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How To Search for and Find Antique Coins

If you're fascinated by history and old things, then collecting antiques is a hobby you might enjoy. Some types of antiques take up a lot of space, though, so you have to create a strategy that works for your lifestyle. Antique furniture or figurines are often fragile and difficult to transport. If you're interested in finding antique objects that are sturdy and compact, then you can switch your interest to coins. Rare and antique give you a window into the past and can also fetch a high price if you're in the market for reselling. Getting started is easy. Here are a few tips to help you search for and find antique coins.

Visit Local Markets

A great place to find antique coins is in local markets. This is especially important when you're traveling on vacation. You're more likely to come across ancient and antique coins in places such as Italy, Greece, and Turkey than in the U.S. However, you might not see as many antique stores. That's because there are so items and objects considered antique that more people end up in the industry, setting up shop in open-air markets. In the Mediterranean, many ancient cultures overlapped and left behind a legacy of varying coin currencies. You can sometimes find these coins in local markets for a good bargain. When you book a 2023 Mediterranean cruise, spend some time on the shore looking for rare coins.

Dig Through Overflow Bins

Another good place to search for coins is in overflow bins in antique shops and thrift stores. While you can always choose to invest in rare and valuable coins that someone has put in a display case or frame, you will definitely spend more money doing so. Also, it's just not as thrilling, because someone else has already done the work of looking for hidden treasure.  Overflow bins are usually boxes or buckets full of small old knick-knacks that no one has sorted through. When you see these heaps of objects in an antique store or thrift shop, it's an opportunity to come across a secret gem that no one else has found yet. 

Search Abandoned Places

Finding coins in antique shops is one method, but you can also search for rare coins in abandoned places. Once you realize that these pieces of history could be hiding anywhere in plain sight, the whole world becomes your treasure map. Many people have found valuable antique coins in forgotten places. The older the building that you search, the better your chances of finding something that will fetch a high price tag. Plus, you get to come away with a cool story to tell your friends. 

Use a Metal Detector

Once you decide to commit to the search for antique and rare coins, the next step is to invest in a metal detector. The benefit of this should be obvious. Coins are made of metal, and a metal detector will help you find coins in the ground, in the sand, and in other hidden places. Many people use metal detectors for searching beaches, but you can really use a metal sector in any area where you can gain legal access. You can even bring your metal detector with you to search abandoned properties.

Join a Coin Collecting Group

At the end of the day, it's always better to take part in a hobby with other people, which is why it's a great idea to join a coin-collecting group. Rare coins are fascinating, and the more you explore the world of coin collecting, the more you will want to share your passion and interest. Fortunately, you don't have to depend on your hometown to supply you with other coin enthusiasts. There are many online groups of coin collectors who would love to connect with you. Finding rare coins is not always about the money you get from selling them. Building a coin collection is also about preserving and enjoying history.