Every gambler, even with minimal experience (but, of course, with a great desire to play successfully!), thinks about what time of day, what days of the month, etc. the game in the casino will be most profitable. And since we are talking about beginners, let’s assume that it is difficult for them to figure out this issue themselves. We offer help – in this article, all the nuances related to time intervals, weekends and weekdays, as well as spending time in virtual gambling halls will be discussed. And if you have not yet decided on the choice of an online casino, we recommend that you read the review of WINSHARK on the https://www.winsharkreview.com/

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So, let’s start with the fact that today 99% of people prefer to play online. And this is not bad. At least because online casinos work without holidays and weekends – day and night. But in fact, as the experience of other gamblers shows, there is a difference when to play slot machines. And it is significant. Now, let’s move from words to deeds, or rather to specific recommendations that will concern the choice of time to start a gaming session.


The period of financial settlements plays a role in this issue. Few players are involved in the nuances associated with affiliates and suppliers of gaming software for virtual establishments. But they are traditionally made at the end of each calendar month. What does this mean? It’s simple – at this time, affiliates write off the negative balance, and along with this, the prize funds in the slots are reset. It is logical that it is not particularly profitable to play on these days. But, on the contrary, the last days of the month can be record-breakingly profitable for players.


In any business there is a place for cyclicality. As for gambling, practice shows that in the cold season visitors are more active – it has been noted that rates are higher in winter, as people prefer online entertainment.

In summer, on the contrary, activity noticeably decreases, as many people relax and go on trips, but everything returns to normal with the onset of the first autumn days. Here it is important to understand that you do not need to do “like everyone else”. The trick is that many online casinos in the summer can offer customers very profitable bonuses in order, as they say, to attract players. This is important for retaining regular customers on club sites and attracting new users.


As mentioned above, the peak of activity in the gambling industry is winter. The main New Year holidays also fall at this time. In this case, operators also offer casino visitors bonuses, but they do this rather out of respect, since there is no shortage of clients during this period. Hence the conclusion – winter holidays are still not the best time to increase gaming activity. It is better to do this in the fall and summer, when the promotions are most generous, and the conditions for wagering bonuses are very loyal.


After choosing the most generous period of the year, it is worth moving on to the question of what time of day is best for betting? Here, too, there are several important factors that affect payouts in online casinos. For example, the cyclicality of the slot machines themselves – the fact is that each slot initially forms its own prize fund, there is also a time for dividing the game pool between clients, when the winning amounts reach their maximum. To understand when this happens, you need to familiarize yourself with the information provided by the manufacturers of gaming software, which, as a rule, indicate in the technical characteristics of their machines, including the length of the game cycle.

Peak hours of attendance of players of virtual clubs are from eight in the evening until about two in the morning. During the day, people are mostly at work, and after all the evening rituals, they have time for leisure. In addition, in the evening and at night, the current phase of the game cycle of slots is unknown. However, it can be predicted that at the time when users make the maximum number of bets, the winning amounts in slots will also go off the scale.

WHAT IS THE BEST TIME TO PLAY AT THE CASINO?ultima modifica: 2024-08-06T15:14:02+02:00da milaeryomina

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