
Plexins Software Discusses How a Business Can Use Shopify's Text Message Marketing For Extra Sales

  One thing that's been on the rise in recent years is the text message marketing. Text messages can be a great way to connect with your customers better than ever before. The problem with text message marketing is how expensive it can be - Shopify, on the other hand, has a solution for this!


Shopify is a powerful ecommerce platform that businesses can use to run their online stores. Plexins software was able to take advantage of the platform by setting up automated text message marketing campaigns. This allowed them to target customers who were likely to be interested in their products. By using Shopify’s text message marketing, Plexins was able to connect with new customers and increase sales significantly. By automating their marketing process, Plexins was also able to save time and money.

How Text Message Marketing Works

Plexins, a software that specializes in text message marketing, has released a guide explaining how businesses can use Shopify's text message marketing for extra sales. According to Plexins, using Shopify's built-in text message marketing capabilities can help businesses reach new customers more easily and increase their sales. Shopify's text message marketing allows businesses to send automated messages to their customers through the Shopify app. These messages can be customized based on the customer's previous purchases and preferences, which makes it easy for businesses to personalize their messages and drive more sales. Plexins' guide explains how businesses can set up their own text message marketing campaign with Shopify by following these steps:  
  1. Create a custom campaign in the Shopify app. This will allow you to customize your messaging and target your audience specifically.
  1. Set up automated sending rules so that your messages are sent at the right time and frequency for your business. This will ensure that your customers receive the right messages at the right time and have an increased chance of converting into buyers.
  1. Monitor your campaigns closely to see how they're performing and make necessary adjustments as needed. This will help you maximize your ROI from text message marketing on Shopify!

The Benefits of Using Shopify for Your Business

Shopify is a great platform for businesses because it provides a variety of features that can help with marketing and sales. Shopify's text message marketing allows businesses to send out text messages to their customers and track the results. This helps businesses to see which messages are working best and how they can improve their messaging. Additionally, this type of marketing allows businesses to keep track of customer preferences, which can lead to increased sales.

Case Study: A Local Business Uses Shopify to Increase Sales via Plexins Text Message Marketing

Shopify is a great platform for businesses to use text message marketing. With Shopify, businesses can create a custom store that allows them to send text messages to their customers directly from the store's menu. This allows businesses to target their customers with relevant messages and increase sales. Here's an example of how text message marketing works on Shopify: A business creates a custom store on Shopify. In this store, the business can add a "Text Message Marketing" menu item. When a customer clicks on this menu item, they are taken to a page where they can enter their phone number and sign up for a free trial of the business's SMS marketing service. Once the customer has signed up for the service, the business can start sending them text messages! One advantage of using Shopify for text message marketing is that it's easy to set up and manage. In addition, because text message marketing is mobile-based, it's perfect for reaching customers who are out and about!

Result: 35% Increase in Monthly Online Sales

Plexins a business marketing solutions provider, discusses how a business can use Shopify's text message marketing for extra sales. Plexins' research found that businesses with a monthly online sales increase of 35% used text message marketing to drive traffic to their store. Text message marketing is an effective way to reach customers on their own timetable and communicate important information about your products or services. By using text message marketing, businesses can create custom messages that are specific to their target market and delivered directly to their mobile phones. This allows customers easy access to information about your product or service without having to leave the comfort of their homes.