What are The Best Ways to Manage ADHD in Kids?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a chronic mental health condition that affects millions of children. This condition can use hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors. Kids or adults with ADHD face trouble doing a single task or sitting still for a long time. You can also notice inattention and changes in energy levels due from time to time. But people with ADHD face this problem often as compared to other people. ADHD can affect your studies, work, and lifestyle. This mental disorder is common in children. However, adults can also get ADHD. 

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

  1. Trouble in focusing
  2. Get distracted easily
  3. Difficult in sitting still
  4. Forget to complete tasks
  5. Often interrupt people while they’re talking

The kid who experiences hyperactivity and impulsivity may face symptoms like:

  1. Unable to sit or remain seated for a long time
  2. Trouble in playing or completing any task quietly
  3. Talks a lot
  4. Often interrupt when others are speaking or doing some task
  5. Hard to wait for their turn

The kid who has difficulty focusing may face symptoms like:

  1. Always make mistakes
  2. Miss small details while working or studying
  3. Hard to maintain focus while reading or listening 
  4. Difficult in managing daily tasks
  5. Lose items often
  6. Get easily distracted

Types of ADHD

Predominantly inattentive: This is a type of ADHD where the kid is unable to focus, complete tasks, or follow instructions carefully. 

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive: People with predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD are unable to wait for a long time, can’t be seated, and always interrupt people.

Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive: People with this ADHD have symptoms of both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behaviors. The common symptoms may include the inability to pay attention, an above-average energy level, and a tendency toward impulsiveness.

What are the causes and risk factors for ADHD?

There are no exact causes behind ADHD but there are a few factors that can develop ADHD:

Genetic: One of the biggest causes of ADHD can be genes. Some research shows that ADHD can run in families. If any of the parents had ADHD then their kids might get the same condition. 

The problem in the nervous system: With age, your nervous system also grows. ADHD can occur when there is a problem with the central nervous system at crucial moments during development.

Environment: Few environmental factors like lead exposure can lead to ADHD or other mental health conditions.

Risk factors for ADHD

  1. If any of your blood relatives like parents or siblings have this condition; you may get the same.
  2. ADHD can occur when the month smoked, drank alcohol, or used drugs during pregnancy.
  3. Born prematurely kids can develop ADHD.
  4. Exposure to toxins like lead found in pipes or paints can grow this condition.

Common complications due to ADHD

Having ADHD can cause various difficulties in life. People with ADHD may face complications like:

  1. Poor school performance
  2. Financial issues
  3. The trouble with the law
  4. Poor work performance 
  5. Alcohol or drug abuse
  6. Unstable relationship
  7. Poor self-image
  8. Suicide attempts, etc.

Best treatment options for ADHD


Medications can be very helpful in treating and managing ADHD symptoms. You should talk to a doctor and get the best medications for the condition. Doctors may prescribe CNS stimulants to manage the symptoms. These drugs increase the number of brain chemicals such as norepinephrine and dopamine. If stimulants are not working, doctors may suggest non-stimulant medications such as atomoxetine, antidepressants, etc. 

These medicines can help in managing symptoms of ADHD but can have a few side-effects such as headache, irritability, trouble sleeping, weight loss, stomach upset, etc.

Homeopathy for ADHD

You can try homeopathy for ADHD. Look for homeopathy in NJ and get the best treatment for this mental condition. The homeopath will ask a few questions like your diet, environment, and other mental or physical conditions and then prescribe homeopathic medications. These medications will help to manage ADHD symptoms without causing any harmful side effects. 

Therapy for ADHD

Certain psychotherapies can help your kid to manage the symptoms of ADHD. Psychotherapy is very useful to open up the feeling and coping with ADHD. People with this mental condition often have issues with managing relationships. In psychotherapy, you learn new behavior patterns to respond properly. It teaches someone how to monitor other behaviors and change them accordingly. This is a good strategy to behave in a particular situation. Doctors often suggest CBT manages ADHD. This therapy focuses on changing negative patterns of thinking. It replaces negative thoughts with positive ones which help to improve self-confidence. 

Doctors often suggest some additional treatment options manage ADHD conditions like social skills training. If the kid has ADHD, the doctor may suggest parenting skills training. In this training, parents learn techniques to understand and manage the behavior of their kid. Some of the common techniques for parenting skills training include immediate rewards, timeout, togetherness, striving for success, stress management, etc. Sometimes joining support groups can also improve ADHD symptoms.