Dentistry Advertising: How to Attract Clients and Increase Profits

The dental business is in demand. More and more people prefer private dentistry to state-run ones. This is a highly competitive area. But with the help of advertising, you can stand out in the market.

How to promote a dentistry, set up advertising and attract clients? Find out all this in the article!

We are ToptierPractice, a dental marketing company that believes dentists and dental teams should be able to focus entirely on what they do best – building genuine, lasting relationships with their patients.

We support practices by handling time-intensive dental marketing tasks, taking on the burden of creating a consistent patient inflow.

By doing so, patient interactions are elevated, and the practice is established as the premier office in the community.

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Dentistry name that makes money

Sometimes the choice of a dentistry depends on the impression the name makes. Funny or incomprehensible – causes mistrust of clients, solid and original – attracts attention.

How to name a dentistry to attract clients? Use these rules:

  • Use simple words that are easy to remember and write down. The client should be able to easily find it on the Internet or in a directory. For example, “Megadent”, “Clinic 32”, “Nova Dent”.
  • The name should not evoke negative or unpleasant associations. For example, the names “Kiss”, “Gamma”, “Dental Shop” evoke the feeling that the clinic provides low-quality services.
  • The name should reflect some distinctive feature of the dentistry. Emphasize the range of services, location, clinics or area of activity. For example,  children’s dentistry “Zubastik”, “Baby Smile”.
  • Be original, be sure to study examples of competitors’ names so as not to repeat them. The easiest way to originally name a dentistry is to use the name of the head doctor.  “Dentistry of Doctor George”, “Dmitrovich and Colleagues”, “Implantation Center of Doctor Zorin”.

Dentistry Advertising: Texts That Bring Income

Printed materials, television and the Internet are usually used to promote a dental clinic or office. But regardless of the type of promotion, you will need to come up with a bright text, a slogan that will attract the attention of the target audience.

The text for advertising dental services should be short but informative. No one will read lengthy discussions about why your clinic is better than the others.

The main task is to determine what your clients want. Some are trying to save money, for others it is important that the treatment is painless, for many it is important that the clinic is close to home.

What are the advantages of your dentistry? New technologies, convenient location, modern equipment, low prices or highly qualified staff – choose what you can stand out with.

Examples of dental clinic slogans:

  • “Healthy teeth without pain and fear”
  • “32 Reasons for a Hollywood Smile”
  • “Cheaper because it’s not in the center”
  • “Modern treatment technologies at low prices”

Marketing in dentistry: methods of promoting services

To understand where dental advertising will be visible and effective, clearly define your target audience. Most often, people search for dental clinics on the Internet. However, a significant portion of dental clinic clients are elderly people. To attract them, it is better to use advertising on radio and television.

If you are targeting residents of one area, use billboards near the clinic, advertising in public transport. Place them where there is a high daily flow of potential clients.

How to promote dentistry on the Internet

Advertising services on the Internet is the most convenient way to attract customers today. To use Internet marketing, create a website. But invest wisely. If you have one dental office or a small budget clinic, you do not need to spend money on an expensive website. The investment will not pay off.

Place descriptions of procedures, prices, information about doctors, a page with reviews and clinic contacts on the website. The client should easily find everything that interests him.

To bring the site to the first pages of search engines, use SEO promotion. Fill the pages with keywords and phrases, useful information, photos and other materials that will provide you with high traffic. Immediately after the launch of the site, as well as when conducting discounts and promotions, use contextual advertising. This is an expensive but effective way of promotion.

Create a group or page on social networks. There you will be able to quickly inform your subscribers about new promotions, discounts. Publish interesting facts, articles about proper oral hygiene. This will help attract more clients.

Radio and television: what to choose for advertising a dental clinic

Television advertising is the most expensive way to promote products and services. You will have to spend money on filming a video and then broadcasting it. The effect of such dental advertising is ineffective, because the costs will take a long time to pay off.

Radio is a great option for promoting a new dental clinic. You will have to invest money, but all the radio station listeners will learn about the discounts and promotions you are holding to celebrate the opening.

Dentistry advertising in print

A more common way to attract people to the dentist is to use flyers or print ads in newspapers. The main advantages of print advertising are accessibility. You can put flyers in mailboxes yourself.

The downside of printed advertising is its low efficiency. Most people don’t read printed ads, and a newspaper ad can easily get lost among the rest.

Which advertising methods will bring more profit?

Each marketing method has its pros and cons. If you want to attract as many customers as possible, use several methods at the same time.

Promoting a dentistry is a difficult task. People are afraid to go to unfamiliar doctors: they are afraid that the price will not match the quality of work and materials. They want reliable doctors and quality services. Therefore, the most effective advertising is word of mouth, reviews and recommendations from friends.

A good reputation can only be earned over time. Therefore,  buying a stomatology business  is more profitable than creating a new one. You get not only all the material assets, but also a base of regular customers who will continue to visit this clinic and tell their friends about it.

Dentistry Advertising: How to Attract Clients and Increase Profitsultima modifica: 2024-07-16T17:39:22+02:00da milaeryomina

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