What is the Average Digital Marketing Manager Salary in the US?


Even though digital marketing hasn’t completely supplanted traditional marketing, it has undoubtedly taken its position. Lyfe Marketing’s assertions are that:

Greater than 60% of marketers across industries are dedicating more time and resources to digital marketing. More than half of marketers think digital marketing has an advantage over traditional methods. More than 80% of shoppers conduct research online before making a purchase.

The advantages of digital marketing are numerous. For one thing, it’s a lot less expensive than traditional advertising. It also enables brands to communicate directly with their customers. As a result, it’s constantly changing and may be supplied to people’s mobile devices. 

As the industry of digital marketing grows in popularity, it’s natural to believe that those who work in it are well compensated. However, the startling fact is that digital marketers typically earn less than other marketing specialists. Suppose you work in a digital marketing agency. In that case, this is true even for the digital marketing managers in charge of multi-channel campaigns for various customers. Because of this, it isn’t apparent why. This article examines some of the elements that influence digital marketer salaries and what prospective digital marketers may do to increase their earnings. Digital Marketing Post Graduation program helps to land in the lucrative salary range.

In this post, let’s look at the average wage for a digital marketing manager in the United States.

Is a career in marketing lucrative?

Some can afford a luxurious lifestyle in cities like New York, while others struggle to make ends meet. In the marketing industry, salaries can range from $40,000 to $284,000 per year. According to data from salary.com, Digital marketers rarely make $100,000, compared to the well-over-six-figure incomes of traditional marketing managers. Digital marketing managers face a challenging climb from the position of digital marketing specialist to that of digital management. The fact that digital marketing salaries are generally (but not always) lower than traditional marketing compensation may be because many companies still see it as an afterthought.

What is a digital marketing manager?

Managers in digital marketing are responsible for overseeing all online marketing efforts (e.g., websites, social media accounts, email, blogs). Uses of these channels include:

  • Raise the profile of the brand
  • Increase the number of visitors to a web page
  • Obtain potential customers’ contact information
  • Boost profits
  • Brand loyalty may be a powerful motivator

Digital marketing efforts, in contrast to traditional ones, can easily be linked to sales and other outcomes, so their managers may be held to a more excellent standard of accountability. 

How much do they make in the United States?

As a Digital Marketing Manager in the USA, you can make roughly 132,000 USD annually. 

Salary: 70,000 USD to 201,000 USD (highest)

The average annual digital marketing salary includes housing, transportation, and other benefits. Professional experience, skills, gender, and geography influence Digital Marketing Manager pay. Here is a complete breakdown based on many parameters.

Pay for digital marketing managers is influenced by a variety of factors

The same elements that determine pay in other fields apply to digital marketers.

1. Experience: The more money you make, the more experience you have. 

2. Skills: SEO, SEM, and data analysis skills will help you acquire a job. 

3. Location: Digital marketing managers in high-cost cities are often compensated more. 

4. Employer: Working for a powerful technology, research, or pharmaceutical company pays well.

5. Title: As digital marketing and traditional advertising have become so intertwined, you may be well suited to step into that role.

Examine the elements affecting pay

1. The range, the median, and the maximum

  • Salary Range: Digital Marketing Manager salaries in the US range from 70,000 USD to 201,000 USD (maximum salary).
  • Median Salary: At 124,000 USD per year, half (50%) of Digital Marketing Managers earn less, while the other half earn more. The median is the midway salary. Generally, you want to be above the median salary on the right side of the graph.
  • Percentiles: According to the pay distribution chart, 25% of Digital Marketing Managers earn less than 87,300 USD, while 75% earn more. As shown in the graph, 75% of Digital Marketing Managers earn less than $153,000, while 25% earn more.

2. Experience level

The experience level determines the compensation. Naturally, more significant experience means more money. We compared Digital Marketing manager’s salaries by experience level.

  • Unexperienced digital marketing managers make around 80,400 USD annually.
  • Between two and five years of experience earns 98,700 USD, 23% more than those with less than two years of experience.
  • With five to ten years of experience, candidates can earn around 140,000 USD a year, 42% more than those with two to five years of experience.
  • Digital Marketing Managers with ten to fifteen years of experience earn 163,000 USD a year, 17% more than those with five to ten years of experience.
  • With fifteen to twenty years of experience, the predicted salary is $180,000, 10% more than ten to fifteen years of experience.
  • Finally, individuals with over twenty years of experience earn 190,000 USD per year, 6% more than those with 15 to 20 years of experience.

3. Education levels

We all know that higher education pays better, but how much better? 

  • A Digital Marketing Manager earns 97,400 USD a year with a high school diploma.
  • A Certificate or Diploma earns 110,000 USD a year, 13% higher than a High School diploma.
  • A Bachelor’s Degree earns an average of 144,000 USD a year, 31% more than a Certificate or Diploma.
  • Master’s degree holders earn an average of 190,000 USD per year, 32% more than bachelor’s degree holders.

Closing words

Salary increases of roughly 12% are expected every 17 months for Digital Marketing Managers in the US. Every 16 months, employees receive an average annual growth of 8% across all occupations.

However, there are several exceptions to the rule. Personnel involved in income development typically receive the most significant bonuses. Employees indicated they didn’t receive any bonuses or incentives last year, but 79% said they did. Bonuses ranged from 6% to 8% of annual pay.

What is the Average Digital Marketing Manager Salary in the US?ultima modifica: 2022-05-05T09:17:07+02:00da henrymarc