
How artificial intelligence is changing the IT industry

Artificial intelligence is already transforming the IT industry in various areas: cybersecurity, software development, data center management, creating new jobs and professions, disrupting traditional business models. Let's look at examples of how different companies use AI to gain a competitive advantage and what are the forecasts for the future of IT. At aishaker you will find many tools with artificial intelligence.

What is artificial intelligence and why is it important for IT?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that creates systems capable of performing human-like tasks such as language and text recognition, content exploration, and problem solving. AI uses techniques such as machine learning and deep learning to analyze vast amounts of data and recognize patterns in it. Artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword. He really helps. He really improves. Right here and right now. AI is important to IT because it can help IT teams cope with the growing complexity and demands of today's IT environments. Artificial intelligence can help IT professionals innovate and create value for customers and businesses. According to  IDC , by 2021, global spending on artificial intelligence systems will amount to $57.6 billion.

How AI enhances cybersecurity

One area where AI can have a significant impact on IT is cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting networks, systems, and data from unauthorized access or attacks. Cybersecurity is critical to IT as it ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and services. However, cyber security is becoming more of a challenge as cyber threats become more sophisticated and more frequent. According  to IBM , the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million. In addition, there is a shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals who can detect and respond to cyberattacks. This is where artificial intelligence can help. AI can enhance cybersecurity by: For example,  IBM Watson  for Cybersecurity is an artificial intelligence platform that can analyze unstructured data such as blogs, news, and social media posts to provide context and insights for cybersecurity analysts. Another example is  Darktrace , which uses machine learning to build self-learning cyber defense systems that can independently detect and respond to cyber threats.

How AI improves software development

Another area where AI can have a significant impact on IT is software development. This is a complex and time-consuming process that includes many challenges, such as writing quality bug-free code, testing the code for functionality, performance, security and usability, deploying the code to different environments and platforms, and maintaining the code for updates and changes. This is where artificial intelligence can help. AI can improve software development by:

AI in hardware development

Another area where artificial intelligence is having a significant impact is hardware development. AI helps hardware developers in many ways.

AI in Data Center Management

AI is already helping data center operators in many ways:

How AI is creating new jobs and skills

Many fear that artificial intelligence will replace humans in IT or other industries. However, this is not necessarily the case. AI not only automates tasks, but expands human capabilities and opens up new possibilities. According to  a World Economic Forum (WEF) report  , by 2022 artificial intelligence will create 133 million new jobs, displacing 75 million existing ones. This means that there will be more opportunities than challenges for workers willing to adapt and learn new skills. Let's talk about some of the new roles that AI will create in IT.

artificial intelligence engineers

These are specialists who design, develop, test, deploy and maintain artificial intelligence systems using various tools and frameworks.

AI analysts

These are specialists who collect, process, analyze, visualize and interpret data using various methods and techniques.

AI ethics

Specialists who ensure the integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability of artificial intelligence systems.

AI trainers

Specialists who train machines to perform tasks using various methods such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and active learning.

AI Interpreters

They are specialists who explain how AI systems work and why they make certain decisions using different methods such as feature importance, model interpretability, and counterfactual analysis.

How AI is changing business models

Business models are the ways in which organizations create, deliver and capture value for their customers and stakeholders. Business models are critical to IT as they determine how IT generates revenue and competes in the marketplace. However, business models can change as technology advances and customer expectations change. AI, being a powerful business tool, can enable IT to create new business models or transform existing ones. Here are some of the ways in which AI can change business models in IT: