When should you call a septic tank pumping company?

A septic tank accumulates all the dirty water from a property and treats it to meet a safe environmental level. The remaining waste is then discharged to the soil nearby. The septic tanks used today are generally separated into two chambers with a wall that has a passage in the middle.

As the waste accumulates into the first chamber, the heavier solids settle down as the remaining water flows down to the second chamber. The solids are decomposed by the bacteria while the relatively treated water is drained out to an area nearby.

Septic tanks are designed to drain waste fluids through the tank and enter the drain field without harming the environment. Sewage enters the tank and solid objects go down. Small particles float to the surface. Most of the waste is broken down in natural aerobic and anaerobic processes. The solids in the tank are generally pumped out every year.

A septic system contains of a sewer Line which is the main waste line from your property to the septic tank. The septic tank is an underground tank that receives and treats the water waste. Finally, the treated water is discharged to the drain field or the leaching system, which is a drainage system that allows the waste stream to disperse in the ground.

Since septic tanks can become blocked with waste products from time to time, it is always best to have them serviced regularly. Septic tank pumping is crucial to extend the life of these systems and prevent solid waste from accumulating in large quantities and reach the surface of the tank.

However, it is important to know the exact time you need to pump your septic system. According to most experts in the United States, one should not wait until your septic tank is full. Here are some important points to remember to know the exact time to pump your septic tank:

It is important to know the exact size of your septic tank so that you know the ideal time to clean it. You can contact your local health department or a septic tank pumping company to find out how often you must pump your tank. This will be contingent upon two factors: The size of the tank and the total number of people living in your home.

Experts believe that you should not wait for a sign that tells you when to pump a septic tank. Usually, when these systems work, the debris is left to the bottom and the rest of the water passes through the drainage area.

Once this waste is heavily accumulated, it can start flowing out to the drain field. As a result, the smooth flow of water will be blocked. It is always best to opt for septic tank pumping before this happens.

Most septic tanks have easy access to see inside. Check the debris regularly to see if it builds up too much. It is good to remember that solid waste should not represent more than one-third of the total area of your septic tank.

When should you call a septic tank pumping company?ultima modifica: 2021-07-17T15:08:28+02:00da davidmillers