Three database management systems for entrepreneurs and small sized firms

A database is a piece of information that is organized in tables and stored in a computer system. This information can be updated or changed as required. We can also comment that it is like an office room with files, only the room does not take up much space and costs way less.

The data can be difficult to extract if there is not a defined process. So to combat the issue, Similarly, Database Management Systems (DBMS) were developed which is a software for creating and managing data in a database.

DBMS provides users and developers with a descriptive process for retrieving, managing, updating, and creating data, thus complementing the process of business strategizing.

Database management software helps keeps your data safe and secure. These systems help reduce data inefficiency and make sure that data is not redundant. Some of them are open source and some are commercial with special features.

Database management software requires data. The data in the fourth industrial revolution (technology) has been one of the most important factors and therefore, no organization, whether big or small, cannot ignore the essence of database management systems.

Based on the usage and requirement you can choose from a number of database management software (open source and paid) available. If you are a small business, go through the three recommended applications, which are among the best database software for small business.

ManageEngine Applications Manager

This application is really appropriate for Database Administrators, DevOps (software development and IT operations), and Cloud operations engineers for small, medium as well as large organizations.

ManageEngine Database Manager application provides a 360 degree database performance management to ensure ongoing business service deliverance. Some key features of MangeEngine are:

  • High visibility of key database performance indicators.
  • Monitor calls to the database by drilling down to SQL statements.
  • Advanced analytics to help forecast future resource utilization and database growth.
  • End-to-end monitoring, code-level evaluation for queries that are embedded in web applications.
  • Smart and powerful error handling helps you spot errors and their sources to reduce mean time to recovery.


Altibase is a high-performance, SQL-based open-source database application. Altibase system has 650 companies as clients that include eight Fortune 500 companies globally. Key features of this system are:

Altibase is a hybrid Database Management System which means that it is a single database that delivers high-intensity data processing through in-memory database parts and a large storage capacity through an on-disk database part. Altibase is among few relational database management systems that enable scaling out technology and sharding.

SQ Lite

This application is used on mobile phones and thus provides the flexibility of use. The program is built with the C language and can operate on Linux, Windows, and Mac systems.

The system does not require too much space and therefore, it can be used to store small to medium size websites. Also, it is really fast and does not need to set up. The software is open source.

Three database management systems for entrepreneurs and small sized firmsultima modifica: 2021-06-29T14:45:23+02:00da davidmillers