4 options for painting wheels for cars

Wheels are an important part of a car that immediately catches your eye. But, unfortunately, they quickly wear out and age. To solve this problem, you can resort to their restoration. Painting wheels with a chrome paint kit for car will help restore them to a presentable appearance, which will undoubtedly affect the appearance of the vehicle as a whole.

Why are wheel rims painted?

There are two reasons why car rims are painted. This is restoration – returning the original appearance and the desire to achieve the original effect. In the second case, car owners choose unusual bright shades that give the car a stylish and cool look.

The dyeing procedure is not complicated. In some cases, it can be carried out independently, without the help of car service specialists. Another advantage of painting is that it increases the wear resistance of the discs and thereby increases their service life.

What color options are there?

The following options for painting stamped wheels are especially popular among car enthusiasts (they are also suitable for cast wheels):

  • acrylic painting;
  • chrome plating;
  • painting liquid rubber;
  • powder coating.

It is impossible to say clearly which method is better and which is worse. Each of them has pros and cons. Each type of dye has a wide palette of shades, so everyone can choose the option that suits them. The only thing that is important to consider in this case is that the dyes must be from the same batch. This ensures that their colors are identical. Otherwise, even a slight discrepancy in shades will spoil the overall impression.

Chrome plating of wheels

Chrome plating is a procedure, the essence of which is to apply a special coating to obtain a mirror effect with a gray or golden tint. This tuning looks solid and has already become a classic. The chrome coating protects the discs from corrosion and various damages. It neutralizes the negative impact of temperature fluctuations. However, the procedure is not without its disadvantages. Some types of chrome are expensive and require reapplication if even one scratch occurs on the surface.

There are two ways to apply chrome:

  1. Electroplating. It is distinguished by high quality and durability, but it is more complex in terms of technology. It involves the introduction of chromium into the molecular network of the metal from which the discs are made. This method makes them more resistant to moisture and high temperatures. When the composition hardens, a film of oxides forms on the surface of the part. It slows down the process of corrosion formation.
  2. Diffusion method. Roughly speaking, this is ordinary coloring with powder dyes. It is less expensive to carry out. With the diffusion method, the paint is applied in the thinnest possible layer and provides a mirror effect. Unfortunately, wheels painted this way are more vulnerable to corrosion and physical damage.

Preparatory work and equipment

It is impossible to perform real chrome plating yourself using improvised means. The solution in this situation may be to paint it with chrome paint metal, which imitates chrome. These are car paints from the “chrome effect” series. To carry out restoration work, you will need a composition that imitates chrome, a dark coating, a primer, abrasive paper, a drill with a “Ruff” attachment and a hair dryer. The preparatory measures in this case are similar to those before painting with acrylic composition. To get a good result, the discs need to be perfectly cleaned, degreased and polished. Before carrying out the procedure, for greater convenience, it is advisable to remove the tires.

Dyeing technology

To get an effect as similar as possible to that of chrome plating, it is important to choose the right dye. For this, expensive options from well-known manufacturers are more suitable. When using budget options, you can achieve a gray metallic effect that lacks the characteristic shine.

Coloring is carried out according to the same scheme as in the case of acrylic dyes. The only difference is that the paint is applied in two layers. First comes a black coating, and then a composition that imitates chrome.

Painting wheels with acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is a classic liquid option that doesn’t require any special skills to work with. Its main advantages include accessibility and long service life. The paint is practically free of unpleasant odor. Its drying time does not exceed 10-15 minutes.

On sale you can find a variety of shades of dye. With their help you can create both glossy and matte finishes. Acrylic paint is convenient for painting individual disc segments. This will be especially appreciated by those who want to make them colorful. If desired, you can paint the rims with acrylic without removing them from the car.

Disadvantage: poor resistance to the abrasive effects of grains of sand, pebbles and chemicals.

How to choose enamel for painting

Acrylic can be sprayed from a can or using a spray gun. Brushes are not suitable for painting wheels. To operate a spray gun, a compressor or an oxygen cylinder is required, and the average car enthusiast usually does not have such equipment. Therefore, if a spray gun is not available, you should choose compositions in aerosol cans for painting wheels at home. Fortunately, the choice is huge. However, it is important to take into account that achieving uniform application with their help is not easy. When choosing paint, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. After it expires, the composition becomes too thick. It is impossible for them to do quality work.

Preparatory work and equipment

To perform the procedure you must have:

  • dye;
  • bow;
  • primer;
  • abrasive paper;
  • drill with a “Ruff” attachment;
  • hair dryer (one designed for hair styling is suitable);
  • solvent.

