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12 Top Remote Working Tools for Efficient Work From Home

In the era of the remote workforce currently booming. Businesses are leveraging innovative tools to streamline operations, foster collaboration, and maintain productivity. With the global shift towards implementing remote working strategies, the need for robust tools has never been more crucial. According to recent statistics, the number of people working remotely has increased by 115% in the last decade, underscoring the significance of reliable tools in this dynamic landscape.

What are Remote working tools?

Remote work refers to the practice of employees performing their job duties from a location outside the traditional office environment. This arrangement allows individuals to work from home, co-working spaces, or any location with an internet connection. Remote work tools are essential applications and platforms designed to facilitate communication, collaboration, and productivity in a virtual work setting. These tools include video conferencing platforms like Zoom for virtual meetings, project management tools such as Trello or for task coordination, and communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams to foster team connectivity. Remote work tools encompass security solutions like Controlio Software for monitoring and ensuring the integrity of remote workforce activities. As the workforce landscape evolves, these tools play a crucial role in enabling seamless collaboration and maintaining productivity in the absence of a physical office space.

Top 12 Best Remote Working Tools

1. Controlio

In the world of remote workforce monitoring, Controlio takes the lead. This tool goes beyond traditional employee monitoring by providing insights into productivity, time usage, and application usage. For businesses implementing remote working strategies, Controlio offers a comprehensive solution to ensure that work is not just happening remotely but efficiently.

2. Zoom

Zoom has become the quintessential virtual meeting room for remote teams. The surge in its user base has grown by 300% in the past year. It is a testament to its effectiveness. Beyond the basic video conferencing, Zoom offers features like breakout rooms, virtual backgrounds, and webinar capabilities, making it a versatile tool for all types of remote interactions.

3. has witnessed a 200% increase in user adoption, and for good reason. It goes beyond traditional project management, offering a collaborative work operating system. The intuitive interface allows teams to customize workflows, track progress, and communicate seamlessly. It's not just about managing tasks; it's about enhancing the entire work experience for remote teams.

4. LastPass

Security is paramount in the remote work environment, and LastPass addresses this concern head-on. With its password management capabilities, it ensures that sensitive information is protected. As cyber threats increase, LastPass has seen a 40% uptick in users, highlighting the growing awareness of security measures among remote workers.

5. Google Workspace

Formerly known as G Suite, Google Workspace has evolved into an indispensable suite of tools for remote collaboration. With over 2 billion users worldwide, it's more than just Docs and Sheets. The real-time collaboration features ensure that remote teams can work seamlessly on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, breaking down the barriers of physical distance.

6. GitHub

For coding and development teams scattered across the digital landscape, GitHub is the holy grail. With version control, issue tracking, and collaboration features, it ensures that code development is a smooth and collaborative process. The 15 million developers on GitHub attest to its status as a foundational tool for remote development.

7. Evernote

Evernote has 225 million users. It is not just a note-taking app; it's a digital workspace. For remote workers juggling ideas, tasks, and information, Evernote provides a centralized hub. From simple note-taking to organizing thoughts with notebooks and tags, it ensures that no brilliant idea gets lost in the virtual shuffle.

8. HubSpot

In the dynamic world of remote sales and marketing, HubSpot is very popular. With a 30% increase in user adoption, it's evident that businesses are recognizing the need for comprehensive customer relationship management, marketing automation, and sales enablement tools. HubSpot ensures that remote teams can navigate the complexities of sales and marketing with ease.

9. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is more than just a communication platform; it's a centralized hub for remote collaboration within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Chat, video conferencing, and file sharing seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft apps, providing a cohesive experience for remote teams. Its widespread adoption reflects its role as a cornerstone in the Microsoft remote work toolkit.

10. Trello

Trello is a dynamic project management tool that simplifies task organization and collaboration within teams. Using a visual board, Trello allows users to create and organize tasks through cards, which can be moved across customizable lists. This intuitive platform fosters transparency and streamlines project workflows, making it easy for remote teams to stay on top of their tasks. With so many features Trello is more than just a project management tool; it's a visual hub that transforms complex projects into manageable, collaborative endeavors. 

11. Asana

Asana is a versatile project management tool that has become a cornerstone for remote teams aiming to enhance collaboration and streamline workflows. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive task management features, Asana allows teams to organize projects, assign tasks, and track progress in a centralized digital space. Whether it's managing complex projects or fostering team communication, Asana stands out as an indispensable tool in the toolkit of modern remote teams.

12. Slack

Slack, a communication powerhouse, revolutionizes team collaboration in the remote work landscape. It transcends traditional messaging, offering a dynamic platform for real-time communication, file sharing, and project coordination. With its user-friendly interface and versatile integration capabilities, Slack serves as a virtual water cooler, fostering a sense of connectivity among remote teams. It streamlines communication channels, making discussions organized and accessible, ultimately enhancing overall team efficiency.


As the remote workforce continues to expand, the choice of tools becomes a strategic decision for businesses aiming to thrive in this new era of work. The implementation of remote working strategies is not just about the physical separation of teams but the seamless integration of tools that bridge the gap. From communication to project management and security, each tool plays a crucial role in fostering a collaborative and productive remote work environment. Remote work is not just a trend; it's a transformative shift in how we approach work. The tools mentioned above are not mere facilitators; they are enablers of a future where distance is no longer a barrier to productivity.