How to choose an electric scooter: 5 smart tips

The electric scooter develops speed, on average, up to 30 km/h. And this is 5 times faster than walking. The battery will sit down – you can go, pushing off with your foot. Fortunately, the control is simple: it accelerates and slows down by the force of pressing the lever. Truly, the transport of the future, it does not pollute the environment, does not get stuck in traffic jams. We understand in detail how to choose a good electric scooter at

What is the optimal engine power to choose

This indicator affects the speed of acceleration and traction when climbing a hill. When choosing an electric scooter, it is worth considering the ratio of power to rider weight.

  1. 100-150 W – for a child from six years old. Maximum acceleration 10 km / h.
  2. 250-300 W – up to 90 kg. Urban variant with a speed within 15-30 km/h. Easy to control, move quickly, the probability of falls is minimal. Travel distance up to 60 km.
  3. 350-700 W – for bigger riders. Speed 35-60 km/h. This is a good option for rough roads. Power reserve up to 100 km on a single charge.
  4. 1200-6000 W – for fans of speed up to 100 km / h, it would be traction with the road surface.

A device with small diameter wheels (up to 18 cm) does not need a powerful engine. Although driving on rough roads will be a test – shakes bless you. Well, if the size of the wheels is from 20 to 24 cm, these will easily pass over bumps, potholes and paving stones.

It makes no sense to buy an electric scooter if it will ride at the power limit. It is better to choose with a margin of 30-40% more relative to your weight, since in those. characteristics indicate values close to the ideal – where there is no wind and a flat road. We recommend taking 100 kg of your weight as 140 kg, and power, respectively, 350 W and above.

For example,  Ninebot KickS cooter MAX G30  is a popular model this year. The average power, 350 W, is enough for long walks, the charge range is enough for 65 km. This makes it easy to get to work. The crush in public transport and standing in traffic jams of the city will remain in the past.

The ratio of the optimal weight and size of the scooter

In a situation where it is necessary to carry the device manually, for example, in an underpass or subway, it is preferable to choose a model weighing 10-15 kg, up to 1.2 meters in length and with a folding mechanism. With such dimensions, the device will also fit in the trunk of a car and will not take up much space when stored.

When choosing an electric scooter for an adult or a child, you need to pay attention to the height of the steering wheel. It should reach to the middle of the chest or slightly lower. A height-adjustable steering column is important, as riders vary in height from 110.0 to 200.0 cm.

In the table, consider the optimal ratios:

Rider Scooter weight (kg) Characteristics
Child (from 6-8 years old) 8.0-12.0 Low power reserve and low speed
Teenagers (from 13 years old) 14.0-15.0
Adult from 15.0 and over Great mileage and speed

Larger wheels mean a more powerful engine and therefore a larger battery. The weight and size of the scooter directly depends on these factors.

What parameters are affected by battery capacity

We consider the speed, distance and duration of the charge.

The mileage on a single charge reflects the distance traveled without recharging. It is determined by two parameters:

  • capacity (Ah) – the amount of energy given off per hour;
  • voltage (V) – determines the level of charge.

For correct operation of the battery, the recommended temperature range is from -10 to +40 degrees. More or less – depends on the type of element used and the quality. If t is lower, the reactions inside the battery become inhibited and the discharge occurs faster. This affects the speed and distance of movement. Characteristics return to normal after warming up to room temperature.

A controller is installed on the drives, which doses the energy consumption. Even a completely dead battery allows you to turn on lights or lights. These are just those residual currents that remain in the device after it is turned off. If you land on zero and leave the scooter in this state for a long time, the battery loses its capacity and a technical resuscitation or replacement will be required to charge.

The duration of the charge involves leaving the electric scooter overnight. The controller regulates the current supply and will cut off the power supply when charging is completed. If the controller breaks, it loses bandwidth and the device does not charge.

Tip : Avoid temperature differences when plugged into an outlet. Do not put the electric scooter on charge immediately after a ride in cold or hot weather. Then the chemical processes are slowed down and the controller charges to the maximum. As a result, the battery will lose some of its capacity or overheating or fire will occur. 

Do electric scooters need shock absorbers?

On scooters equipped with suspensions, uneven riding is softened and vibration is minimized. Cushioning is necessary, as even the internal electronics have cushioning spacers on all sides. Strong shaking negatively affects contacts and soldered places.

It is advisable to equip open-type shock absorbers with anthers to protect them from harmful phenomena. Otherwise, waste will not be avoided. A failed shock absorber will lead to bearing failure and rapid tire wear.

When choosing an electric scooter for both an adult and a child, keep in mind that, due to its design features, it is not intended for jumping. Shock absorbers easily make their way under the own weight of the structure and the loaded mass of the owner. Standard damping is enough to dampen vibrations. Strong impacts, overloads from jumping curbs lead to breakage. Models without shock absorption are not recommended for use on rough roads.

Electric scooter braking system: disc, shoe brakes

The task of the brake system is to gently stop when necessary. Two types of brakes are responsible for this moment:

Brake system Peculiarities pros Minuses
Disk Flat metal part with holes for cooling Not subject to deformation High price
Shoe (drum mechanism) The wheels are compressed on both sides with pads using a cable Inexpensive cost The block is erased over time and violates the integrity of the wheel

Let’s summarize. When asked which electric scooter to choose, you need to decide on 4 points.

  1. Who will ride.
  2. Power reserve.
  3. Maximum speed.
  4. The area where the transport will be used.

Knowing the right answers, it will be much easier to make a choice.

How to choose an electric scooter: 5 smart tipsultima modifica: 2023-06-14T14:44:19+02:00da milaeryomina

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