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HoboNickels: A decentralized currency designed to be "fun"

HoboNickels is a cryptocurrency which was created in 2013 with the intent on being a fun cryptocurrency. The name comes from hobo nickels, which are a variety of American coinages.  This article will discuss how this new form of money functions and what it offers as an alternative to mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset which operates on the principle of cryptocurrency mining. This means that people can use their computers to generate enough cryptocurrency to purchase goods and services.  How does it work? It functions by verifying transactions for cryptocurrency users, which are then written into the blockchain, or public ledger. The basic principles of HoboNickels are simple. With this cryptocurrency you will not have to rely on a centralized authority or company, but instead manage transactions and issuance of coins collectively by the network.  You can mine HoboNickels with your computer in a process called "mining". This mining process writes all transactions to a public ledger called the blockchain, which is updated by miners in a peer-to-peer fashion. What makes HoboNickels different from other cryptocurrencies? The difference is that this cryptocurrency's mining process doesn't require you to solve any new mathematical problems or puzzles. Moreover, some other cryptocurrencies are made by only a few people, which may open the door for security issues. With HoboNickels, on the other hand, new coins can be mined by anyone who has a computer and internet access. Getting Started The first step is to download the HoboNickels software, which can be done by visiting their website. You will also need a unique phrase, also known as a seed, which will allow you to recover your coins if anything happens to your computer.  The next step is to buy some coins; this can be done by exchanging some other cryptocurrency or through an alternative process of mining. Once you have received your coins, you will have access to a variety of features. You are able to manage your account and change your settings on the website. There are also secure wallets available for storing your coins, which can be accessed at any time with a secure password. The HoboNickels cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency that uses peer-to-peer technologies to operate with no central authority or banks. This means managing transactions and issuing coins are carried out collectively by the network, rather than by one governing body.  There it is worth checking out HoboNickels, which is now migrating to ERC 20 and the users can benefit from the Ethereum blockchain. To know more about how you can burn your HoboNickles (HOBO) and tokenize them, you should check out www.hobotokens.com Whether you're looking for help getting started or want to buy, sell, or trade this digital asset online in open markets, you should always read up a lot, consut experts or crypto investors before making a decision.