Before you start painting, wash the disc thoroughly. Next, the old paint is removed from its surface. This is done using a drill. If after this chips and scratches occur, they are sanded first with a coarse and then with a fine abrasive. In the case of large defects, they resort to puttying. At the end of this stage, the disc is cleaned of abrasive by rinsing with water.

After this, they begin priming. This is necessary so that the dye spreads evenly and subsequently lasts longer. Before applying the primer, the surface of the disc is dried with a hairdryer. It should be perfectly dry. If even a drop of liquid remains on it, this will lead to the appearance of defects during painting. As a result, the appearance of the wheels will be poor, and the wear time of the dye will be significantly reduced. After this, treatment is carried out with a degreaser. To make priming easier, hang the disc on a rope.

Before priming, the surface is heated with a hairdryer. This will ensure an even application of the first layer. It is unacceptable to apply a thick layer of soil at once. To achieve the best effect, it is better to do this in 3-4 approaches. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has dried. This process usually takes half an hour.

Dyeing technology

High-quality paint should not leave smudges. Before using it, it is recommended to check it: apply a layer to any metal product. After the primer has dried, proceed directly to painting. The procedure is carried out in a clean room. If dust gets on a freshly painted surface, it will become lumpy and lose its shine. If the wheels are painted without removing the rubber, then it is sealed using newspapers and tape.

To achieve good results, the dye, like the primer, is applied in several layers (preferably at least three). Particular attention is paid to hard-to-reach areas that are difficult to paint. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has hardened.

Precautionary measures

It is important to remember that the cylinder is under pressure. Trying to refill it on your own is highly undesirable. The dye container should not be left in the open sun or placed near a fire or heating appliances. This may cause a fire. The room in which the procedure is carried out must be well ventilated. Dye vapors are poisonous, so wear a respirator when working with it.

Painting wheels with liquid rubber

Visually, this material really resembles rubber. And it is called liquid because before application it has the appearance of an emulsion. Manufacturers do not consider the term “liquid rubber” to be appropriate and refer to this type of insulating material as “seamless sprayed waterproofing.” The composition of liquid rubber is not the same as that of regular rubber. It includes bitumen mastic, polymers and stabilizers. Using liquid rubber is an excellent opportunity to give your wheels a unique appearance, with the ability to return them to their original appearance at any time by removing the coating.

Painting with liquid rubber can be done in a garage. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Among the main advantages of this dye are:

  • high resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • waterproof;
  • no problems during application (this is done by spraying);
  • the ability to dismantle without harming the paintwork;
  • excellent adhesive properties;
  • resistance to sunlight and temperature changes

This product also has disadvantages. These include a short service life and low strength. After just a year of wear, chips and other defects may appear on the coating.

Powder coating of wheels

Powder dyes are used to process products that can be exposed to high temperatures. After placing the painted disc in an oven (the temperature of which is 200℃), a uniform continuous film is formed on it. It will be a barrier to the influence of destructive environmental factors. This coating is resistant to moisture and harsh physical impact. The only disadvantage of powder paint is that special equipment is required to use it.

Paint options on the market

There are several types of powder dyes on the market:

  1. Silicone – withstands extreme temperatures.
  2. Polyester – resistant to corrosion processes.
  3. Polyurethane – their distinctive feature is their resistance to oils, solvents and other abrasive materials.
  4. Epoxy – can withstand alkaline and acidic reagents.

Unlike acrylic dyes, powder dyes do not have a huge variety of shades. Gold, silver and blue colors are especially popular among car enthusiasts.

Dyeing technology

Before painting, the surface of the disc is carefully prepared: the old coating and rust are removed. This is usually done using an electric drill with a brush attachment or a sandblaster. To remove residual contaminants, chemical compounds (alkaline or acidic) are used. After cleaning and drying, the surface of the disc is primed. This will increase its corrosion resistance.

The dye itself is applied directly in a special chamber using an electrostatic gun.

The procedure is carried out in a protective suit, mask and gloves. Finally, the discs are sent to the oven. During a short exposure, they can be covered with a second coat of paint, and then left to cool in the chamber for 8 hours. Painted, dried discs are coated with matte or glossy varnish. Restoring discs using powder paints is a complex job that is almost impossible to do on your own. This is exactly the case when it is better not to take risks and turn to specialists.


A couple of decades ago, the only way to restore wheels was to paint them with automotive enamel. Among the advantages of this method, one can highlight only budget and simplicity. It was only a dream for the wheels to acquire a beautiful appearance and remain that way for a long time. Fortunately, today the possibilities have expanded and car owners can already choose options for painting alloy wheels. Modern dyes not only restore them to their former appearance, but also perform a protective function. The undoubted advantage of some of them is their ability to be used in garage conditions. If the application technology is followed, the results are impressive.

4 options for painting wheels for carsultima modifica: 2024-01-10T12:49:37+01:00da milaeryomina

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