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Different types of Eczema treatments

According to Today Online, in Singapore, eczema affects one-fourth of school-going children. Out of this, three-fifths will get this condition during the first year of their life, and 9 out of 10 patients will be diagnosed within the first five years. National Skin Center statistics portray that the population of Singapore suffers from eczema Singapore is a pretty common skin condition in the country, where 2017 data suggests that 18 000 cases were handled during that year. The hot and humid weather in the country aggravates the condition as well. There are numerous different treatments for eczema that aim to maintain a flare-up, reduce swelling or inflammation, and relieve itching or discomfort. Eczema flare-ups are often treated with corticosteroids. In most cases, the drug comes in the form of an ointment, lotion, or cream.  These medications do not treat eczema flare-ups but have been shown to improve the condition significantly. Corticosteroid medications work by reducing redness, relieving itching, and suppressing other symptoms that result from eczema. There are several side effects of using corticosteroids to treat eczema flare-ups. If a person uses corticosteroid medications for a long time, the chances of these side effects are increased. Usually, a person's skin becomes thin or irritated if they use corticosteroids for a long time. To reduce this effect, doctors often prescribe lower doses of steroids. If the drug is used near the eye area, it can cause cataracts. If you don't use antibiotics or antifungal prescriptions combined with corticosteroid medications, you can develop fungal and bacterial infections. Antibiotics are also used to treat eczema. Some cases of eczema become severe, and the skin cracks. Cracks in the skin allow bacteria to enter a person's body quickly.  People who itch when their eczema itches also cause an infection, which can spread throughout the body. Antibiotics are used to treat this type of eczema-related condition. Immunosuppressant is another treatment for eczema. Dermatologists use these when a person with eczema does not respond well to other methods or treatments. Immunosuppressants are used to weaken the immune system, which can sometimes dramatically improve the condition of people with eczema. People who are undergoing immunosuppressants need frequent blood tests and regular check-ups by their doctor. Doctors often prescribe medications or ointments to prevent itching when a person has eczema. This is because eczema is often itchy. Scratching eczema can cause an infection, so doctors prescribe anti-itch medications. Doctors have also urged people to maintain a hydration routine to avoid skin rashes.  This is because eczema can get worse when a person's skin becomes dry. Keeping the skin hydrated is a very effective treatment that can help the individual provide relief and heal the area. Dermatologists encourage people to avoid using harsh soaps, chemicals, and detergents. People should replace hard items with moisturizing soaps, allergen control detergents, and less harsh chemicals on the skin. These substances can cause the skin to become dry or irritated by removing the natural oils from the skin. People should bathe in the oatmeal formula regularly. People with eczema should also avoid using powders and perfumes, as these products can also cause dry skin. Finally, avoid extreme temperatures, dry air, and uncomfortable clothing.