3 interesting facts about modern SMM marketing

Today, in just 60 seconds, Instagram users manage to upload 67,000 photos to the network, Pinterest fans create more than 3,400 new pins, and Twitter is replenished with 433,000 messages. This impressive data shows that the activity and influence of most social networks is growing at an incredibly fast pace, and you should definitely take note of this.

The fact is that users are gradually abandoning their usual search methods and traditional habits, and therefore social platforms are increasingly acting as a source of information for them. Based on this, in order to develop an effective social media strategy this year, you need to be guided by the following three insights. Interested in how to catch a cheater, find out more by clicking on the link.

1. Social media is taking the lead

According to a recent report by Shareholic, social media has outpaced all existing sites and has officially become the top source of referral traffic. The report indicates that as of December 2014, social networks generated 31.24% of referrals, although last year their share was only 22.71%.

This does not mean at all that you need to abandon the established strategies of SEO promotion and contextual advertising, but still, now you need to focus on social media as well.

In this segment, all traffic is distributed among the 8 most popular resources (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and YouTube), but remember that while Facebook generates 24.63%, Pinterest is content with 5.06% , and the share of Twitter is only 0.82%.

2. 65% of all time on social media is on mobile

One Tumblr page titled “We never look up” just further confirms our society’s mobile preferences. Created by a Finnish researcher, it’s, you guessed it, a collection of snapshots of people using their phones in almost any circumstance.

Interaction with a gadget has really become an integral part of our lives, and therefore it is not at all surprising that in 65% of cases social networks are used from mobile devices. Since this indicator will only grow in the future, you need to optimize your content for the most convenient viewing and “sharing” on social networks. Follow the link to learn more about us business directory free.

3. Social audiences love video content

Statistics say that the number of videos on the Facebook network has increased by 94% in the US and by 75% worldwide. To some extent, this trend is associated with the autoplay function – automatic playback of mini-rolls. This opportunity is gradually being used by other social platforms, but the determining factor here is the popularity of social video content.

Videos have a positive effect on the attention span of users, as well as provide them with all the information they need in an engaging and visual format. In addition, visitors devote much more time to studying such material, which opens up a lot of opportunities for increasing conversion.

Most start-ups have faced production costs while entering this segment, but the proliferation of social networks like Vine and Snapchat has demonstrated a much simpler approach to creating video content.

Virtual number 

Temporary or virtual phone number for gmail verification is gaining more and more popularity. And one of the reasons is the ease of checking and receiving SMS codes from services such as Uber, WhatsApp, Telegram and others, without having to buy a physical SIM card. Today there are sites that offer the service of creating temporary numbers.

Cons of having a virtual number
You may have difficulty activating and recovering your account in the future if you do not continue to use the number;
Can’t receive calls
In some situations, this can be more expensive than buying a physical SIM card.
Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of having a free virtual number to activate services via email with confirmation, below is how to get a virtual number for WhatsApp or any other service that requires a mobile phone number to activate.

The temporary number provides the user with several free virtual numbers for creating and registering accounts via SMS.

How to create a free virtual number
Go to the website of the temporary number creation service.
Select the country in which you want to have a phone number by clicking on the checkbox.
Hundreds of virtual numbers will be available.
Select the desired number and open the page.
Now just press the number button, which will automatically copy and paste the service you want to activate, for example: when we are going to activate WhatsApp.
Once this is done, simply click the Refresh button to refresh the page.
Done, your activation code will be right at the bottom. You can copy and paste it into the activation service.
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Do you have any doubts? Here are some reasons to use the virtual number activation service.

Reasons for using a virtual number
Make calls to anywhere in the world. So, the first reason for using a virtual number, which we are about to introduce you to, is that you can make phone calls to anywhere in the world as if it were just a local call. For those who travel a lot, having a virtual number can be a great option.
Ease of communication within the company. So with a virtual number, another reason you might want to buy this product is that you can expand your company’s presence in multiple locations without having to open offices.
Mobility is another reason to use a virtual number. Will you need to change your address? So don’t worry about buying a new line. Another reason to buy a virtual number is portability. He will always accompany you.
Cost reduction is the best reason to use a virtual number
However, the most popular reason when talking about services with a virtual number is the possibility of cost reduction.

