Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for Memory Loss


Memory loss is a frustrating condition that can develop for many reasons, such as lack of enough sleep, aging, medication, drug abuse, and much more. It can trigger the development of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, which is challenging to treat. Cognitive impairment and memory loss are common issues as we age. Slow metabolism and reduced blood flow are the most common reasons for forgetfulness in the elderly.

HBOT can potentially improve metabolism and blood flow and can slow down the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It ensures the provision of high concentration oxygen (95%) at high pressure (2ATA) to body tissues and has been approved by FDA to treat various medical conditions developed by hypoxia. Israeli research successfully reversed brain trauma through hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) .

It is a novel non-invasive approach to prevent the core metabolic issues in humans such as dementia or memory loss via non-drug therapy 1 . In 2020, the director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center, Shai Efrati, explained the significance of HBOT in rejuvenating damaged brain cells and reversing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 2 . 

Mechanism of action of HBOT to functionalize injured brain tissue

Neurons are one of few cell types in our body that cannot divide to increase their number. That’s why neurodegeneration is always considered tricky to deal with. Shai Efrati, MD, aimed to prove the same thing practically by providing data from his case studies of him. Brain injuries are also like peripheral wounds, having different degrees of damage. If brain tissue is completely dead (necrotic), it is useless to think of its revival. But partial inactivity (metabolic dysfunction) can be reversed. Stem cell therapy can be helpful in this case, but due to limited clinical trials, we only can access in vivo significance in rat models. HBOT can potentially regenerate brain cells (neurons), delay the onset of memory loss (dementia), and reverse neurodegeneration due to the following mode of action.

Hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox to mobilize stem cells

Another approach is to stimulate stem cells of our own body, which is non-invasive and practically feasible. Hypoxia is found to be a strong stimulant to activate stem cells in our body. It involves a complete cut-off of blood supply and oxygen to body cells for some moments and then resumes it. Unfortunately, it can be lethal to the body and have some adverse effects such as the threat of strokes. HBOT contrarily does the same thing. It supplies the body with extremely high levels of oxygen for some time, and then our body experiences hypoxia when breathing in normal air. The phenomenon is termed a hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox 3. After 20 sessions, the HBOT is proved to cause an upregulation of stem cells in the users’ body, and ultimately it causes natural healing of brain tissues that have undergone metabolic dysfunction.     


Another possible reason for cognitive decline is the occlusion in blood vessels as we age ( atherosclerosis ), which is comparable to the clogging of pipes in our house. The blockage of the small vessels that supply blood to the brain cells causes dementia while that in large blood vessels causes a stroke. HBOT promotes angiogenesis due to elevated levels of stem cells it has the potential to trigger neovascularization and ultimately tissue reactivation. Undoubtedly, age-related memory loss can be avoided or delayed by HBOT 4 .

At which stage of neurodegeneration does HBOT work?

This is the most important aspect to consider in order to understand the efficacy of HBOT. As stated earlier, brain tissue damage is comparable to peripheral wounds. If someone wants to take HBOT as a therapy at the stage of atrophy (complete death of brain cells), then it is impossible to get the results. Earlier diagnosis is extremely important, and soft-shell HBOT chambers can help in this regard, where people in the comfort of their homes get this therapy. If the users start it earlier then the brain tissue damage can be significantly delayed, so as memory loss. HBOT has the potential to do it due to the following reasons 5, 6 .

  • Increases blood flow
  • Reduces the chances of plaque formation
  • Mobilizes stem cells
  • Promotes neovascularization

How to select a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for home use?

One way to avoid certain medical conditions is through prevention. The therapeutic efficacy of HBOT cannot be denied, but it would be great if we implement this therapy to prevent the onset of cognitive impairment. The choice of product is crucial when it comes to independent purchase and use of an instrument without the supervision of medical professional.


Oxyhelp hyperbaric oxygen chambers are one of their types in terms of customers’ satisfaction and safety to use. High quality, easy user interface, and cost competency make them preferable. The assembly of chambers is done in Europe while its spare parts are purchased from Germany, Spain, the USA, and Japan 7 . Oxyhelp hyperbaric chambers are safe for home use and can be used to delay the signs of dementia in users. Because when the brain cells are flooded with high oxygen concentration, no plaques will be formed, stem cells will remain active, and consequently, the users can experience improved brain performance as they age.


Taken together, all the findings related to in vivo studies on mouse models as well as clinical trials on humans prove that HBOT is a highly efficient adjuvant therapy not only to reduce plaque formation in the brain tissue but also to decrease the size of existing ones. As a result, the brain cells are provided with oxygenated blood and they revive for their normal functioning. Moreover, stem cell mobilization forms new blood vessels are formed that supply brain cells with sufficient blood that is needed for their metabolism. In this way, HBOT is the potential candidate to alleviate the amyloid burden and vascular dysfunction in the elderly.


Website: https://oxyhelp.com/

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