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How Is Situational Marketing Different From Other Online Marketing Strategies?

Situational marketing, also known as response marketing or personalized marketing, is advertising that is designed around a person, situation, product, or service and is specifically geared toward their particular needs and wants. No longer one-size-suits-all. With new technologies, the market has become very fragmented and segmented, making it difficult to reach all sections of society with traditional marketing. The advent of mobile devices and social media has made it possible to reach a large number of people in an effort to build influence and respond to their interests and needs.

The Ideal Time To Incorporate Situational Marketing

A good idea is to consider situational marketing when planning your next advertising campaign. For example, a company advertising canister vacuums for carpets may want to consider planning their advertising campaign around spring cleaning season. With a variety of methods of communication on the market today, it's hard to reach everyone. Reach the right people, in the right place, at the right time using any method. SMS and MMS allow you to send messages instantly across networks to thousands of people at the same time. It's a good idea to test your campaigns across various networks to find out where your most interested customers are and test your messaging based on them. One way to draw attention to your product, event, or company is through a viral video. Creating a short video clip can be a great way to get started. You may want to draw attention to your event with a promotional video, simply put the logo of your company, a fun factoid about the company, or an appealing image. You can also record an audio version of your presentation.

Building Recognition

As more people begin to use social media and other online tools to connect with their friends and loved ones, your online brand is quickly becoming a household name. Many companies are experiencing a surge in new followers as well as an increase in email responses from their brands. In order to take advantage of this trend, it's a good idea to launch a social media campaign to generate buzz around your brand. A viral video, audio podcast, or video blog can be used to draw attention to your brand. Another trend emerging in the context of social media and mobile apps is the leveraging of location-based services. Smartphone users are now expected to have their smartphones tied to their Google maps so that they can quickly find businesses in real-life locations. This new marketing technique is rapidly taking off as more restaurants, bistros and retail stores are launching mobile apps to reach this new wave of consumers. If you have a Facebook account or a Twitter account, you can integrate these apps with your website or marketing campaigns to help draw attention to your business. This is a relatively new marketing tactic, but one that is being utilized more by restaurants and companies that are looking to increase customer foot traffic.

Placing Your Marketing Messages

The final part of a situational marketing campaign involves choosing the right place for your message. While a large percentage of people will likely search for your brand online, mobile users tend to do their searching on mobile devices. In order to capture your audience on the go, you have to ensure that your content can be found on the go. In addition, you need to ensure that your content is relevant to the audience. As discussed earlier, restaurants should ensure that their app or smartphone app matches the theme of their business. By understanding the current marketplace and where your brand fits into it, you can leverage situational marketing to attract new customers and retain your current customers. Social media and mobile apps provide an incredible opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience. The key is to understand how to make the most of this platform to increase customer engagement and brand loyalty. As many people use mobile devices to access the internet, your brand could be reaching an entirely new set of potential customers in a completely new way. Mobile apps are one of the easiest ways to create a connection with your audience. You should consider what your brand offers and how your app can enhance that offering.


Today's marketers have more options at their disposal when it comes to creating campaigns that will work to increase brand recognition. Marketers have the opportunity to choose from different types of campaigns, including pay-per-click, organic search results, and contextual advertising. Many marketers believe that mobile apps and mass audience awareness campaigns are the future of advertising. If you have an existing mobile app, you should consider leveraging the platform to help you build your brand presence and connect with a new set of customers. By closely analyzing your competitors' campaigns, you can identify areas that you can adopt to improve your own campaigns.