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Android or iOs: Which platform to launch your app?

Mobile application development is one of the fastest-growing areas in software production. Since the rise of mobile applications, the demand for quick and easy applications has only increased. In 2020, it was estimated that consumers spend around eighty-seventh percent of their time online on mobile applications.

In the context of the pandemic, mobile app development has also received great interest, as businesses are forced to move quickly and entirely online. When choosing native app development, there are two leading platforms to choose from Android and iOS. Globally, they are the market leaders. Both Android and iOS offer incredible development options. It is essential to know the differences in app design on both platforms at https://geniusee.com/single-blog/differences-in-ios-and-android-app-design before comparing other aspects to decide what suits your needs. Android devices now have almost three-fourths of the market share, which makes the future of Android application development very promising. iOS devices are getting affordable and more and more popular due to their high performance and innovation. Although Android is the absolute leader in market share, the lifetime value of consumers who prefer iOS is higher. This means that these users are more likely to spend money within the app. While there is no clear winner when comparing the two platforms, experts foresee that the total user spending within the application for the iOS App Store will reach 60 billion dollars this year. Android app development is more successful if your target audience is in technical or medical fields, according to various studies. iPhones are most popular with business professionals, managers, and sales professionals. Also, the average person prefers iPhones, has higher education, tries to keep up with the latest technology trends, and has a higher household income. Currently, in terms of development time and budget, iOS is the clear winner. The coding languages used by two platforms become an essential factor. Android is based on Java, while iOS uses Apple's native programming language, Swift. Swift is more convenient and tailored to the needs of iOS developers and reduces time spent on coding, reducing costs. iOS is not an open-source platform, unlike Android, making it significantly more standardized for featured software to ensure smooth and correct operation. The information provided saves time during development and reduces future error correction costs. Android users often stick to older versions of the operating system. Fifty percent of all Android devices are running on outdated versions, resulting in new app crashes and unexpected errors that would otherwise be perfectly functional. This problem is less common among iPhone users, which means that iOS apps are generally cheaper to maintain than Android software. Android is an open-source operating system. For developers, this means accessing hardware, file systems, and features beyond the reach of iOS. Android is currently the most accessible platform. Although the review process takes longer than a few years ago, Google Play still accepts most submitted applications if you adhere to all policy guidelines. The Apple App Store is more selective towards the applications that it allows. The review process is quicker, with only two days for most apps, but it is more likely to be rejected than Android. It's easy to get started with just one platform. You can build a working prototype, present it to the market, and wait for the first feedback from your customers. Depending on the information you get, you may start planning to expand to another platform or consider developing a cross-platform application.