This is perhaps the most significant benefit, with monthly savings of up to 70% and, most importantly, having savings without compromising the quality of your care and services. Therefore, the decision through virtual numbers is made on network protocols.

Thus, these network protocols are responsible for changing the received voice signal from analog to digital. This service can also be very useful when you need to receive an SMS activation code via SMS.

Modern methods of software development

If earlier the development of software for various electronic systems was mostly carried out by highly qualified engineers at large enterprises, then modern realities make it possible to do this almost everywhere, having an appropriate engineering education and a personal computer with the necessary set of programs. Consider the features of programming in modern realities.

There are several methods for designing programs, which in turn cannot be called separate, since they are often used either jointly or separately, but to solve the stages of the same task – creating a software product.

If you are not going to try to create the software product you need on your own or do not have the appropriate qualifications, then it is best to turn to professionals, such as BizUPLab. They will create a product that will function without the slightest failure.

Top-down design  is a technique for determining the specification of the components of future software and then detailing them into smaller components down to individual details so that the programmer clearly understands the tasks facing him.

The top-down design method is most often used in the development of complex multifunctional programs, and is usually used when not one but several programmers participate in the project to create the final product. This method allows each of the project participants to simultaneously concentrate on their work and at the same time not deviate from the common goal. Also, this method is the easiest in terms of exercising control over the entire programming process up to the release of the final software product to the market.

Modular design  is the splitting (separation into parts) of a complex software product in order to simplify its creation.

In this case, developers must clearly represent the work of their particular module as a sequence of logically interconnected fragments of one large task. In fact, the module is both a separate part of the future program and its integral component.

The hierarchical structure of a modular software product does not at all imply that all modules will be on the same level and interact with each other. In complex systems, one module can call another, and that in turn a third, and all of them can be nested inside each other.

Structural design  is now generally no longer used. This method was widely used at the beginning of the development of personal computers, when programmers were faced with the task of creating a software product not only with the necessary functionality, but also that would take up minimal space in the computer’s memory and use the minimum of its computing abilities.

Nowadays, structural design is mainly used to teach the programming process in a particular language. With its help, the simplest lightweight programs are created that perform a minimum of tasks and have limited functionality.

Distribution system and ensuring the presence of goods on the market ( Place )

In the digital world, the points of sale and the system of product presence on the market are significantly different from the non-digital world.

Sale of real goods

Online stores cannot be considered digital analogues of street retail and supermarkets. If in ordinary stores a purchase / sale transaction (exchange of goods for its cash equivalent) is carried out directly on the trading floor, then online trading offers only intermediary services to inform consumers about the offer of goods. In the best case, the online store only accepts payment for the goods, while the goods themselves will be delivered later from the warehouse of the seller or from the warehouse of the real manufacturer, and the transaction will be closed only at the time of delivery of the goods at the place of receipt and only after there are no objections from the consumer on quality and packaging. And this process will take place outside the online store. Thus, the intermediary function of Internet commerce is obvious. If you want to learn more about street directory, follow the link.

Beyond this, digital commerce is largely driven by:

  1. Simplicity and clarity of goods – the clearer the product is to the consumer, the more obvious its purchase in the digital environment.
  2. The magnitude of the risk that accompanies such a purchase – the more risky the transaction (the more expensive the product, the more inexperienced the buyer, the payment system is not reliable enough), the more obvious it is for the buyer to buy a real product in a digital environment;
  3. Availability of such products in brick-and-mortar stores – shoppers who have access to good offline stores and have in-store shopping habits are less likely to shop for these items online.
  4. Restrictions on the sale of a certain type of goods through online trading (alcohol, tobacco, medicines);
  5. Force majeure – COVED’19 has made a significant “contribution” to the development of electronic commerce of all types of goods.

Trade in digital goods

The trading service in this case is provided in digital form and involves the sequential passage of all stages of purchase / sale (informing, providing a choice, choosing, paying and receiving goods) directly on the website of the online store.

Ensuring the presence of goods in the digital world

Virtual trading shelves . This is not about analogues of offline retail shelves. A large number of digital stores do not have goods in stock, in fact they are only information intermediaries, and even the goods sold with their help, the real owner delivers these goods to the buyer on his own, and such stores do not participate in the completion of the transaction. distribution of goods and services, such as a website, an online store and consumer services.

