What are the Beadwork Techniques?

Beadwork is an ancient craft that gradually became an art. At different times, there was a need to decorate various things and fabrics with embroidery. Artisans found new techniques for вишивання бісером. This is how various embroidery techniques appeared. Each technique looks different in the finished work. In this article, we will consider how embroidery techniques are similar and how they differ.

Bead embroidery: the history of its origin

The history of beads began with the development of glass production. The ancestors of beads were glass beads, which were used to make necklaces and necklaces. Later, the masters figured out how to sew beads onto clothes and make patterns out of them. Smaller diameter beads were required for neat and intricate patterns. So the beads turned into small beads. Venice is considered the birthplace of beads in Europe. Venetian masters made beads from ordinary glass. In the seventeenth century in the Czech Republic, it was guessed to use wood ash instead of soda in the production of glass, calling this type of glass forest glass. Among other items, Czech masters also made beads from this glass. Gradually, Czech beads became more popular than Venetian beads. To this day, the Czech Republic is a world-famous producer of beads. In the ninth century, masters lived on the territory of our country, who embroidered clothes with pearls and precious stones. Such jewelry embroidery developed in parallel with the beading technique and was available only to rich people. In the eighteenth century, beads began to be brought to us from overseas countries. Gradually, the craftsmen mastered and fell in love with the technique of bead embroidery. In the nineteenth century, beads were used to decorate church clothes and to embroider icons with them. Over time, beadwork lost popularity, but in the twentieth century it became fashionable again. Many fashionistas fell in love with beaded purses, handbags and brooches. In the nineteenth century, beads were used to decorate church clothes and to embroider icons with them. Over time, beadwork lost popularity, but in the twentieth century it became fashionable again. Many fashionistas fell in love with beaded purses, handbags and brooches. In the nineteenth century, beads were used to decorate church clothes and to embroider icons with them. Over time, beadwork lost popularity, but in the twentieth century it became fashionable again. Many fashionistas fell in love with beaded purses, handbags and brooches.

Now it is fashionable to embroider pictures with beads according to ready-made patterns printed on fabric. From such a scheme, you can create a masterful painting, a real masterpiece. A background in the form of a pattern is applied to the fabric, and a pattern for beadwork is placed on top. To embroider correctly, you need to follow this scheme. The scheme is made in a certain technique.

Each of the techniques is unique and interesting in its own way. Let’s figure out what bead embroidery techniques there are.

Linear embroidery

Line embroidery, rectilinear embroidery, or stitch, “monastery stitch” or “floor cross stitch” is considered the simplest method of bead embroidery. Beginner embroiderers are recommended to embroider their first pictures with this stitch. Many schemes for embroidery in this technique are accompanied by instructions that describe the technique of bead embroidery for beginners step by step. This type of seam is called simple because of the ease of embroidery, but finished works with a linear seam look not at all simple, but on the contrary, very beautiful. The beads lie flat, all the beads are neatly arranged at one angle, repeating the pattern, and the embroidery looks flawless. The main thing when embroidering in a linear technique is to choose the right beads. Calibrated Czech and Japanese beads are ideal. The beads of these manufacturers are of the same size and qualitatively painted, thanks to which the finished embroidery looks flawless. Pictures, icons, cosmetic bags, and patterns on clothes are embroidered in the “cross stitch floor” technique. Pictures are embroidered with a monastic seam, both with complete stitching and with partial stitching. Most manufacturers produce their schemes in a linear sewing technique.

The pattern on the fabric looks like even rows of multi-colored icons. Each icon represents one bead of a certain color. The instructions that accompany each scheme will help you figure out which color of beads corresponds to which icon. This instruction is printed on the fabric of the scheme and is called variously: list of beads, layout, color table, color card. It is used to select beads for the scheme and look into it during embroidery to determine which bead to sew on next. The cost of bead embroidery with a monastic seam is quite acceptable. In addition, you can choose a picture with a smaller size.

Linear seam technique

As preparation, it is necessary to take fabric with an applied pattern and scheme, high-quality beads, a thin needle for beads and beading thread. You will also need scissors and an organizer for beads, into which beads of the desired colors are poured. The beaded thread should be chosen colorless or white, you can choose it to match the pattern on the fabric.

Most often, there are small black dots on the diagram that mark the place of entry and exit of the needle. There are schemes on which there are no such points, then you need to determine “by eye” where to put the needle and thread. Usually, embroidery is started from the lower left corner of the picture. Beginner craftsmen try this method of embroidery using a linear technique, in the future, if convenient, you can start embroidery from the upper left corner, as you like. To begin with, you need to insert the thread into the needle, tie a knot on the thread. Bring the thread from the wrong side to the front side in the lower left corner of the diagram, passing it through the black dot. Then string a bead of the desired color onto the needle and bring the needle inside out in the upper right corner of the square that marks this bead at another point. The first bead must be stitched twice to secure the beginning of the embroidery. Next, the needle is brought to the front side in the lower left corner of the icon of the next bead, the bead is strung and the needle is brought inside out in the upper right corner. This is how the entire row is stitched to the end.

