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Will acupuncture help with my athletic performance?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that is believed to help with pain relief, stress management, insomnia, and chronic illnesses. Acupuncture can be done without needles-just by placing pressure on certain points on the body. The ancient Chinese believe that the world is made up of energy lines called meridians which run through our bodies like rivers. Your acupuncture points are located along these meridians.  The purpose of acupuncture treatment is to unblock these channels so your qi-or life force-can circulate freely throughout your body.  When this happens, you will feel more energetic and experience improved health because all of your bodily systems are working together in harmony instead of against one another as they would if there were blockages in any part of them. Acupuncture is believed to help with pain and one of the biggest benefits of acupuncture is that it can be done without needles. By applying pressure to certain points on the body you will stimulate the natural healing abilities of your body.  Acupuncture is also believed to reduce stress and anxiety by helping you relax. Did you know that your body releases natural pain-killing endorphins when you are relaxed?  If you've ever had a session with acupuncture, then you know all about this. Acupuncture is also believed to help with immune system disorders by increasing your natural antibodies. Acupuncture can be beneficial for many different health conditions. It has been used successfully to treat illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, sinusitis, eczema, migraines, and arthritis.  Acupuncture has also been used to improve athletic performance by boosting energy levels. No needles are involved when it comes to this form of acupuncture-just the gentle pressure on the points. Acupuncture is believed to be effective for many conditions because our bodies have an energy system that is affected by our emotions and health. This energy is called qi or chi, and it flows through the body via the nervous system.  If you have blockages in any part of your body-from a sprained ankle to a chronic illness-then this qi won't be able to flow freely, which will result in pain and illness.  When you have acupuncture, the practitioner inserts needles into your skin at the points to stimulate energy flow and make qi move more easily along blocked lines.  In this way, acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of problems both physical and mental in fact, many people find that their moods improve as well because all of their systems are now working together as they should. Acupuncture is a great way to improve your athletic performance because it boosts energy levels and reduces stress and anxiety.  By clearing blockages in your body, acupuncture encourages the natural healing abilities of your body so you can be at your best for any type of physical activity. Whether you need help with pain relief, stress management or just need some extra energy to get you through your workouts, acupuncture can give you the boost that you need. You don't have to put up with pain any longer-try acupuncture for yourself.