3 interesting facts about modern SMM marketing

Today, in just 60 seconds, Instagram users manage to upload 67,000 photos to the network, Pinterest fans create more than 3,400 new pins, and Twitter is replenished with 433,000 messages. This impressive data shows that the activity and influence of most social networks is growing at an incredibly fast pace, and you should definitely take note of this.

The fact is that users are gradually abandoning their usual search methods and traditional habits, and therefore social platforms are increasingly acting as a source of information for them. Based on this, in order to develop an effective social media strategy this year, you need to be guided by the following three insights. Interested in how to catch a cheater, find out more by clicking on the link.

1. Social media is taking the lead

According to a recent report by Shareholic, social media has outpaced all existing sites and has officially become the top source of referral traffic. The report indicates that as of December 2014, social networks generated 31.24% of referrals, although last year their share was only 22.71%.

This does not mean at all that you need to abandon the established strategies of SEO promotion and contextual advertising, but still, now you need to focus on social media as well.

In this segment, all traffic is distributed among the 8 most popular resources (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and YouTube), but remember that while Facebook generates 24.63%, Pinterest is content with 5.06% , and the share of Twitter is only 0.82%.

2. 65% of all time on social media is on mobile

One Tumblr page titled “We never look up” just further confirms our society’s mobile preferences. Created by a Finnish researcher, it’s, you guessed it, a collection of snapshots of people using their phones in almost any circumstance.

Interaction with a gadget has really become an integral part of our lives, and therefore it is not at all surprising that in 65% of cases social networks are used from mobile devices. Since this indicator will only grow in the future, you need to optimize your content for the most convenient viewing and “sharing” on social networks. Follow the link to learn more about us business directory free.

3. Social audiences love video content

Statistics say that the number of videos on the Facebook network has increased by 94% in the US and by 75% worldwide. To some extent, this trend is associated with the autoplay function – automatic playback of mini-rolls. This opportunity is gradually being used by other social platforms, but the determining factor here is the popularity of social video content.

Videos have a positive effect on the attention span of users, as well as provide them with all the information they need in an engaging and visual format. In addition, visitors devote much more time to studying such material, which opens up a lot of opportunities for increasing conversion.

Most start-ups have faced production costs while entering this segment, but the proliferation of social networks like Vine and Snapchat has demonstrated a much simpler approach to creating video content.

3 interesting facts about modern SMM marketingultima modifica: 2023-03-31T22:31:06+02:00da milaeryomina

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