Stores g global trade . Companies that connect buyers and sellers, even separated by borders and customs, and carry out their own logistics of these goods, have become an opportunity for the distribution of goods from abroad. Among the innovators of such trade are Amazon, Aliexpress, Wildberries, Ozon, etc. Digital tools are now able to help marketers not only ensure the presence of goods on the Internet, but also offer to use the formed distribution channels for goods.

A threat to traditional retail? The question asked in this formulation is not correct and betrays a misunderstanding of what is happening. Online shopping is not a threat to traditional physical stores, but is a logical extension of retail. And only those stores and marketers who do not understand how their retail business can be integrated into the digital world, do not understand the needs of consumers, will be threatened by online commerce. Interested in criminal background check online, follow the link to find out more.

The exit for offline retail, which is under pressure from digital technologies, is defined and understandable:

  1. Most system retailers have created websites that allow customers to both get information about their products and buy them online.
  2. A large offline retailer today sells goods on the marketplace.
  3. Many stores have launched a service that allows you to place an order online and then pick it up at the store or at the point of issue of goods.

Marketplace is a multi-marketplace for the online sale of digital goods and real goods (see  Glossary )

Digitized Store . In addition to the fact that real stores go digital, sellers use CRM systems, IP telephony, online consultants, electronic sales scripts, and electronic commercial offers. Some are starting to experiment with the digitization of the trading service:

  1. To place an order for goods to a supplier without his presence in the store is a completely obvious opportunity provided by digital technologies;
  2. Digital price tags are unlikely to help the consumer, but they certainly can simplify the management of product price tags;
  3. The Sportmaster chain of stores allows you to place an order in an online store and try on selected sports goods in a physical store closest to the consumer;
  4. French beauty chain Sephora has installed augmented reality cameras and monitors in its stores that allow shoppers to experiment with makeup types without actually using actual products off the shelf;
  5. In addition, C&A clothing stores in Brazil use hangers with displays that show the number of likes the garments hanging on them have received from other customers.
  6. Smart grocery carts allow you to pre-aggregate the cost of a purchase, as well as send personalized announcements to customers about promotions on items in the cart and on other products.

Questions to be answered

When thinking about the presence of a digital product and its accessibility to consumers in a digital point of sale, it is important to answer a number of key questions:

How is your consumer buying?

When it comes to marketing your product, you need to imagine consumers and paint a clear picture of:

  • how, where and with the help of what digital services and tools does a consumer buy similar goods?
  • What products does the consumer buy or share your product with, and where are these products sold?
  • the required sales volumes and marginality will require the participation of intermediaries (shops, marketplaces, sales agents) or it will be direct sales, directly to the buyer.

Availability (supply chain logistics)

If you are going to sell to retailers, they will want to know about your supply chain logistics. Be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • when will your products be launched?
  • what are the delivery times?
  • what is the largest order you can fulfill?
  • Can your warehouse handle maximum deliveries?
  • What is the smallest order worth it?
  • Have you created a distribution network for wholesale deliveries in different cities?

Sales support and information support for product presence on the market

  • Do you offer consumers and trading partners a variety of communication channels (phone, email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) that they can use to get in touch?
  • Can you offer your digital retailers an extended support package:
    • What is the system of remuneration and their bonuses for the success of sales?
    • do you have a hotline they can call to speak with a product specialist?
    • Is there a separate specialist, a website for retailers where they can place an order, reset a user’s order, view order statistics, find information about a specific product?
    • what kind of marketing support can you provide to the product? First of all, does this apply to discounts and rebates paid to consumers when buying from intermediaries?
    • do you have an online platform that allows retailers to become accredited partners and get access to the sales service and the personal account of the seller?
  • Do you interact with the sales department?
    • Do you have a program or platform that can increase employee knowledge about products, marketing support?
    • Do you have a team of product consultants?
  • Do you have customer support services?
    • Service centers for warranty service;
    • Sale of spare parts and consumables;

All these elements ensure the presence of the product in the market and the efficiency of the distribution system, making pillboxes available to consumers.