Why do foreign men choose Russian women for family and marriage?

You have probably heard more than once that most foreign men are happy and proud if their soulmate is from Russia, if they marry a Russian wife, in other words, it is a great privilege and pride for foreign men to live with a woman of Slavic origin.

The beauty, intelligence, sophistication and culture of Russian brides are legendary in the good sense of the word. And it is true! Let’s think about what for a foreign man: Russian ladies for marriage.

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Why do Russian girls attract foreign men?

Having a Russian wife for a foreign man today is a worthy status in society, he can show that he is able to give a decent standard of living to his soulmate, which means he has a stable and high income if he is ready to distribute his expenses and resources independently , usually in European and American In families, married couples have a common budget to support life and everyday life.

– He happily demonstrates this status to his friends, work colleagues, and relatives, proudly introducing his circle to his soulmate from Russia.

This is what men whose lottery ticket was lucky write about their Russian wives.

– My wife will not go to the store without tidying herself up and looking at herself in the mirror before leaving. She will be 100% fit! It’s always a pleasure to walk alongside her with pride and respect. Russian women are very well-groomed, beautifully dressed with taste, it doesn’t matter if it’s sporty style or everyday wear for work, not to mention evening wear.

Russian girls are feminine, have refined taste, and skillfully highlight their assets thanks to a perfectly chosen wardrobe. They are distinguished by their well-groomed appearance and elegance.

In comfortable casual clothes, everything is always selected down to the smallest detail (handbag, accessories, hair styled, shoes). If it is a sports style, then jeans, sneakers, a T-shirt, everything matches in color and style.

– As a rule, a Russian woman loves to create coziness and order in the house, shows talent and creativity in the garden, loves to create and decorate, can tastefully choose designer furniture, decorate a room with flowers or hang beautiful paintings.

Not every representative of the fair sex in Europe believes that the most important calling of any woman is maintaining a home and having children, which is why guys often turn their attention to Russian brides.

What are Russian wives famous for?

They are wonderful housewives, they have the imagination to cook and create in the kitchen, and if they have not mastered the secrets and skills of other national cuisines (French, Italian, Asian), then they are happy to delve into culinary science.

What they are like at home with a loved one, writes another admirer of the Russian soul from the Netherlands:

– They are excellent conversationalists, you can talk to them on any topic, Russian women are educated, curious and read a lot.

They can be passionate in conversation, defend their point of view, so it’s never boring with them and they can always support any topic, which they are often right about (to the surprise of men).

Women are active and not lazy, once in a new country they understand perfectly well that every door will not open for them, there are no parents nearby, they will just have to grow into the new culture of society, learn a new foreign language, get a profession if a woman wants to realize herself and if her age allows her to work and get a new profession. 

Even those women whose foreign husband is against her working, she herself finds new hobbies and interests; very often it is in a new country that a Russian beauty discovers new abilities and talents, such as in drawing, art, housework, decor, embroidery, gardening, cooking.

A Russian wife always tries to be in good shape, she plays sports at home on her own or visits the nearest sports and fitness clubs, she can go for a run in the morning, do yoga and set an excellent example for her husband with the desire to also always be fit and athletic (for her and for himself, for health).

If she raises children, she shows the best maternal feelings, she is usually a loving child, she tries to teach and raise her child in the best traditions of mixed cultures, first of all, not forgetting about Russian culture, where she herself comes from.

What else attracts foreign men to Russian beauties ?

The ability to steadfastly endure any joys and hardships, even if they may suddenly happen. A Russian woman will always find a way out of a difficult situation, support her husband, and together discuss the possibilities of solving any problem.

Foreign young ladies are less patient in relationships and prefer not to experience difficult moments together, but to look for new partners.

So, we remembered only a few favorable and strong qualities of Russian women, their talents are sheer perfection in the family and in everyday life. But these are probably not all the characteristics that we managed to mention.

Why do foreign men choose Russian women for family and marriage?ultima modifica: 2024-06-11T18:14:01+02:00da milaeryomina

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