The next row starts from the upper right corner of the bead icon. That is, you need to bring the needle to the face at the upper right point of the designation, then string a bead and bring the needle inside out in the lower left corner of the conditional designation. It is necessary to try to get to the points of the scheme. Thus, each subsequent row of beads will have an inclination to one side. This is how you get a smooth, neat embroidery. The direction of the seam changes in each row, but the beads lie at the same angle. From the wrong side, the embroidery looks like a uniform vertical seam. When embroidering, the thread should be tightened to such an extent that the beads do NOT sag and at the same time do not pull the fabric. The main thing in performing a linear seam is to observe the same inclination of all beads in each row, then the embroidery will be flawless. The choice of embroideries in the linear technique is quite large.

Row seam

Row stitch, curvilinear embroidery, needle back stitch are all names for the same stitch. Pictures and icons with partial stitching are embroidered with this seam. The following technique is used to emphasize plot details. The result is a clear image with bright details. The beads in this type of embroidery overflow on all sides and lie in curved lines that repeat the pattern. The image is not solid, but drawn as it were. In this technique, you can embroider with beads of different sizes and use beads and glass beads, this is used in their schemes by manufacturers of beautiful icons and paintings. The scheme for embroidery with a line stitch looks like smoothly curved lines, and the points at the places where the needle is inserted are located between the bead markings. The execution technique differs from the usual monastic seam.

The technique of performing a satirical seam

The beginning of embroidery is the same as in the rectilinear technique. Insert the thread into the needle and tie a knot. You need to start embroidery from the beginning of the seam line on the diagram. Bring the needle to the front side after the bead icon. String a bead of the desired color onto the needle. Bring the needle to the wrong side at the point before the bead icon and make a stitch two beads long, so that the needle exits at the point after the second bead. Then string the desired bead on the needle and return to the point between the first and second bead. This is how the line is embroidered to the end. The next line of embroidery will go close to the previous one. The main thing when embroidering with a row seam is to observe, not to go beyond the scheme, but to repeat the pattern exactly, then the embroidery will look neat and smooth. When the row is finished, it is recommended to pass the needle back through several beads on the front side, and then bring the needle with the thread inside out and fasten. There are no specific recommendations on where to begin embroidery with a line stitch. Here you can use your imagination and start with any detail. This type of embroidery allows you to give the image additional volume and the illusion of movement. Very beautiful schemes – icons for embroidery with beads in the curvilinear technique are produced by the trademark “Marichka”.

Embroidery with beads circular technique

Circular technique, spiral embroidery in a different way – at first glance, schemes for spiral embroidery look complicated, in fact, they are not. All that is required from the craftswoman is accuracy and accurate calculation of the entry and exit of the needle. Beads in a row must be arranged clearly one after the other so that there are no gaps in the row of beads, then the embroidery will look perfect. The rows do not lie straight, but twist in a spiral, highlighting certain sections of the plot. The whole picture can be embroidered starting from the center with one continuous spiral line that ends at the edges. Similarly, one picture can have several spirals, each with its own center. In such a plot, several details stand out, for example, large flowers. These spirals can merge into the plot of the picture with complete stitching. In a picture with partial stitching, the spiral embroidery creates several areas, from which the plot is given volume and realism. For embroidery in the circular technique, more threads are used than for the monastery stitch. Therefore, you need to stock up on threads in advance. It is better to choose a special bead thread. You can choose and buy high-quality threads for bead embroidery on our website. Schemes for embroidery in the circular technique are easy to buy and their price is small.

Circular seam technique

Embroidery with beads in a circle is also not difficult. You can embroider in the circular technique with three types of seam. Row, stem or arch seams. Row seam is already a sign.

A stitch is a stitch forward of the needle. Fasten the thread on the fabric, while making a puncture from the wrong side on the face in front of the bead icon. String a bead on a needle and bring it to the wrong side at the point after the icon. Return the needle to the place of the first puncture and pull it through the first bead. Fastening is finished, next is the formation of a row. We string a pearl on a needle and insert it at the point after the icon of the second bead. Bring the needle between the first and second beads, pass the needle through the second bead and thread the next one. Pass through the second bead a second time. The seam is tight, so you need to make sure that the fabric is not stretched too much.

An arch stitch is a stitch when several beads are sewn together with one stitch. It is sewn in the same way as stemmed, only not every bead is sewn, but through one. This stitch is used if dense rows of embroidery are not required. The needle is brought out on the front part at the point before the icon. Two beads are strung together, the needle enters the gap between the second and third beads, then turns and braids the second. Next, two more beads are strung together, only the second one is braided, the first one hangs freely on the thread. It is faster to embroider with an arch stitch than with others.

What are the Beadwork Techniques?ultima modifica: 2023-06-12T18:13:35+02:00da milaeryomina

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