La nuova Emmanuelle, un fiasco annunciato

I titoloni, leggi specchietti per le allodole, già si sprecano, ma potrà la nuova Emmanuelle bissare il successo della precedente storica versione? Ovviamente no, perché i tempi sono cambiati e al cinema non ci va più nessuno, e chi ha voglia di un porno, anche se la storia di Emmanuelle, almeno nelle intenzioni dell'autrice è ben altro, lo vede gratis sul pc. Capite bene che è perfettamente inutile dare risalto alla prossima fatica cinematografica di Léa Seydoux, conturbante quanto si vuole in certi ruoli, ma sprecata per questo mondo abituato al sesso in pillole, senza uno straccio di implicazione psicologica. Va da sé che, in questa prospettiva, la lettura del libro da cui sono stati tratti i film, che sarebbe di gran lunga preferibile, resta improponibile. Dommage.

"Emmanuelle’s knees were bare in the golden light shining down from overhead, and the man was staring at them. Under the invisible nylon, the movement of their dimples made agile shadows in the toasted-bread color of their skin. She knew the excitement they caused. They seemed more naked than ever under the spotlight which had been turned on them. She felt as if she were coming out of the water after a moonlight swim. Her temples throbbed faster and her lips filled with blood. She closed her eyes and saw her­self not partially but totally naked, and she knew that once again she would be helpless against the temptation of that narcissistic contemplation.

She resisted, but only to increase the joy of gradually slipping into surrender. Its nearness was announced by a diffuse languor, a kind of warm consciousness of her whole body, a desire for abandon, for opening, for fullness; nothing very different from the physical satisfaction she would have felt from stretching out on the warm sand of a sun-drenched beach. Then, little by little, the surface of her lips became still more lustrous, her breasts swelled, and her legs tensed, attentive to the slightest contact. Her brain began experimenting with images".

Emmanuelle Arsan, Emmanuelle

Foto: Sylvia Kristel nel film di Just Jaeckin (1974)