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Your guide to getting featured on Forbes

Coverage and visibility are two important things your business needs to succeed, especially digital communications and media. This is why many entrepreneurs want to have their stories published in prestigious publications such as Forbes. This is a great way to talk about your business and increase brand awareness. Forbes Magazine is a media company and publication that has been around for almost a century. Now one of the world's most visited websites for startups and business news, it is a powerhouse of the paper media business, receiving more than 100 million visitors each month. Daily, these publications receive a large number of requests and entries. According to analysts, most of them are not fit for their time, but some are. So, to answer how to get featured in Forbes, given below are some things that you can do. You can improve your chances of getting featured on Forbes by tailoring your story's theme and overall tone. To get started, decide on a common theme for your presentation. There are a few things where you want to be known as an authority. You should give your presentation a specific perspective that does not feel like a copy-paste job without effort. In two or three sentences, describe yourself and emphasize your reputation. The more meat you can supply, the easier it is for someone to choose your story concept, the more likely you are to be featured on Forbes. An interesting news article or feature on one publication will almost always lead to a flood of promotion in other publications. Journalists constantly interact with interesting people to come up with new ideas for the story. Regular story meetings are often held, where authors and editors discuss current events, trends, and other topics. The idea is to think of new ways to write about what is happening. Journalists often are approached by many to have them featured, but they often turn them down. Sometimes, however, a good story emerges as a result of a pitch. Doing exciting things will have you featured. Either do something exceptionally well or as brilliantly bad. Try to be popular with people who speak to reporters. If you want to hire public relations services, go for it. You can find Forbes authors in different places; you have to be more discriminatory with it. LinkedIn is a great way to connect and communicate with them, but Twitter is so much better. Be prepared to comment on posts and engage in conversations that are not necessarily related to your pitch. Build relationships with content creators in small publications to get your ideas out there. Public relations agencies and business people who want to get featured pitch to Forbes authors. So, make the pitch brief and to the point. Your proposal will not be read if it contains too many links, attachments or is too long.