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Why online coloring pages are better option for kids?

Coloring books are a thing of the past. Children today are not as happy with a colorful book as they were a generation ago. This is because kids of today have a lot more choices at hand than previous generations. With so many other distractions that your child can take a liking to, video games, smartphone games, etc, traditional coloring books just don’t cut it anymore as your kid requires something that stimulates them and keeps them interested. This generation is being brought up in a time where they have a choice for everything, so why shouldn’t be there one for coloring pages? Computers and the Internet have opened up a whole new world of coloring and drawing. Adults now draw, sketching, and color pictures for animations, including video games, movies, commercials, and high-quality graphics for websites. While this option is available to adults as a full-fledged professional, it is no wonder that the tools and formats used in this art style have reached children, but in a simplified manner. Children can now draw and animate pictures online. Also, one of the most popular forms of online entertainment is online coloring pages. The coloring books of yesteryears are being fast replaced by online coloring pages for kids. Kids' coloring pages can include anything and some websites, like Coloring Pages Only, have a great number of options of coloring pages using some of the most iconic characters from kids' fairy tales and stories. One such popular coloring page on the website is the free printable Cinderella coloring pages for kids, which as the name suggests is free to be downloaded and printed. On this website, you do not even have to print out a paper if you are conscious of the environment and your kid can color online, without needing paper or crayons. This way it is easier and much more convenient for you and your child. While coloring pages may seem easy for parents and other adults these days, they are often a more creative passport. Yes, your child will only color the image online, but by doing so, they are not only learning to stay within the lines but also learning to balance color and texture and simply use their imagination. This is also helpful in keeping your child in touch with the demands of this technology-driven age where the more skills you have, the better your chances of earning. Your kid might discover a liking towards arts and may even consider becoming a full time artist or a designer of some sort. Traditional coloring books are restricted in what they offer as there are limited numbers of pages that are predefined by the manufacturer. However, with online printable coloring pages, you can involve your child in whatever it is that they want to color, which will ensure that they are interested in the process and this can build their concentration, creativity, and a lot of character. So, consider printing out some free coloring pages for your child now.