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How to Start an Online Boutique: We will Guide You

As more and more shoppers go online to purchase their clothes, there’s never been a better time to learn where to buy clothes to start a boutique. With the convenience and safety online business offers, it’s no wonder customers are more likely to use their smartphones, tablets and computers than they are to get in their cars and drive to a brick-and-mortar store. Plus, ecommerce makes it much easier to launch your business and make money without the additional expense of a physical location and items such as a cash register. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t still have to put in a lot of work to get your new business started. The good news is that we’ve compiled everything you need, including a step-by-step guide, to get your own boutique storefront up and running.

Online Boutiques

An online boutique is a small shop that typically sells fashionable clothing or accessories through the Internet. For instance, an online clothing boutique might sell high-quality, high-end or trendy products at a significantly higher price point than what you’d find at a traditional retail business or department store. And one of the most appealing aspects of an online store is growth potential. According to Statista, the value of ecommerce apparel sales in the United States is projected to grow to nearly $100 billion in 2021.


To have a successful online boutique, you need confidence. Believe that you can do this and don’t let negative thoughts get in your way. If you’ve never read the story about how Sylvester Stallone persevered to get the movie “Rocky” made, you should check it out. (spoiler alert: it has a happy ending).  While you might not need that level of confidence, you can take inspiration from his story and remember that even when things get tough, you can keep going.


Finally, you can lay out a high-level marketing strategy. While there’s a basic marketing that every business owner should do, this is your opportunity to define your launch strategy.   Since there are so many ways to market your business, you want to narrow it down in the beginning and focus on the channels that will have the biggest impact for your target customers right away.

Find the Platform

Also, keep in mind that many people make mistakes along the way — and that’s okay. You just want to do everything you can in the beginning to set yourself up for success. “YOU WANT A GOOD PARTNER THAT IS NOT ONLY GOING TO BE RIGHT FOR YOU TODAY, BUT PROVIDE SOLUTIONS FOR YOU TO SCALE. IT’S NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE PLATFORMS BUT IT IS A LOT OF WORK AND YOU MAKE A BIG INVESTMENT SETTING UP YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS. SO MAKING SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT PLATFORM PARTNER IS THE #1 THING I ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO TAKE THEIR TIME UNDERSTANDING AND ULTIMATELY MAKING A DECISION ON.” — SHAYDA TORABI, OWNER, WITHSHAYDA, RESTARTCBD Whether it’s functionality, checkout features, WordPress or pricing, companies such as BigCommerce, Shopify and WooCommerce offer various ecommerce platform options.