account and go to “Settings”:

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Step 2: Navigate to Your Ad Accounts Page

In the left sidebar, click on “Assets” and then select “Ad Accounts”:

[Insert image showing Ad Accounts page within Business Manager]

Here you’ll see all your ad accounts connected to that Business Manager. Identify and select the ad account you want to change ownership for.

Step 3: Remove Current Admins and Add the New Owner

Click “Permissions” to view everyone who currently has admin access to that ad account. Remove all current admins by clicking the “X” next to their names.

Then in the blank field, type in the full name or email address of the person who will take over the account. Check both boxes to assign them both Asset and Admin Roles, which gives them full ownership abilities:

Step 4: Have the New Owner Claim the Ad Account

The next step takes place on the new owner’s end. Within their own Business Manager, they need to navigate to Assets > Ad Accounts like you did in Step 2.

At the top they’ll see notification for pending invitations to admin ad accounts. Have them click “View” and accept administering access to the ad account you assigned them.

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Step 5: Enter the Ad Account ID

After accepting your invite to manage the ad account, the new owner needs to enter its Account ID to link it to their Business Manager. They can find this ID in the URL when viewing that ad account:

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Enter the ID when prompted and click Submit. The hand-off is complete! The ad account now shows under their list of managed ad accounts within their own Business Manager.

Read more: Can You Transfer Ownership Of A Facebook Ad Account?

Best Practices For Changing Facebook Ad Account Ownership

Follow these tips for a smooth and successful transition:

  • Double check admin roles before and after – Make sure previous admins no longer have access and the new owner has full management abilities enabled.
  • Choose someone knowledgeable – Assign ownership to an employee or agency manager skilled in Facebook advertising to keep campaigns running smoothly.
  • Communicate with all stakeholders – Let current admins know you’ll be removing their access and ensure the new owner is ready to take over campaigns.
  • Allow time for the hand-off process – Build in a week or two for the ownership change to make sure no campaigns suffer gaps during the transition.
  • Review links to other assets – The new owner will now also have to manage connected assets like Facebook pages and pixels. Make sure they understand the scope of what they’re taking ownership of.

Potential Issues When Transferring Ownership

Be aware of these two potential snags:

Removing original Business Manager admin – All assets like ad accounts are initially connected to whoever first created the Business Manager. Don’t remove their admin role or else assets tend to break! Add the new owner alongside the original.

Accepting new ownership too slowly – Make sure the recipient claims the ad account relatively quickly. After 14 days the invitation expires, forcing you to repeat the permissions change process.

Get Support for Ownership Transfers

Don’t hesitate to lean on Facebook’s customer support channels if you encounter issues taking any of the above steps. This includes:

  • Facebook Business Support on Facebook – Public Q&A forum monitored by official Facebook reps. Great for transparent troubleshooting advice.
  • Facebook Ad Support Inbox – Submit tickets detailing your specific issue for one-on-one troubleshooting with their support specialists.

Read more: How To Transfer Ownership Of Ad Account Facebook?

How Changing Ad Account Ownership Keeps Campaigns Running

As you can see, transferring ownership of important assets like your Facebook ads doesn’t have to be complicated, especially if you follow Facebook’s Business Manager process. While the platform doesn’t have a dedicated “Change Ownership” function, the above steps allow you to cleanly assign full management privileges from one person to another.

Whether an employee leaves the company or you reorganize responsibilities internally, changing Facebook ad ownership ensures:

  • Non-stop management despite shifts in personnel
  • Smooth hand-off without campaigns losing momentum
  • Quickly bringing replacement admins up to speed
  • No loss of vital historical performance data

So don’t be afraid of changing up who manages your Facebook advertising. With the proper transfer of ownership, your campaigns can continue running and evolving without missing a beat.

The Takeaway: Seamlessly Change Facebook Ad Management When Needed

Here are the key points for changing admin access and ownership of your Facebook ads:

  • Initiate via Business Manager instead of Ads Manager itself
  • Follow the 5 steps for cleanly assigning new ownership
  • Remove all past admins and give new person full asset/admin roles
  • Communicate with involved employees before and after
  • Get support if you encounter technical issues

With this straight-forward process, your advertising results don’t have to suffer just because responsibilities change within your business. As long as historical metrics, audiences, creatives etc. seamlessly transfer to someone new, your Facebook campaigns can keep delivering ROI no matter who’s at the helm.